Sunday, November 02, 2008

Is that your final answer?

Nibbles McGee here...

In light of Joe's excellent posts on Obama's mysterious money issues, I will change my prediction about the Scandal to Rule Them All. I used to think it would be the Rezko mess for sure, now I think it'll be the campaign-contributions-that-weren't. Or something of that nature.

Anyone else want to share (or change) her guess?


Joseph Cannon said...

I think what I will call (for now) the "1981 Mystery" is the most interesting potential scandal. Perhaps it is not the most IMPORTANT issue. But the more I think about that trip to Pakistan, the more intriguing the whole affair seems.

Anonymous said...

I recall John Cole at Balloon Juice citing "scandal fatigue" as one reason he was supporting Obama over Hillary.

If Obama wins on Tuesday the next four years will make the constant scandal-rama of Clinton years seem like the good ole days.

But this time there will something to find.

Anonymous said...

William Ayers' Columbia address is what interests me. Where did he live during his years at Bank Street College and Teacher's College? We can be pretty sure Obama lived at 339 E. 94th St. for most, if not all, of his time in New York, 1981-85. If it can be proven that Ayers was more than "in the vicinity" at the same time, I think the whole Obama house of cards falls.

Anonymous said...

Whatever it is, it better come today.

Anonymous said...

Hard to say. I'm a pessimist. The Village (to use Anglachel's terminology) would have to turn on him. Right now, they're deeply invested and looking to create Camelot II.
Out of all the options currently on the table, the campaign money has the most potential - but probably not enough.
Foreign policy/military blunders are relatively likely given his hubris, and these could also cause The Village to turn.
A protracted worsening economic situation would also erode support (over time), increasing vulnerability to other scandals. That could also be amplified by the eventual disillusionment of supporters (narcissists generally decline in popularity with lengthy exposure - but the timescale needed is unclear in Obama's case, and there will probably be a post-inauguration honeymoon).

Anonymous said...

I agree that the $200 contribution issue will be big. And much bigger than Rezko or even everything else, including stealing the primary nomination. The man is a slime-ball crook worse than Nixon.

Bert in Ohio

Gary McGowan said...

There must be a better way to create history than scandal.

1581, "discredit caused by irreligious conduct," from M.Fr. scandale, from L.L. scandalum "cause for offense, stumbling block, temptation," from Gk. skandalon "stumbling block," originally "trap with a springing device," . . . sense of "shock by doing something improper" first recorded 1647. Scandal sheet "sensational newspaper" is from 1939.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll admit that I'm happy you're digging deeper into the Pakistan thing, Joseph, because the 1981 Mystery really jumped right off the screen at me when I first read about it. But I have a hard time believing that MSM would ever broadcast anything about it, mostly because 'splaining its significance (assuming there is any) to the average viewer would be a Herculean task. MSM coverage of any scandal is still essential for it to "take."

Anonymous said...

Joe has done an excellent job with his investigative journalism. Obama is as complex and obscure as those supporting him. The “mystery men” count involved with Obama is expected to grow many times what it currently is.

I’ve left many posts discussing the family’s involvement in a huge crime system with Local to Federal links that also expand beyond our shores. Although my comments are different than Sibel Edmonds and other Whistleblowers, they spell a similar story and also explain of bigger picture goals. Obama according to the family IS the Crime System’s Shining Star. They felt “he is the guy” who they can count on and have responded with moving him up as high and far as he can go. Rezko’s behavior seemed to be more like a Talent Scout back when he met Obama and offered him a job at the law firm which he didn’t take for three years. The law firm is also a connection point for the family. I wouldn’t be surprised if Obama had played a part in helping the family setup other business ventures, maybe even including their Florida air Distribution business of shipping in ton’s of Cocaine throughout the 90’s until they were caught in Mexico in September last year with 3.5 ton’s of cocaine. Having said this, remember the fine work done by Hopsicker with finding a fleet of more than 1oo planes used to traffic drugs and arms and rendition flights for the CIA. By the way, there’s a CIA link as bragged by the family and also reported with Clyde O’Connor’s involvement with the Rendition flights recently reported in the International news.

Normally what brings someone down is one issue out of many that were in play. Also, Fitzgerald recently mentioned regarding Burges Indictment a few weeks ago that there’s always a way. Plus Capone was brought down by tax evasion and not from what everyone knew he was doing. So the Indictments are what closes the door on someone and removes them from the criminal gray but doesn’t explain what has been happening all this time. Hence to me, speculating can drive anyone nuts especially in this area.

So what does this all mean?

The only point I can offer is what I was told by the family. The purpose of the huge drug system is to fund “Black Op’s” in support of another White House Coup. They talked about the last big attempt that failed back in 1933 and this time through planning, they felt they would succeed. Only this Coup isn’t about just the US as it has a much larger focus. I’ll mention that some of the ‘”Government People” the family linked with (according to the family) were part of some “Secret Societies” (Organizations). According to the family the different groups overlapped. No one has to believe me as I also mentioned many times about how the Coup would start. According to the family it was going to start once “Something big was going to happen”. I’ve written about this as well and mentioned how a collapse of our financial area was to cause what they call “The Change”. This is when everything changes over to be a dictatorship and the “Detention Camps” go into service. I personally was threatened about being thrown into one of the prisons if I’m found not to be with them.

I’ve mentioned many times that Obama is considered a Team member of this criminal group. If I was told about the White House Coup during the 90’s, I’m sure Obama also was told as well. He hung around all the right people who are involved. Auchi comes to mind as well as others.

So considering this may be their goal, a lot of what I talked about is already in place. Hopefully enough will surface so it will be stopped.

I personally don’t believe this current election will let many suspicious situations slide like in the past. Too much is known by the US population and those who are focusing on ending the criminal ilk. Before we had far too many slimy characters in Politics and there will also be some unfortunately. But there is a change happening that taints those who are involved in questionable behavior.

Having said the above and sorry to mention the family again, but they play an important central role in defining the corruption, especially around Chicago. Laundering criminal money straight into property and hob-knobbing around with the CIA mixed with big time drug people and huge shipments (Chicago gets a $100 Million shipment per week) explains that whatever they talk about means something. This is especially when a lot of it has already happened.

Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL