Friday, November 21, 2008


The New York Times says that Hillary is going to go SOS on us.

I popped over to Cheetoland to catch their reaction, but they have not yet put out an orange alert. However, I did catch this front-paged piece by one of the main Kos writers, which castigates "the media" (a term which apparently does not include Daily Kos) for a number of sins, primarily this one:
1. Unhealthy obsession with the Clintons.

When you don't know what to write about, write about Hillary. If that doesn't work, write about Bill. And if all else fails, write about how Bill affects Hillary. But enough about the Clintons. What do you think about the Clintons?

I think she'd make a terrific Secretary of State, but I'm getting tired of the ink wasted on whether she will or won't. The public really doesn't care, and wants to get on with it. But fact-checking and learning about the issues (this is your chance to study up, reporters) is hard, and it's so much easier to talk about the Clintons.
We are told that the dreaded MSM is at fault on that score. Not Kos.

In fact, the unhealthiest Clinton obsessives were on DK during the primaries. Even after the primaries, that site routinely printed all kinds of weird crap.

Speaking about fact-checking and unhealthy obsessions...

What about the time Kos writer Tocque DeVille spread a completely false story that Hillary -- not Obama's adviser Austan Goolsbee -- gave the Canadian government back-channel assurances that the candidate's public anti-NAFTA stand amounted to "just words"? I fully discuss Obama's lies and the anti-Clinton smears here.

The matter is not a small one. Flagrantly lying NAFTA during the primaries secured the nomination for Barack Obama. If he had not lied, and if the Kossacks had not protected him with a bodyguard of further lies, Hillary Clinton would be the president-elect today.

If you want to say I'm obsessed about that miscarriage of justice, go ahead. I believe that it is "unhealthy" to forget a thing like that.

By the way -- while I have yet to find a post by DemFromCT which directly fed into the "Clintons as racist" meme, it is nevertheless the case that Daily Kos pushed that lie incessantly. Obsessively, if you will. Moulitsas never apologized for the damnable lie that Clinton had darkened a videotape of Barack Obama. And he never apologized for any of his other lies.

Time to forgive? No. I think it that it is wrong in principle to forgive anyone who does not ask for forgiveness. Reconciliation occurs after the transgressor loses face.

If DemFrom CT can justify an association with that unconscionable, ghastly cyber-rag, then his/her powers of rationalization far exceed mine.


Anonymous said...

Joseph I'm right with you on not forgetting things that were wrong just because the big Zero won. it does not make him or his methods right or legitimate.

I really hoped Hill would say no but she's her own person and shewill do what's best for the country. I will feel a bit safer with her input though.


NYSmike said...

Yeah, the HuffBO crowd appears to be turning on each other over the possibility that Clinton may become SoS. I love it! Some are committing blasphemy by questioning Obama's JUDGEMENT! Hah!

Anonymous said...

"Some are committing blasphemy by questioning Obama's JUDGEMENT! Hah!"

There's a difference between questioning someone's judgment on an issue and smearing that person like Obama haters do all the time. It's the Obama haters who pretend that all the Obama supporters are brainwashed and see him as the Messiah. Most NORMAL people only saw him as a better alternative than McCain and the Republicans. I predict that most "progressives" will end up having a healthy love/hate relationship with Obama, like we had with Clinton.

Anonymous said...

It was Kos who made up the "Hillary darkened Obama's image in the commercial - and what's the subliminal message on those kids pajamas?"

Anonymous said...

I'm still wondering, how could Obama win without the support of the millions and billions of PUMA !

Anonymous said...

"It's the Obama haters who pretend that all the Obama supporters are brainwashed and see him as the Messiah."

Well, gee, I wonder where we would get an idea like that? People fainting during his speeches, maybe? The constant comparisons to MLK, RFK, JFK and Lincoln? The children being taught to sing "Obama Obama" like a religious chant while their parents looked on and applauded? The petty, virulent attacks they launch on anyone who DARES to criticize anything Obama does?

No, not "brainwashed" at all. Perfectly "NORMAL" behavior.
