Monday, October 20, 2008

She MADE him lie to the UN Security Council

Lefties -- who not long ago pilloried anyone who voted for the authorization of military force -- are orgasmic over Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama. After all, the war was hardly Powell's fault. It was Hillary's.

(As I've said before: You can't accuse progs of lacking standards. Double standards.)


Last Lemming said...


Joseph Cannon said...

Oh, hell. Do I have to mark EVERY facetious statement, however obvious, as a joke?

No, Hillary did not make Colin Powell lie to the UN Security Counsel. I made that up.

Anonymous said...

All of the blogs that I belonged to at their very conception (but no longer even peak at) - DailyKos, TPM & AmericaBlog - have (rightly) hated Powell for years for the BS he spewed at the UN Security Council.

Now that he (oh-so-shockingly - NOT) supports The Precious, he's A-OK. Hillary is still The Devil for using that same testimony to vote for the war, but Colin, he's a cool cat now. Talk about a huge betrayal of all your principles, Dems. Oh well!

It's just amazing how I ever associated with that hypocritical bunch of f*cktards

Anonymous said...

Good thing Joe "The 6-time Senator" Biden didn't vote for the AUMF like Hillary did.



Perry Logan said...

The weakness of the progressive mind--not to mention progressive ethical standards--became evident when they started spewing old right-wing smears about the Clintons during the primaries.

This leads to the disheartening conclusion that progressives never questioned those smears in the first place.

No one hates Democrats more than progressives. They evidently swallowed all the crap the Right dished out throughout the 90s, never doubting it for a moment--never lifting a finger to check out any of it. And they didn't hesitate to use those lies to hurt a fellow Democrat and steal the primary.

So now my party is being run by misogynists who hate Democrats. We shouldn't be surprised that they're dancing cheek-to-cheek with Gen. Powell.

Anonymous said...

perry logan - No one hates Democrats more than progressives.

And they are the ones running the Democratic Party now.

I swear if David Duke endorsed Obama, the progs would be over the moon and braying about what an enlightened person he was.


alexei said...

Don't you know? Powell was fooled into lying because he was mislead by the Bush Administration. Oh wait, he was part of that Administration.

sarainitaly said...

You basically said exactly what I did, but in fewer words.

powell endorses obama, and supporters pee their pants with glee

Anonymous said...

Yesterday after reading an article about Powell endorsement of Obama in the Spanish newspaper 'El Pais' I wrote a comment. Here is the translation: "It could be amusing that after Powell was one of the Iraq war architects, Obama who says he was against the war accepts his endorsement." One day later I see it with even more cynicism.

Anonymous said...

Powell endorsed Dole over Clinton in 1996, Bush over Gore in 2000 and allowed the absolute slander of Kerry's record of service in 2004 without saying a word. He didn't mind the band-aids with purple being distributed at the GOP convention. In 2000, he went on the road for Bush claiming that Clinton had decimated our nation's military might. How could anyone with an IQ righteously come to the decision that Bush would make a better president than Gore? He knew both of 'em. The whole thing is ridiculous.

His judgement is shit and is likely based on what his endorsement can get him. As hard as it is for me to believe, the endorsement likely indicates that McCain has less interest in continuing the policies of this president than Obama does.

What do you think they'll do when Kissinger finally gives up and smooches Obama? heh.

You know it's coming.

Katherine said...

I vividly remember someone posting a thread on a "progressive" blog that was my former home. The post was picture after picture of exploded Iraqi bodies, including children. The title was something like "this is you support if you support Hillary." I hadn't been driven into the Clinton camp at that point yet, but I thought it was exactly the kind of bullying and intimidating tactic that was the Obama foot soldier trademark.

This, from the same camp who has embraced Kerry, Biden, and now, the absolute bottom of the barrel, Powell.

The most benign thing I can call this is hypocrisy.

Unknown said...

I'm reading the article ( that claims Obama uses mass hypnosis. That agonizingly slow speaking style wears out the conscious, critical mind as the subconscious mind seeks meaning and supplies it from the listener's store of associations. Then an attack on O is felt as an attack on his supporter, because the supporter is personally, emotionally invested.

The Fabulous Kitty Glendower said...

The Obama Voting Left: Thy name is Opportunistic Hypocrisy