Saturday, October 11, 2008

Is it too early to ask this question...?

To Larry Johnson, proprietor of No Quarter -- a man who once called yours truly "a clown" (even though I was right about the birth certificate business):

Larry, where's the damned "Whitey" tape? You said it would pop up right around NOW.

I don't think Larry made up the story. I do note, though, that he has legs, which some unknown party or parties might well have considered particularly yankable. In the past, I've suggested that whoever did his CIA psychological assessment wrote "BORN SUCKER" on the front page of his file.


Last Lemming said...

An interesting comment from the blog on ABC--I can't seem to find the name now but it was by a reporter that seemed smarter than the average bear. He quoted from the e-mails that were leaked from the Hillary campaign. There it is, Jack Tapper is the reporter--Mark Penn is the adviser. Mark Penn at one point suggested throwing everything at Obama, "we should even release the tapes. . ."

Tappers only comment was: "what tapes?"

There is so much dirt on Obama, so much, that I think McCain should wonder where to begin. What about the lost years in New York? Ask Obama to release his transcripts. What about that trip to Pakistan. . ."my Islamic faith". . .Reverend Wright for Christ sakes. Obama's potential indictment for the board games. His multinational citizenship? So much stuff and yet the man who ran McCain's primary campaign said he would not run McCain's general campaign if Obama won the Democratic nomination. And, true to his word, he quit shortly after Obama clinched it. There was something about Obama that made this guy in no way interested in continuing on to the general election. nobody wants to be the one to lay a glove on him. Yet the high profile vice presidential possibles treated him like toxic waste.

There's a deeper game afoot here than is readily apparent. Remember the run up to 2004. We were beat on the head with Bush's lying surrogates at every turn. it was naked aggression. (Bush still lost big time--but that's another story.) This year--who is out there fighting for McCain? Where is that naked aggression? It's all coming from Obama's camp. This leads me to suspect that-having trashed the Republican party-the powers that be have jumped ship--Obama is actually the Republican nominee.

Another note is that Obama is deeply UNpopular. Look at those last races with Clinton--in fact they had to cheat to get him the nomination. He may score a crushing victory at the polls but I tremble at his presidency. He's not smart enough to actually govern and when things start going from bad to worse we are going to see a kind of revulsion coming from an electorate who has gotten abysmally tired of being told what to think or do.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling the republicans are jumping ship for some reason. Either they know something the democrats don't know, or may be Obama is really their guy. I don't see any of the republicans out there fighting for Macain, instead I see democrats applying all the dirty tricks of Roves

Anonymous said...

Last Lemming, interesting thoughts.

I think what's really going on with Obama's campaign is...similar to what you posted, but...well, I think it's actually both slightly less horrifying and far, far more shocking, dirty and disgusting.

Here are three questions about Barack Obama's candidacy that have never been answered to my satisfaction, even here.

1) Why doesn't he have a platform? (And no, haters, I don't buy that what's on his website constitutes a platform.) Why doesn't he have any kind of a demonstrable plan for how he will run the nation he expects to be in charge of after 1/20/09?

2) Why have none of the "rumored" scandals or controversies (especially the bizarre incident in which Reverend Jackson said he hated him on camera) taken hold in the mainstream media and/or ended Obama's campaign?

3) Why would a man with a potential scandal as significant as the Rezko thing hanging over his head even think about running for president to begin with?

The answer to any or all of those questions point to the "game-within-the-game" you allude to. But I don't think that answer is Barack Obama = Republican/Neo-Con. (And no, haters, I also don't think the answer is Barack Obama = Islamic "Radical" or Barack Obama = Socialist.) To tell you the truth, I think I would actually prefer that explanation.

OTE admin said...

You hit it on the head, people. There was something about him that wasn't right, that didn't ring true, from the get-go.

There are two explanations as to why Obama has been deliberately been unvetted and why the GOP won't go after him with all they've got. One is he is a ringer for the GOP, wittingly or not, to keep Democrats from picking a far more electable candidate. Two is the GOP is deliberately throwing the election to saddle the economic mess on the Democrats.

One of the two and probably both explain it.

Perry Logan said...

I'm forced to conclude there was never that much "dirt" on Obama, and that the Republican quiver is empty of arrows.

Meanwhile, the Repubs are busily suppressing the Democratic vote, suggesting Obama is not their guy.

Also despite appearances, McCain seems to be giving it all he's got. His ads have gone 100% negative, and Media Matters reports that, despite contrary impressions, the press maintains its emphatic pro-Republican bias. The MSM have been reporting on Ayers up the wazzoo, while largely ignoring McCain's own link to another unrepentant terrorist, G. Gordon Liddy.

The comment by "Other" regarding Obama's lack of a platform is telling. I get no progressive vibe whatsoever from Obama. If we get anything of what we need from him, it will be a big surprise.

Last Lemming said...

Just to clarify. . .I don't know why no one has laid a glove on this guy. I agree, it's not just that he is the actual Republican nominee.

This may be completely off topic: I always wondered why they FIRED Rove. Yup, nobody used that word but he was fired. Given two weeks to leave--no new position given as a fig leaf. Just gone. I read a bizarre little piece in the Washington Post about his not even given a fairwell party. On the morning he left someone brought in a cake and some trinkets as gifts. Rove was "moved to tears" at this impromptu farewell.

Just weird. Sometimes I feel that we only see shadows, we never ever get close to the real show.

Erick L. said...

I don't know if there's any smoking gun video or scandal-in-waiting on tap for Obama. If there is anything, I'd expect it to be released the day before the last debate, or the day before Obama's half-hour prime time TV program.

One way or another, I expect that we'll find out this week.

Anonymous said...

Okay, not cool that Larry called you a clown, but consider this. NoQuarter kind of throws EVERYTHING out there in regard Obama and then others often ferret out the good stuff and throw away the bad. I come to your site Joseph to find out what you have to say. I love your original, detailed historically relevant pieces, but I also come here to find out if you've gathered any nuggets of gold from other sites and then expanded on them, or, torn them to shreds.

I thought Obama was a light weight and wondered FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, why the heck is this guy running for POTUS. I could only come up with an initial theory, long before he "won" the nomination, that he was getting his name recognition this time for a later more serious run or possibly getting in line for VP. Little did I know, but had a good hunch something wasn't right. So I end up at your site and many others to try and figure it out. Some of them don't have the same rigorous intellectual and investigatory skills that you do, but they do serve a purpose. NoQuarter may not be as rigorous as you, but they aren't fire breathing conspiracy therorists either.

Having said all that, I have a question. What's with all the Phillip Berg stuff? Hillbuzz just posted a 10 minute video by somebody called Illuminati Films (I know, I know, that should be a clue that they are full of it - but are they?)

Joseph Cannon said...

Kitty, I'll have more about Larry soon. I think. At the moment, it's out of my hands. Sorry to be cryptic.

Anonymous said...

Hello all, and let me say first of all that Joe's blog has taken second place only to The Confluence in my PUMA pantheon.
In slightly over a year I've gone from loving Obama (hey, I'm from Illinois, and besides he was one of my man Wes's recommendations in 2004) to accepting him as a viable alternative to Hillary (Wes's 2008 rec) to hating his living guts, and finally, now, to fearing him as well.
And I take pride in being one of the first to peg him as the Trojan horse he surely is. This was on Larry's blog at least six months ago, after I'd finally got around to reading the Chicago papers' coverage of the Rezko affair. It was clear to me that anyone that dirty--it was the Obama constituents freezing in Rezko slums that did it--could not possibly be anything but a RW Trojan horse.
I posted my conclusions on NQ and waited for the jeers (NQ comments were saner in those days) but to my astonished gratification, several knowledgeable and articulate people agreed with me.
And these days, to my horriified gratification, I seem to be in the majority.
Damn. Just...damn.