Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Is it over already?

Is the election over already?

I had called it for McCain even before I turned against Obi, but perhaps I was wrong. Still, you have to admit that it took a hell of a lot to put the Dem in the front-runner position. McCain looked like a reasonably sure winner until the economic semi-catastrophe began. If the alarm bells had gone off a month later...who knows?

But with an unpopular Republican administration in office during a time of unending and pointless war, high gas prices and an economic tailspin, I don't see how any GOP-er could hope to fare well in this election. I'm surprised that McCain is doing as well as he is.

Nothing shall reconcile me to Obama. The fanaticism of his followers has awakened me to the dangers of political cultism in America. His lies remain as abundant as they are unacknowledged. And the knee-jerk cries of "racism!" -- heard every time someone suggests that the Lightbringer might not be the best choice -- continue to keep me staunchly in the anti-O camp. That's a cheap hustler's trick, and eventually it will alienate the citizenry as it has alienated me.

Even so, I can reconcile myself to an Obama win, for the simple reason that I hope that we may find some way to transform it into a Biden presidency. What, I wonder, would be the reaction if Obama were named in an indictment between the election and the inauguration? Now that would be droll...! Biden remains, in my unpopular view, the one tolerable aspect of the Democratic ticket this election season. (Sorry, Jen!)

Ah -- but what if Obi wins and what if there is, once again, no Fitzmas? What then?

Well, I think the progs will sour on Obama very quickly. Right now, most figures in the major media have followed one simple directive from On High: PUSH OBAMA. Very soon after he takes the vow, however, the man who dissed Bill Clinton will learn what it is like to be Bill Clinton. The "bringer of light" will be on the receiving end of nonstop smears and scandal stories. The media will swivel on a dime: The motto PUSH OBAMA will turn into PUSH OBAMA OUT OF OFFICE. Worse, in Obi's case, some of those scandals-n-smears will actually have a factual basis.

If the economy does not turn in a favorable direction -- and soon -- a President Obama will quickly become one of the most hated human beings in history.

Once the media gives the cue, the same Obots who now gush for the candidate will snarl at the Savior From Chicago. "Independent thinkers" are usually anything but, and I suspect that within many a pro-Obama fanatic, an anti-Obama fanatic longs to get out. (Many of these fanatics, I suspect, were pro-Dubya fanatics a few years ago: Ideology is mutable, but zeal is a psychological constant.) When the mob turns against Obi, I might start to feel sorry for the guy. Hell, I might even scribble a few posts in his defense.

As a brilliant writer told me when I was a lad: "When they give you ruled paper, write the other way."

If the thought of writing the other way never occurred to you, you'll never get me.


RedDragon said...

It seems as though McCain has a huge mountain to climb if he is to topple Obama. The mood of the country and the economic mess we are in does not favor the republicans this year.

i am by no means a fan of anything Republican but I can not vote for Obama knowing what I do about him.

Maybe McCain can pull a rabbit out of his hat...Maybe Rezco will drop a BOMB on Obama as we now know he is singing like a Bee-atch to save his ass! Who knows. Stranger things have happened but I am seriously doubting it today.

You are right when you say that the Kool-Aid will wear off. These "Children" have no loyalties to the party and they will go where the cash is! That will be in attacking Obama when the shine wears off.

Hope you are feeling better brother...

Anonymous said...

I'm still holding to the prediction I made last year.
1. That Obama more likely than not will win the Presidency.
2. That it will take years for the true nature of an Obama Presidency to become apparent to most people (e.g. as with Putin). In the interim, the media will continue to tout him (as the New Camelot).

Viva the Imperial Presidency!

But then again, the U.S. Presidency will never be enough for Obama.

At times, when Obama has slumped in the polls (e.g. after the GOP convention), I began thinking that it was possible that he could lose. But, probably, no such luck.

Hope I'm wrong.

Anonymous said...

Is it too much to hope that a fist fight breaks out tonight on that town hall stage?? I'd love to see them both loose their cool.

But this was a great post, and has allayed my fears that Cannonfire was going to turn into a 'bash obama' site for the next 4 years.... glad you know you won't have to, and that you would hate to be on the same side as DUI/ kosandhuff once they switch!

The progs are like a toenail fungus, and right now they have enveloped the 'bama. And yes they will get disillusioned with him and sometime in early 09 will return to Libertarvania, Naderville or Anarchistan, and then you Joe will have to beat Donna Brazille and other hijackers of the Donkey off your damn lawn! They are a toenail fungus and while it sometimes seems like the easiest thing would be to rip the damn toenail off-- don't do it!

Come on fellas (and womenfolk)! Vote Green! Make sure your pissed off-ness can be heard. You're not going to vote for Barry, cool. But you don't want 4 more years of fundamentalist christian supreme court appointments, do you? Don't give McSame your protest vote.

If you don't want to even fathom the chance that Palin could be POTUS (mean to her preggo and Oxycontin kids aside, she is vile and her views are reprehensible not to mention frightening), then vote McKinney or Nader. Cynthia is cooler than Sarah (and proves you ain't no racist!) The enemy of your enemy is NOT your friend.

Too bad you don't vote with paper ballots and a pen like we do up in Canada-- when I see nothing positive coming from my vote i write a huge FUCK YOU on it (it gets counted as a spoiled, but still gets counted). We had a referendum for sedition and I wrote a =) under "yes i want to separate from Canada" and a =( in the box for "no i do not want to separate" i doubt you can do that with Diebold. But please, do something with your vote other than empower a woman who is dumber than the average "hockey mom or joe6pack" who prays for wars to be in god's plan, and who thinks if the creepy uncle impregnates your daughter, she should really consider the sacred life in her belly and just deal with it (for Jesus) for the next 9 months.

You don't even JOKE about burning books in my book.

And you, my American cousins, do not need to dig yourselves further into the hole. Zbignew Brzezinski, Liebman and Austin Goolsby are not my cuppa (now David and Christina Romer, they're kinda cool), But do you really think Phil freaking Gramm is what you need to get out of these messes (Gramm-Leach-Bliley, Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 i.e. the ENRON loophole and producer of the 1975 porn "White House Madness")??

And talk about libertarians, if it weren't for Nancy Pfotenhauer there's be no CEI and (then my nemesis Bureaucrash.net wouldn't be there neither)

Alls I'm sayin- is that the left might be stinking right now. Almost as bad as the stench on the right, but almost does count sometimes aside from horseshoes and hand grenades, and next month's vote has got to be one of them.

Please find better ways to protest than McSame and Pain. Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente seem like a great place to lodge your disgust. It would be amazing if they got even 1/4 of the PUMA vote. Please, I'm begging, do the right thing folks!

Anonymous said...

OT, but maybe something good might come out of an Obama presidency. His senate seat would be open and Lisa Madigan might run for it. She isn't perfect and comes with her own baggage from her dad, but she might be better than BO. Just before he voted for that awful class action bill, Madigan was one of 14 state attorneys general who "filed a letter with the Senate and House, pleading to stop the passage of this cor­porate giveaway."


And she filed suit against Countrywide in June for engaging "in unfair and deceptive conduct on a large scale in creating, originating, marketing and servicing unnecessarily risky and costly mortgage loans for Illinois homeowners."


Bank of America, which now owns Countrywide, agreed to a settlement:

"Facing a lawsuit over deceptive mortgage practices, a Bank of America Corp. subsidiary has agreed to modify tens of thousands of loans to keep people in 11 states from losing their homes, the Illinois attorney general's office said Sunday."

Plus, she's a woman and that might actually help her after what was done to Hillary and now Palin.

There is nothing that would ever make me feel sorry for Obama.

old dem

Perry Logan said...

Let's face it, the Republican mojo is as limp as a winger's d*ck. :(

But what a delicious irony. The Republicans spent the years 2000-2006 conferring dictatorial powers on The Worst President Ever™ and trying to mold the United States into a one-party state...and now the Democrats have completely turned the tables on them.

With Obama, we will have a Democratic President with--thanks to the Republicans--virtually unfettered dictatorial powers, and a strongly Democratic Congress to back him up. The rotten-as-a-fish Democrats will take over from the rotten-as-a-whale Repubs.

I would further speculate that the Obama contingent will get to work on rigging the American electoral system, to make damn sure there isn't a Republican President for the next 50+ years.

Saying this to Republicans makes them pee their pants, by the way.

OTE admin said...

The EC math simply isn't there for an Obama win, like it or not. He won't win Virginia, he won't win Florida, he won't win Nevada, and I doubt he will win Ohio.

Don't be too sure Obama will pull it off. And if he did, it would NOT be a victory for Democrats; he will be saddled with a mess in which he hasn't the intellect to deal with. If Obama wins, it will be because the GOP has deliberately thrown the election.

Anonymous said...

Obama is the US version of Tony Blair and his presidency will be as imperial as George's.
Don't expect the former democratic checks and balances to be restored, as this isn't part of the agenda of both parties.

Anonymous said...

You can't count on a criminal indictment coming from Fitzpatrick during the election process, especially since (1) the Electoral College may not have met yet and (2) the Constitution's succession language doesn't apply to Obama and Biden prior to an inauguration.

Speaking of indictments, did you catch Naomi Klein speaking the other day at U of Chicago? She indicted Obama as being a Friedmanite Disaster Capitalist. More (or less) important, she proved that she's the only person who speaking English who explains how money works. Plus, she's better at that and the politics of money than Carl Sagan was about 'science'; and she speaks of trillions. The tuition is free for her 50-minute (brilliant) lecture, c/o Amy Goodman's democracynow.com

It's only October. McCain and Palin have taken to calling Obama by his three names. They can hang the subprime mortgage 'history' around Barry's neck. Before this week is out, the polls are going to reflect the reality that these legislated trillion-dollar levees (to banks, insurance companies, GM, CA, MA, etc.) will have turned Obama's promises about jobs, education, health care, tax relief, etc. into fairy tales.


Anonymous said...

Where are all the millions and millions of PUMAs you were talking about Joseph ?!? Since the evil obots didn't repent and ask for your forgiveness, I don't understand how can Obama still be leading. It doesn't make sense... Like you said, they wanted to loose by not begging for your pardon and they are still wining ?!?

Maybe it's a conspiracy of all the polling companies, they are all managed by misogynist who refuse to count the PUMAs !! It wouldn't surprise me, since the PUMAs are always the victims of something anyway.

RedDragon said...


Are you really that stupid or did you have to work on it?
Do you actually BELIEVE anything these polling company's do and say?
Traditionally they have given the Democratic Party anywhere between a 4 to 8 percent..GIMME..in their polling.

I do know from doing some polling work myself...

Many tims when people tell you what the Polling company does not want to hear..they scrub the call.
In other words...They do not, depending on who is paying for the poll..record all the yea or nea responses.
I saw this first hand and you had better believe these folks still do it today!

Anonymous said...

I have only one vote, together with close family we have seventeen.

All seventeen have previously been unquestionably Democratic.

Not this year! Instead, all seventeen will be top-of-the-ticket Republican, for John McCain.

If my calculations are reasonable, our seventeen votes theoretically amount to 34 votes against Obama. Seventeen he should have had plus seventeen for McCain.

Down ticket will still be primarily Dem., if not all Dem.

I have in no way given up on McCain winning this thing, it is not final until Nov.4, despite any and all polls.

We will merely cast our ballots for McCain, hope that many other disenfranchised, no longer wanted old-line Dems will do the same, and live with the outcome, whatever it may be.

Anonymous said...

The outcome will be just so peachy, Justa... How great it will be to give McCaine Palin all the power Rove + W crafted behind the scenes... How great it will be to further alienate the rest of the world against you. And how great will you feel once your rights have been further stripped away and once the whole land is an Indian Casino? How great will it be when you bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran?

Is 17 not enough?? put your 17 into the Green Party. People will know you left obama, but as a lifelong Dem, were there no values that you upheld? You can hate him all you want, but Obama will not be worse than McCaine.

And thank god that for now, most people do not think like you and whatever stranglehold you have on your entire family's votes.

Anonymous said...

I let the above comment through to illustrate a point. Most of you sane readers can probably tell what it is.