Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Against Ifill

Gwen Ifil, who will have an adoring book about Obama in the bookstores on inauguration day, will moderate the next debate. If you prefer someone truly objective, call these numbers NOW NOW NOW:

PBS Ombudsman, Michael Getler: 703-739-5290
Washington Week with Gwen Ifill: 703-998-2600

If you prefer email:


Anonymous said...

Second phone number appears to be wrong.

Test Blog said...

I left a message with the ombudsman, and also wrote to the the debate organizers at

Apparently Gwen Ifill did NOT disclose her book project to the debate organizers or to the McCain campaign when moderaters were being selected.

Ms. Ifill should recuse herself for her conflict of interest and non-disclosure.

Anonymous said...

I don't think 'truly objective' is a high enough standard, and you'd have to find someone who was revived from a 30-year coma. You want someone with superior wisdom, judgment, patience, restraint, and grace; that would be Anita Hill.
