Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Who are they kidding?

Josh Marshall calls the Palin pick a "train wreck." The progs have spread the rumor that McCain wants to reconsider his choice. Fact: Palin is more popular than Biden. Who is kidding whom?

Why I'm sorry I ever listened to Air America (by way of Corrente):
The great feminist Stephanie Miller just heard that Sarah Palin plays the flute.

“So,” she wittily rejoined, “she’s good with her mouth.” Her male cohost returned to the riff after speculating about her speaking in tongues.
Steph, I respect the average streetwalker one hell of a lot more than I now respect you.


OTE admin said...

If I had been there, I would have said, "I hear Larry Sinclair is good at it, too."

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that the liberal, inclusive party I supported all these years has turned into a vicious, hate-filled outfit populated by smug, irritating ASSHOLES. There's no nice way to say it, that's what many of them are--this "Anything To Win" attitude--to include lies, slander and nasty, underhanded tactics is something I just can't get behind.

I'm not thrilled with the McCain-Palin ticket, but it seems now to be a better option than the (D) ticket. This will be my first time in over thirty years voting that I vote for someone other than a Democrat. I used to be pretty damned loyal. I'm sickened, though, by the BS I've seen from the partisans on what used to be "my" side.

This sexist shit, particularly, does NOT float. It's the straw that broke this fat old camel's back.

I will continue to vote downticket for Democrats; the Supreme Court "advise and consent" role of the Senate is just too important. And I'd rather have Charles Rangel handling the money end of things than anyone in the legislature from the GOP. Also, I'd rather see the genuine tension (and resultant compromise) between a Democratic legislature and a GOP Executive than a rubberstamp "show" Congress.

We saw rubberstamping under Bush; it was ugly. We don't want to do it again--for either candidate.

Anonymous said...

What a goddamned mess.

Makes me glad I have the opportunity to take The Prozac.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so anyone can be POTUS, fair enough, and trust the electorate. But do you think we're ready for a white POTUS and VPOTUS who are that white? The fuck do you care, you'll play your Wagner loud.


lori said...


What we're not ready for is the extraordinary level of misogyny dished out by the Obots and their leaders. Misogyny is as deadly as racism, and no one is advancing racism.

hating women, as Obama and his supporters do, is not acceptable.

Anonymous said...

The Syriana's Razor explanation makes sense: she got the natural gas pipeline started over the objections of Big Oil. Sid Blumenthal said a vast, right-wing conspiracy selected Palin. (To read Sid's version you'd think they sent anonymous reps to an auction. And how did Sid uncover it? He gleaned it from a comment online.) I've been following the stuff via Wonkette and here. Well, it helps to know your Hawthorne, Kafka, Philip Roth, and Jerry Springer (also a city mayor, and don't forget that he got tripped up when he paid his hooker fees). They tricked her, like the gods tricked Oedipus.


Unknown said...

Leah Daughtry, Howard Dean's chief of staff, does speak in tongues (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/20/magazine/20minister-t.html?_r=2&sq=interfaith%20gathering%20DNC&st=cse&scp=1&pagewanted=print&oref=slogin). Okay, that's an unfounded generalization; the writer doesn't say specifically that she speaks in tongues, just that her congregation "push aside folding tables and set up folding chairs, and all begin to sing and dance, to stagger and sob and 'shabach, to cry out loudly to the Lord,' as one congregant described it, and often to be overwhelmed by the Holy Ghost, so that soon the voices are not producing words in any known language."

Anonymous said...

Words not used in any known language = gibberish.

John said...

"(The Dominion Post in Morgantown (WV)(KRT) Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) Sep. 2--Two The Dominion Post Web site polls show that some citizens may feel favorably about both Sen. Barack Obama's and Sen. John McCain's running mates.

Out of 163 voters, 55 percent said Gov. Sarah Palin is a good choice, 21 percent said the matter is insignificant to them and 23 percent said they wished McCain had picked someone else.

More voters responded to The Dominion Post Internet poll about Sen. Joe Biden for vice president, and the results were mixed..."

More meaningless polls. Intellectual honesty be damned?

Joe, I'm very worried about you.


Anonymous said...

With that comment, Stephanie Miller is no longer a feminist or great.

What? Women are only entitled to think for themselves if they think like you?

Gov. Palin is someone with whom I would have many, many disagreements, but I respect her right to make her own decisions for her life. On religion, on family, on politics. All feminists should do the same.


Anonymous said...

Stephanie Miller has never been with Air America Radio. Like Ed Schultz, she is with Jones Radio. Left-wing radio does not play just strait AAR, but also chooses other programming from the left.

And perhaps you hadn't noticed, but
Stephanie's "shtick" is that of a
"drunken floozie."

Sheesh! Lighten up a little. I know it's been a rough several months but we need to remember how to laugh. Or maybe you could borrow
some of those prozac.


Anonymous said...

"hating women, as Obama and his supporters do, is not acceptable."

I don't hate women even if I support Obama. I would have supported Hillary if she was the candidate.

Please tell me how Obama is hating women, do you have anything specific ?? Why is it ok to label Obama and all his supporters as evil woman hating misogynist and every attack against Palin as sexist, while you freak out if we dare to utter the word "racist" when it applies.

I wonder if Hillary supporters would be defending Palin like this if Hillary was the Presidential candidate.

Anonymous said...

Another quote out of context... they were making fun of the way McCain could not take his eyes out of Palin's ass while she spoke and how he kept playing with his wedding ring. That joke was more toward McCain's intentions in choosing her than the poor Palin being an attractive woman. Miller was not attacking Palin because she's an attractive woman. There's plenty of experienced Republican woman McCain could have chosen from.

And btw, Stephanie Miller doesn't work for Air America... she might be playing on an affiliate station, but she doesn't have any direct affiliation with Air America (you won't find her on their web site).

Joseph Cannon said...

"And perhaps you hadn't noticed, but
Stephanie's "shtick" is that of a
"drunken floozie.""

These words remind me of some others I've often heard:

"Aww, you can't take Rush seriously...he's just a comedian."

How many times have we heard THAT?

Anonymous said...

Joseph, it is true... Miller has always been serving dry sardonic commentary - this is nothing new.

And-I was suspect of you not delivering a link to the actual commentary. Just because someone else said she said it before you- you took their word on the context of her commentary. That's pure propaganda if you ask me. And I know you are better than that. What is up with you now?

As for your concerns of the level of hate out there, I too share your concerns, but I am not buying who is pushing the propaganda - cointel was mastered by the republicans. And they are damn good.
Anyway- it will please you to know that I (amongst others) got someone banned from a site for posting disrespectful images of Palin.

If you really have a problem with Daily Kos, try appealing to their humanity and decency rather than attacking them at all turns. If you talk to them respectfully, rather than attack them, they may respond in some manner that will be effective. If you really care about seeing the climate improved.

I never read Daily Kos, so it doesn't really matter to me...otherwise, I would do something about it.

As far as propaganda goes, I am pretty sick of Huffington Post, but the only way I challenge them is to bury all their posts on digg.

It probably won't work - but I did my part to suppress propaganda... ;-)