Monday, September 01, 2008

What the hell has happened to us?

Former Democratic National Chairman Don Fowler, having an elevated dialog with Congressman John Spratt:
“The hurricane is going to hit New Orleans about the time they start,” Fowler says while laughing. “The timing is, at least it appears now, it will be there Monday. That just demonstrates God is on our side.”
A week ago, leaders of Focus on the Family were praying -- praying! -- for torrential rains and floods to drown Denver during the Democratic Convention.

If I had a time machine capable of sending these words back 30 or 40 years, would anyone believe the report of what this country would become?


Anonymous said...

"Oh my name it is nothin'
My age it means less
The country I come from
Is called the Midwest
I's taught and brought up there
The laws to abide
And the land that I live in
Has God on its side."

....Bob Dylan would have believed you, Joe. Lenny Bruce too. And Saul Alinsky is crying in his grave

Anonymous said...


2Truthy said...

Oh Donnie (no wait, this is Don Sr.) -- Don has it backwards. You just KNOW the GOP will make creole out of Gustav...

Tearing a page out of their own playbook, The Grand Old Party is declaring Hurricane Gustav an ACT OF ALLAH.

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Hell hath no fury. Retaliation plans involve moving the delegates via an elite fleet of Gulfstream G650 private jets to the evil-doer caves of Afghanistan where they shall feign a relentless search for the darkest force in the universe, OSBL, who has been dead for years.

Cindy will join her other-half from her stealth Georgia humanitarian mission, supplying the Stolichnaya Gold. Former criminal Martha Stewart is rumored to be on hand to serve up a delightful, custom dish of her time honored “Don’t mess with this Shackled Bitch” menu consisting of appetizers, entrees,dessert and delicious insider stock tips.

Anonymous said...

Good question. Do you remember when George W Bush made a 'joke', pretending to look for "weapons of mass destruction" behind the desk in his office? He was laughing in the faces of any remaining people who believe that when a 'peace-loving' reason is given for invading a foreign country, it ought to be true.

I also recall Tony Blair's response to a reporter who asked whether Britain wasn't just obeying American orders. He gave a sneering laugh as he uttered the words, "It's worse than that", before 'explaining' that if the American authorities had been reluctant, he would have been on their backs, urging them to start the war.

It's that sneering laugh and the words that came out with it, that make me want to ask people, "What the f*** is wrong with you, putting up with all this sh**? Don't you notice the extreme contempt which these pols, your supposed representatives, hold the needs and lives of the vast majority of people? Don't you realise they serve no-one but their big business masters?"

I sometimes think of taking a time machine back to say 1918, and telling people that 90 years in the future, a huge part of the US and western economy would be accounted for by drugs, weapons, gambling, money-lending, the sex industry, and 'security'. Most of them would think the suggestion was crazy.

It's as if we're living in Meyer Lansky's wet dream! People like him got exactly the century they wanted.

Brian H said...

b UR a loon;
e.g.; Blair, like the majority of actual (not progressive anti-American revisionist) liberals, was always a human rights interventionist, willing to violate the Westphalian Sanctity of Sovereignty to save oppressed peoples. So, GWB was shocked enough by 9-11 to become Blair's Poodle. A damn good thing for Iraqis and the West he was, too.
Sorry 'bout that!