Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sarah Palin's speech

Josh Marshall called her a train wreck. After listening to her, I say that she's a guided missile -- headed directly at Obama. And at professional jackasses like Josh Marshall.

I don't agree with her on one major issue -- we need higher taxes to pay back the money we owe. But she did well.

And it was cute to see Chris'n'Keith at a loss for words.


OTE admin said...

She exceeded expectations. She was nervous at first, but she did okay. She didn't hit on any wedge issues and came across as likable.

Giuliani is the one who gave the convention the red meat and provided the wedge issues. I paid close attention to this speech, for it contained ALL of the talking points the GOP will use till November. This is will be a bloodbath. Obama doesn't have a prayer in hell of beating them. But then again, he isn't supposed to.

Marshall is an idiot, typical of the nutroots. He can't admit he's being played, not only by the GOP but also by the media with its over-the-top criticism of Sarah Palin, criticism which is DESIGNED, I contend, to create sympathy for her and give more votes to the McCain ticket. McCain, not Obama, is the media's true love.

Anonymous said...

Finally Joseph, the voice of reason...I couldn't agree with you more on the tax point. Where do "they" think this money comes from? Meanwhile, Waa Waa Waa...

Anonymous said...

This is a shallow, pointless observation, but—Trig Palin is super cute.

Just sayin'.

Twilight said...

Before I started really listening to Hillary Clinton (way back at the start of the primaries) I thought she reminded me of Margaret Thatcher - my worst nightmare - I lived through her reign in Britian. I was so very, very wrong.

Last night I saw a youthful, marginally more likeable, Margaret Thatcher in Sarah Palin.

Be very afraid, America !

Joseph Cannon said...

Jen, Trig is cute NOW. When I was young, my Mom had a friend raising a daughter with Down's syndrome. I'll date myself by revealing that, at the time, the child was called a Mongoloid. That word was used by pretty much everyone; nobody knew better.

Raising a kid like that is no easy task. I'm sure that the Palins know what they're in for, in the sense of being well-informed. But in another sense, they DON'T know -- because some things have to be experienced to be understood.

Anonymous said...

You've got to be kidding. She didn't do well. She was boring and mean. I can't imagine listening to that annoying voice. I am an ex-Alaskan, and we don't like her up ther either. She is a right wing-nut, way too far out there in Northern Lights zone. As far as Trig is concerned, I teach adults and kids with disabilities, and I think it is reprehensible for her to consider going off to Washington when she has a special needs child. This is difficult with two parents, much less with one. Selfish, selfish.

Joseph Cannon said...

I rarely let the trolls through, but i thought I would this time.

Sarah Palin is unpopular in Alaska? Bullshit. She has an approval rating that nears 90 percent.

If a male politician with a Down's syndrome child ran for high office, no-one would despise him for it.

Anonymous said...

For the official record, I wasn't trying to minimize the challenges of raising a kid with Down syndrome (nor do I mean to suggest that those challenges mean raising a child who must live with them isn't worthwhile). That was just my initial reaction to seeing him for the first time. And I'm damn sick of pro-eugenics assholes insulting the Palins and their baby.

Anonymous said...

Joseph, you disagree with her on just ONE major issue? I can't find one point of agreement with her positions.

Anonymous said...

One of Gov. Palin's sisters said she (the sister) has a 13 year old special needs child and that all the family has been involved and supportive. So I think she does know.

And how old are Senator Obama's kids? And joe Biden was widower with how many kids as a Senator? Gosh, why didn't he quit and live off insurance proceeds so he could become a full time father? And does not Senator McCain have children?

It is all getting so tiresome.

Joseph, thank you so much for your feminist comments -- very much appreciated.

Gov. Palin did not just give her crowd red meat -- it was prime rib. And McCain did well tonight (much better than I anticipated). Sadly, I think we Democrats are toast again. And it is the party's fault (and Senator Obama's). I am concentrating on important down ticket campaigns and just hope that if we lose helps us bring much needed change to our party.