Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Palin and the Markos Zombies

My favorite comment so far on Sarah Palin:
She’s not giving a speech tonight. Instead, she will gut a live moose using only her teeth. That should make everyone forget all those nasty little rumors.
The Markos Zombies are the subject of a piece by John Kass in the Chicago Tribune, headlined "Politics don't get dirtier than smearing pregnant girl":
Have American presidential politics become so hateful that a pregnant 17-year-old girl has to have the intimate details of her life exposed to the nation by character assassins?

Ask the left-wing Internet haters, the anonymous propagandists who call themselves bloggers on the Daily Kos.
"Sarah Palin is NOT The Mother" cried one Daily Kos blogger who goes by a screen name ArcXIX. "Attention! Read The Follow-Up too! BabyGate: Explosive New Details.
Hey, this is starting to sound like the kind of compilation I might have put together.
"Now, I've known liars all my life," the blogger wrote. "Their single core problem is not with themselves, but those around them. If they're never called out on their twisting of truths and fabrications, they simply continue to make larger lies. Well Sarah, I'm calling you a liar and not even a good one. Trig Paxson Van Palin is not your son. He is your grandson. The sooner you come forward with this revelation to the public, the better."

I don't know if Komodo dragons can type, but their mouths are so full of bacteria that if they bite your leg you'll likely die. This anonymous Komodo was probably in mommy's basement, perhaps with a bowl of Chex Mix and a Diet Coke nearby.
Kass then harkens back to the attacks back in 2000 on John McCain's daughter.
Who was the beneficiary?

George Bush.

So the crooked blade swings from the right and the left.
Many have said it before. Now the meme is mainstream: Kossacks are the new freepers.

By the way: I have seen, here and there, a few sneering remarks about the fact that Sarah Palin will read a pre-written speech off of a teleprompter. Apparently, she is the first person in the history of presidential politics to do so. Apparently, Barack Obama did not do so.

(I don't know what you may have heard, but Obama could not have written his own speech. This is the guy who needed a year to write a 25 page paper.)


Anonymous said...

Having read from TelePrompTers before, I can tell you, Obama's not very good at it. It burns my toast to hear people give him credit for being a great speaker when you can always tell he's reading something somebody else wrote. If he really wants the youth vote, he should promise them the use of the curve he's graded on.

OTE admin said...

I don't know why anybody makes a big deal out of the TelePrompTer. Nobody can memorize an entire speech, especially a major speech.

After all, Mario Cuomo had used one for his great, great speeches of 1984 and 1992. And he WROTE his speeches; it's obvious from listening to them they are his own words. Any claim of Obama being an orator on the level of the great Cuomo just makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

Hate to disillusion you all, but there was a time before teleprompters existed. People actually did memorize speeches and used notes (usually 3x5 or a similar size) cards to help jog their memory. Those were the days when you really heard great speeches. I guess what you are implying is that the people of today are not as sharp as those of yesteryear.

Somehow I can't shake the picture in my mind of Abraham Lincoln watching the teleprompter during the Gettysburg Address.

Brian H said...

Hell, in the 50s I memorized talks to present in class as long as these convention speeches. I didn't get to allow for long pauses for the cheering to die down, either!

The key is to know and agree with the flow of your own logic, and then the words stick to that central thread. (This is NOT similar to Muslims memorizing the Koran, often phonetically because they don't understand Arabic.)