Monday, September 29, 2008

The one thing

I read something on another blog that I'd like to adopt as a personal motto. To all those who wish to call me a racist simply because I won't vote for the Lightbringer: The color of his skin is the only aspect of the man that I do like.

Seriously. This country should have had an African American president ages ago.

I just won't vote for a candidate -- of any hue, of any party -- who lies all the time.

And I'm still asking people to make a try for the 50 bucks. (See yellow ad to your right.) I may end up giving the money to someone who can come up with two out of three. And if no-one does that -- as now seems quite possible -- well, I may just end up taking a lady out to dinner. Chinese. Maybe seafood...


Anonymous said...

I think it's very racist of you to insist on taking a Chinese lady out to dinner.

Anonymous said...

How Racism Works

What if John McCain were a former president of the Harvard Law Review?

What if Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his graduating

What if McCain were still married to the first woman he said "I do" to?

What if Obama were the candidate who left his first wife after she no longer measured up to his standards?

What if Michelle Obama were a wife who not only became addicted to pain
killers, but acquired them illegally through her charitable organization?

What if Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard?

What if Obama were a member of the "Keating 5"?

What if McCain was a charismatic, eloquent speaker?

If these questions reflected reality, do you really believe the election
numbers would be as close as they are? This is what racism does. It
covers up, rationalizes and minimizes positive qualities in one
candidate and emphasizes negative qualities in another when there is a
color difference.

Perry Logan said...

Will I still be a racist when I vote for Cynthia McKinney?

Christopher Corbell said...

I had a similar discussion with my wife just last night - we both think Obama's a terrible candidate in terms of ethics, experience, and even just personal qualities (he really is a snob). But like you, the fact that he's an African-American is the only reason we will celebrate if he wins. We vowed to do this to make our peace with it if he does win - to find a way to at least celebrate that milestone on Nov. 5. And to celebrate the joy it will bring to many people who though it wasn't possible and to all his well-intentioned (if poorly informed) supporters. (I will not celebrate on behalf of the blogosphere a-holes or the sleasy opportunistic pols and pundits who lied, cheated, ostracized and abused people and processes to get him elected).

Also if he wins I will sincerely hope that he defies all evidence to the contrary and actually makes a good President, because if he makes an awful President it will only be that much worse for race relations in this country. The few who are racist will see vindication for their views, while the race-baiting anti-racists will blame any failure of his on entrenched racism rather than acknowledging that he didn't have the character or wisdom for the job.

However even if he does win don't expect me to come running back to the Democratic Party for a long, long time; he has ridden a wave of massive hypocrisy and corruption, not to mention opposition to the Clinton/Gore platform legacy, and his victory will only seal that deal and (IMO) the party's moral and electoral doom for years to come. But; at least we'll have a symbolic celebration for a day.

Anonymous said...

Talking about the Democratic Party.
Hillary won the primaries, only caucus cheating and cover up, superdelegates and back room deals made him the nominee.
The convention was a joke, Hillary and Bill gave great speeches and moved us. When BO entered the stage (inside) there was not that much exitement.
That is why he had his speech somewhere else, afraid of direct comparison.
This was the moment for Hillary to build a third party.
She does not owe them anything and she will be blamed if he looses.
The first black president should not be running on his skin color alone.
That is reversed racism.
That's not what MLK meant.
If he was am man of intergrity, qualification and experience the fact that he is black would be a source of joy and pride to the African American community.
Since he is an inexperienced, unqualified, selfish con artist his winning or loosing will be a shame.
I hope Obama looses and the truth about this election and the DNC comes out.
I also hope Hillary is not giving the Democratic Party another chance.
Lets build a third party.

Anonymous said...

Sure, now. Now that the government's own gentrification 'programs' have turned the country into a slum...

Regardless of the outcome, many many more minorities and women will seek public office than would be the case had Obama not run.


Anonymous said...

Would you really Joe? "Of any hue" I don't believe you. Pantone 292? Or Smurf-blue? Personally I would have a hard time believing that a candidate who is blue has a pulse.. and don't get me started on those watermelon candidates (Green on the outside and commie pinko on the inside)...

Anonymous said...

I believe that Bill Clinton made the best point when remarking about how people vote. To paraphrase: people vote for many different reasons. Some people vote for a shared identity, some vote because they just feel one person is more trustworthy, or like how a particular candidate handled a situation, etc. Some vote from the standpoint that they are starving, while other more affluent people vote for particular issues that could expand the values they want to promulgate in society (ie., or want to make a point with their vote). And most importantly, no one has the right to criticize how or why someone votes for a particular candidate.

And I do believe that he was indirectly commenting upon this idea that Dems are not voting for Obama because they are racist. If racism is the blanket statement of why Obama loses this election, then the Dems aren't going to have any platform to move forward with.

I agree with the other comments... Obama's having Black in his background is the ONLY reason I would celebrate his win.

And a counterpoint, IF McCain was the candidate that was a former president of the Harvard Law Review, you can bet your sweet bippy that the fact that he never wrote a legal opinion for the review would be a huge issue calling into question his actual qualifications to get said position! Moreover, his program to expand the privatization of public housing that actually caused his constituents to live in slum conditions and nearly freeze to death in some of the Midwest's harshest winters would also be on the front pages of newspapers.

Anonymous said...

Blue Man Group For President!!!! (Smurfs are too seedy, you know there is a scandal waiting to happen between Papa Smurf and Smurfette and the rest of them have to be gay)

Ms. Vandal.

Anonymous said...

Funny, because the only thing I like about Hillary or Palin is the fact that they are woman, so I'm not a sexist. And I wished we had a woman president for a long time.

And when I think about it, there's nothing I like about McCain apart from the fact he is a human being.

A lot of people seems to forget that this is not a referendum about Obama perfection and his qualification for sainthood, it's a selection between the 2 major candidates and you need to COMPARE. And I'm sorry, but none of them is a saint.

Anonymous said...

If I hear one more time from people... that you need to compare your candidates, that you need to look at their stances, that you need to realize that politics is about choosing the lesser of 2 evils

I'm going to scream!

How dare you assume that I have done of THAT, or don't know that voting for POTUS is not about sainthood!

jeesh! No wonder Republicans think that Dems are filled with elitists!

The reason that I'm not voting for Obama, like Joseph, because he is a substandard candidate, bar none! And electing him, would set the most dangerous precedent on many different levels.

We don't need another W-like POTUS, who is just the opposite side of the coin.

Sorry, if that reason isn't good enough for YOU, but there are MANY who feel the way I do.