Friday, September 05, 2008

Most passing strange

This morning, I've deleted a number of messages denouncing the PUMA movement. Apparently, that movement is doing things to this nation that are simply terrible.

Gosh. Not long ago, Obots were telling me that the PUMAs numbered in the dozens, that their numbers are so tiny as to be insignificant. Why, then, the obsession with that movement?

I mean, it's not as though the scientists of the world feel compelled to write to the Flat Earth Society every damned day in order to tell 'em "You're wrong, wrong, horribly wrong!" Nobody bothers to engage the flat earthers in debate. Why? Because their numbers really are tiny. The way some Obots tell it, the anti-Obama movement is just as unpopular. Hell, you could probably fit every single PUMA into a telephone booth. So why all the concern?

Here's another poser:
We are told that Obama is sending out Hillary to blunt the impact of the new GOP superstar, Sarah Palin. But...wait! How can this be? Was it not the case that just a few days ago, the progs had declared Palin to be a "train wreck"? Weren't the Kossacks telling us that Sarah Palin would so repulse America that Obama would win all 50 (57?) states? Do you recall this Kossack victory crow, issued on the morning of Palin's announcement?
We're back to LANDSLIDE folks... we'll win West Virginia, Mississippi, Georgia....
So why would the Obama campaign feel the need to send Hillary out? I'm very confused.

Oh, and wasn't it just earlier this year when Markos Moulitsas and his gang said that Hillary Clinton was no longer a Democrat? Remember when they told her and her supporters to leave the Democratic party? "Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya" -- anyone else remember that?

(You should. We heard that message incessantly.)

So why would "Landslide" Obama -- conqueror of Virginia, Mississippi, and Georgia -- have any need of any services offered by that notorious turncoat, Hillary Clinton?

Most passing strange!


Anonymous said...

HAHA...I love the "Flat Earthers" analogy. Excellent!

Whenever I find myself flagging in spirit and determination I come back here, where you have done a public service compiling the vilest outpourings of the O-bots. And vile indeed they are. These reminders are all I need to shut down any whispers of doubt.

Love your blog altogether!

Anonymous said...

From what some eye-witness associates of Sarah Palin say about her, she sounds worse than Chuck Colson. Gulp. And she's already saved and born over. She might come after you first, Mr. Cannon, and detain you about that Good Friday satire.

So they want to pimp out Hillary, do they?


Joseph Cannon said...

That's crap, Dimmy. Palin has an 80%-90% approval rating in Alaska. From what I know of Alaskans, they wouldn't cotton to someone who wants to turn the state into something out of The Handmaid's Tale.

There are a lot of lies going around right now. Are you referring to that fake email discussed on The Confluence? The story in Time magazine could source only a political rival in her hometown (who does tend to protray her as a Jesus zombie), and quotes a lot of other people who have other things to say.

Christopher Corbell said...

If I were still in the Democratic Party (I left after Obama moved the DNC to Chicago) I'd be scared to death of Palin.

Sending Hillary out is an incredibly shrewd move - they're playing a desperate chess game. Hillary's the only Democratic spokesperson capable of attacking Palin without offending and alienating moderate women and (they hope) small-town and blue-collar Democrats. The actual candidates can't hit Palin hard because they're going to get so much blowback for sexism and double-standards from the GOP.

I have to admit I was glad to see the panel of Republican women stand up to the rampant sexism, just as I was glad to see the McCain campaign shut down Obama's early attempt to play the race card with his "they want you to be afraid of me" because "I don't look like all those Presidents on those dollar bills" routine.

Looks like Plouffe and Axelrod are running out of cards. They've played the racial wild-card and now they're playing the queen; pretty soon they'll be left with their joker.

A G said...

Wanted to drop in and say I love your blog. But,

Hell, you could probably fit every single PUMA into a telephone booth.

...dunno what you have against married PUMAs....