Thursday, September 25, 2008

Guilt by association

I was going to make this same point today, but when someone else has already said it -- and said it better -- all I can do is quote:
The New York Times has already started the attack by literally lying, once again, about McCain’s campaign manager Rick Davis. The NYT article, in an obviously hysterical attempt to equalize Obama’s already dirty hands with the economic catastrophe that was caused by his close friends in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (who the FBI is now investigating), claimed in a recent article that a few of McCain’s advisers “also” had received money from these entities. Of course, the fact that Obama’s advisers were actual CEOs of Fannie Mae, and not only “lobbyist”, doesn’t seem to faze them one bit.

The problem with the NYT report was that they couldn’t really connect the transfer of money from Fannie/Freddie directly to Davis, as it has been clearly and undoubtedly been done from the same corrupt hands to Mr. Barack Hussein Obama...
Here are a few more fun facts about Obama. The afore-linked article backs up every assertion with links to "responsible" sources, like the Washington Post (which is, incidentally, clearly in the tank for Mr. O):

Obama Ranks Second Among Donations From Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac Among All Members Of Congress Since 1989.
Chris Dodd is ahead of him. But Dodd has been there like forever, while Obama has been in the Senate only since 2005.

Obama Ranks Second Among Donations From Lehman Brothers Among All Members Of Congress Since 1989. So says Open Secrets, a source that lefties used to like, back in the days before the left had gone out of its gourd.

Top Executives At Lehman Brothers Are Obama Bundlers.

And then, of course, there is Fannie Mae chairman Jim Johnson, who robbed the place blind. He's an Obama adviser.

The left correctly scores Treasury Secretary Paulson for being part of the problem he says he wants to solve. So what about Barack Obama? You know damn well what Kos, TPM and DU would say about Obama's history if he were a Republican.

You can't say that progressives don't have standards. Double standards.


Perry Logan said...

So much for the theory that Obama is a radical-Marxist-commie-pinko bent on turning the United States into a socialist state.

Anonymous said...

"Obama Ranks Second Among Donations From Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac Among All Members Of Congress Since 1989. Chris Dodd is ahead of him. But Dodd has been there like forever, while Obama has been in the Senate only since 2005."

IS the level of responsibility is based on the monetary value received ? Like John Kerry who is only after Obama, is he also guilty ?

Joseph Cannon said...

Kerry has also been in for a very long time.

The question is, what did Fannie and Freddie expect to get for the money when they pumped up Obama? He isn't on the banking committee. So...what's the deal?

RedDragon said...


Funny how Those "Progs" refuse to flip the switch and shine a light on their "Chosen one!"

They will turn on him once he reneges on all the promises he has made. It is in their nature to eat their own.

Anonymous said...

"The NYT article, in an obviously hysterical attempt to equalize Obama’s already dirty hands with the economic catastrophe that was caused by his close friends in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae"

Lies and hysterical speculations. Does your limited intelligence allow you to do better than peddling right wing propaganda all day ? is this blog an echo chamber for Karl Rove now ?

What a fucking jerk you have become since you're allowing your inner bigot to shine. Because some teenagers insulted your over-inflated ego on your blog, you feel you have the right to become worse than O'Reilly and Limbaugh combined.

Don't forget to beg for money again jerk.

Anonymous said...
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Joseph Cannon said...

One of those anonymous comments is enough to show the sick mentality of the Obots. If you see me in a surly mood, you should know that I get this shit all the time. Sometimes hourly.

And I see no reason to treat them any better than they treat me.

Notice the utter lack of factual counter-argument? Any piece of information, from whatever source, which goes against the Obot's preconceived hallucination is simply presumed to be propaganda.

Anonymous said...

A pox on all their houses...but Obama has been a very busy bee in his VERY SHORT TIME in the US Senate...and that, in itself, is worrying in the extreme.

Anonymous said...

Trolls are proof you're doing something right.

If they start ignoring you, then you should worry.

They should worry about how they're gonna afford Cheetos and kool-aid after November.

Win or lose, Obama won't be paying them to troll anymore.