Monday, August 18, 2008

Ya think...?

It occurs to me: Could it be that General Clark was forbidden to speak at the convention because the Powers That Be have reason to suspect that he might denounce the Lightbringer from the podium?

Is that the reason why the bots had hoped to squelch the Clintons?


Anonymous said...

I have seen recent speculation that Clark would be the VP nominee. I don't know whethere there is anything to it, but it could explain his not being scheduled elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Oops--cancel my previous comment. Reading top to bottom, I just saw your post regarding the VP speculation.

Anonymous said...


the Clintons are both speaking at the convention.

Clark is not complaining.

Anonymous said...

How are they going to speak at the convention??? I mean Bill can hardly talk seeing how he has that vacuum cleaner nose full of blow, and how are they going to light Hillary so no one sees the blood dripping off her knives? I mean, with all the cocaine and sex and murder it seems like they would be pretty bad speakers up there on the stage... Mena Mena Mena!!!! Vince Foster!!!! Monica!!! Racists! SIBPATS!!!!

Anonymous said...

"it seems like they would be pretty bad speakers up there on the stage"

Wow, Clinton-bashing on this thread! How original! Too bad teleprompter-reading is the only thing Barry can actually do. Has anyone told him that the presidency doesn't come with a script?

Sage said...

I think Obama and the DNC are terrified of anyone not in the tank for Obama. They know a rebellion is brewing. Clark was very gung ho for Hillary...therefore not to be trusted.

Mountain Sage