Saturday, August 23, 2008

"If you're not voting for Obama, go home. You're not voting here today."

I strongly urge you to go here and watch a preview of an important new documentary titled We Will not be Silenced. The video is lengthy but riveting -- in fact, it will leave you shaking with rage.

Bottom line: Yes, Obama did rig the vote in the caucus states.

The situation is even worse than you may have suspected. You will hear persuasive first-person accounts of fraud, death threats and disgusting intimidation tactics -- all perpetrated by the most conscience-free band of cultists in the history of the Democratic party.

I'll catch some flack for what I'm about to say, but I don't care.

Brad Friedman deserves unending applause for his efforts to publicize the menace of voting machines. He has made himself the "go-to" guy when the topic turns to election fraud in America. He is one of the heroes of the internet.

Sadly, we must now take him to task for ignoring the evidence of Barack Obama's electoral fraud. One glance at his current home page tells you that Brad Friedman still is trying to sell the delusion that only Republicans cheat.

Why does he refuse to discuss the vile tactics of the O-zealots? He is not an Obama partisan. In personal discussion -- and occasionally in his public writings -- he has made clear that that he has never held a high opinion of any of the leading Democratic candidates. While I don't share that damn-'em-all stance, I can't consider a captious attitude unreasonable.

If Brad has never been an acolyte of the Lightbringer, why does he still insist upon taking a "left eye blind" approach? Why won't he acknowledge the evidence that Team Obama gamed the caucuses? I've been ribbing him on this very point -- calling him "Thor" (after the notorious Thor Hearne) in public and in private. But I could never provoke an explanation.

When I turned against Obama, this site's daily readership made a dramatic plunge. For a while, the stats dipped below 1000 hits a day. Over time, as the PUMA movement developed muscles, a new audience found the site. Brad, however, may not be in a position to weather a readership decline and a search for new eyes. He depends on the progressives -- and when the progs turn against you, they turn against you.

Bradblog, unlike Cannonfire, makes money. Not a lot of money, but enough to help pay the rent on a small hillside apartment. Brad lives in Hollywood, where purses are pinched and times are tough -- due, in part, to strikes and rumors of strikes. Believe me, a lot of people in and around the industry are fearful right now.

Thus, while I am in a position to tell my readers to go to hell (and have often done just that), Brad depends on the goodwill of his audience. He has cultivated a position of respect within the progressive community, and he must maintain that position. He cannot afford to be hated by the Air America listeners and the Kos Krowd -- even though (to phrase the matter delicately) I have reason to suspect that he does not hold Markos Moulitsas in high esteem.

In short and in sum: He can't afford to piss off the progs.

I understand that. I sympathize. Nobody wants to see a three-day notice nailed to the front door of one's cute hillside apartment.


...well, watch the video. You'll agree: Something monstrous has commandeered the Democratic Party. You'll agree: Election fraud is no longer just a Republican thing. You'll agree: 2008 ain't 2004.

The time has come to take a stand, and damn the risks.


glennmcgahee said...

2rJoe, I am a big fan of The Brad Blog too. I always wondered where the accusations of voter fraud from the Republicans originated. I never understood it. Now, after reading about ACORN and similar groups, not to mention the political machine in Chicago, I get it.

Anonymous said...

I can't see why you think Brad is not pro-Obama, when his VR organization produced an anti-Hillary video ad. You even link to VR which contains the video.

Perhaps Brad feels a connection with Obama, as VR's co-founder who Brad calls his "partner", Brett Kimberlin, is an unrepentant American terrorist serial bomber, causing death. Difference is that Kimberlin was convicted of his crimes.

Gary McGowan said...

That video did enrage me. Highly recommended for its factual coverage of carefully trained o-bot thugs, male and female (thuggery on frail 90-year old women included). Quite difficult not to post calls to violence after watching it.

It is further enraging that it is not being covered on the idiot-box. Am I wrong in thinking it could have been on something like "60 minutes" 30 years ago?

I (approaching mid 60s) grew up in an America -- with faults, yes -- that the younger generations mostly don't know of. Count yourself damn fortunate if you have parents, grandparents and the like who conveyed some of it to you.

Civilization is quite fragile. Too many people fiddling while it's crumbling... being entertained right into hell on Earth.

Anonymous said...

The video must be doing pretty well. I tried to view it and it says bandwith exceeded, try later.

Anonymous said...

Aye, bandwidth exceeded. Guess they can be silenced.

Anonymous said...

"Bradblog, unlike Cannonfire, makes money"

If the issue of scammed elections did not exist, Brad would have to go 'back'(?) to being an actor.

He refuses to distance himself from the supposed "election integrity activist" that actively, determinedly, directly lobbied all 3,000 elections office heads to OPPOSE the House bill that would have been a true step forward in protecting our elections.

When Brad sees fit to keep his current "job" rather than supporting progress towards a solution that would put him out of business, he is part of the problem.

Seth Warren said...

I got "bandwidth exceeded" for the video link as well. Thankfully, they had the foresight to put backups on YouTube -

Seth Warren said...

Actually, ignore my last comment. In my enthusiasm, I posted a link to entirely the wrong video. It seems they don't have any YouTube back-ups.

Perry Logan said...

The Obama camp used the Karl Rove manual. But they ignored the part that says, "By the way--don't use any of these tactics against your own party. That will destroy your party bigtime."

Joseph Cannon said...

ellie, are you referrign tot he Rush Holt bill? I thought Brad had a good argument there.

I don't want to criticize his wonderful past work. But the 2008 caucus problems would get much more publicity within the progressive community if he would acknowledge their existence.

Anonymous said...

Joseph~ You make the point that Brad makes his living off of being considered "the go-to guy" on election fraud, then you point out that he ignores evidence of BO's election fraud, and "trying to sell the delusion that only Republicans cheat."

"the 2008 caucus problems would get much more publicity...if he would acknowledge their existence" and you "could never provoke an explanation" why he does not.

You claim Brad is "not an Obama partisan", while PRODUCED and HOSTS an anti-HRC/pro-Obama ad on his VR site. Why DOES he "insist upon taking a "left eye blind" approach", Joseph?

He does not condemn or distance himself from the lobbying of 3,000 elections officials BEHIND THE BACKS of election integrity activists to kill a bill.

Certainly, Brad has done good work. But you need to find someone to view as a "hero" who does not take take into account that "He can't afford to piss off the progs" in order to pay the rent.

Someone in the position of being at the front of reporting these issues should be puting it ALL out there, in a completely non-partisan way (and without producing and promoting anti dem candidate video ads), or he blows his credibility.

Anonymous said...

Well, I used to be a big reader of the Brad blog until I realized he never, ever mentioned corrupt democrats. Championing a cause is great but if you don't expose all election fraud then you aren't really championing anything and are nothing but a propaganda machine for one side. I really think that Brad is pro Obama and his refusal to investigate the caucus fraud makes him appear to be a hypocrit. He no longer has any credibility in my eyes and that is sad. We need some real champions for this cause.