Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Get this to Keith: A brain

Dana Milbank has been "axed" to leave Keith Olbermann's show because Milbank accurately quoted Obama's "I have become a symbol" remark. Supposedly, the remark was quoted out of context. (It wasn't -- or at least, the reported context was both non-verified and non-exonerative.)

Remember: Get-this-to-Keith Olbermann is the man who called for Hillary Clinton's murder a few months back, a remark he no doubt meant poetically. Of course, Milbank is no prize either, as Bob Somerby reminds us.

On another front:
Radio talk show host, Leo Terrell, however, went to greater lengths to voice his outrage. On Hardball, he said “the obvious message of the ad was to scare people into thinking Obama is somehow ‘linked’ to these white women”. He was specifically explaining how it relates to the idea that maybe Obama is “involved” with one of the blond haired white women in the ad.
Good lord. Do people really believe this crap? Or are they simply hoping to gull the gullible?

If Terrell did not understand that McCain's ad meant to peg Obama as just another vacuous celebrity, then Terrell must be dumber than -- well, certainly dumber than Paris Hilton. At least she got the point, and decided to play along with the gag. She recently announced her campaign for president by saying "I'm just hot."

I'll say this for Paris: She's not as doltish as your average Beltway journalist.


DarkGravity said...

I personally think he's on some type of prescription medication. Or needs to be.

madamab said...

Yes, isn't it interesting that Paris Hilton got the point of the ad, but Barack Oba-moi and his Media Lovers did not?

Paris for President!

Anonymous said...

I'll probably pass on watching the Denver convention unless you report that Keith and Chris are anchoring from underneath the safety of their desks.

About a third are gullible, another third are very stupid, and the others don't tune in. You haven't listened to Donald Fagen's "Nightfly" lately, have you?

I wish I'd recorded the lady who called in and said she never eats the whites of an egg because it's rooster sperm.


Anonymous said...

This story shows why the ad's use of Paris and Britney was spot on.

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for Paris over McSame or Nobama anyday... How much worse could it possibly be?

Anonymous said...

Trends, trends, trends. Voters now trust McCain on 9 out of 14 key issues:

Where will it end?

Anonymous said...

What nobody seems to get is that the McCain ad was SEXIST. It is essentially a blonde joke. Young blonde white women are THE symbol for vapidity and stupidity. So actually it is sexist and anti-white.

Anonymous said...

Please, let's not talk about "pegging" Obama, mkay? That's one of those "kitten dies" things.