Monday, August 25, 2008


Briefly: Lots of people are now talking about Biden's past support for the despicable bankruptcy bill. What I want to know is this: Why isn't the Democratically-controlled Congress proposing legislation to amend that wretched thing?


Gary McGowan said...

Or why aren't the well-fed "reporters" for the cabal media or press asking them your question relentlessly, and backing up the question with articles on what's really going on?

F - E - A - R, I think plays a substantial role. They don't want to end-up like us.

Problem is, there's getting to be more and more of us. I suspect that's where police states come from.

I just hope we don't turn from being a bunch of lemmings into a Jacoban (sp?) mob. Which is of course what the big-time chess-players of the "geo-political game" want.

Where's Martin Luther King when you need him? Oh yeah... assassinated.

OTE admin said...

Because a lot of them are on the take from credit card companies.

As much as I hate the bankruptcy law, Biden had to represent his constituency in Delaware, and Delaware is one of the major states of the credit card business.

Anonymous said...

What? No! Don't tell me.. I mean it's not like Both Parties Are The Same or anything...

Its not like MBNA has been greasing donkey palms while taking money shots from the elephants.... It's not like Donna has been gleaning plans from the Turd Blossom... it's not like the Dems have been against asset protection trusts....

Sure Clinton used his pocket veto, what a guy.. but once he was gone; 302-126 in the House and 74-25 in the Senate-- but no, both parties aren't the same....

So Ch7 & 13 suck, but Of course they haven't done shit about Ch 11 in all this... why change that one? I mean, you don't wanna piss off the people whom you need to go to. to beg for campaign financing... that would be silly. But of course, both parties are not at all the same.. nooooo not at all.....

Anonymous said...

Birds of a feather.

From No Quarter in January:

Obama and Predatory Credit Card Interest Rates

Barack Obama “talked the populist talk” last night, lumping in credit card companies as targets of his economic rescue plans. But, in his first year in the U.S. Senate, Sen. Obama voted “Nay” on the Dayton Amendment to the 2005 bankruptcy bill that would freeze credit card interest rates at no higher than 30%. Obama sided with credit card companies over our nation’s bedrock middle-class families as well as young adults susceptible to the companies’ alluring, deceptive marketing.

That specific vote garnered Obama the admiration of his many corporate donors who find him “reasonable.” After all, credit card companies comprise his second largest donor bloc. Harper’s magazine noted in “Barack Obama Inc.: The birth of a Washington machine” that “it is also startling to see how quickly Obama’s senatorship has been woven into the web of institutionalized influence-trading that afflicts official Washington. …”

By the way, Sen. Hillary Clinton voted for the cap on predatory credit card interest rates.

(lots of information)

Gary McGowan said...

“Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are.” -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

So with that rationalization, I was tempted to break a rule and post in whole a fine recent article, "Peering Into The Darkness At Jackson Hole," By John Hoefle.

But anyone that chooses can search it out themselves. He succinctly explains what's happening and the way out.

On Monday, 22 November 2004, I posted something on this NYT story that got 8,333 hits. (Those days 300 hits was good.)

"...the new era of consumer credit, in which thousands of Americans are paying millions of dollars each month in fees that they did not expect and that strike them as unreasonable. Invoking clauses tucked into the fine print of their contract agreements, lenders are doubling or tripling interest rates with little warning or explanation."

And I added this:

"Stephen Roach, the chief economist at investment banking giant Morgan Stanley, has a public reputation for being bearish.

"But you should hear what he's saying in private.

"Roach met select groups of fund managers downtown last week, including a group at Fidelity.

"His prediction: America has no better than a 10 percent chance of avoiding economic 'armageddon.'

"Press were not allowed into the meetings. But the Herald has obtained a copy of Roach's presentation. A stunned source who was at one meeting said, 'it struck me how extreme he was - much more, it seemed to me, than in public.'

"Roach sees a 30 percent chance of a slump soon and a 60 percent chance that 'we'll muddle through for a while and delay the eventual armageddon.'

"The chance we'll get through OK: one in 10. Maybe."

Well, I don't know what Roach has been saying lately, but I'm here to tell you there is no maybe left.

About four years. I can't believe it... seems like 20. The next four you can not begin to imagine.

Another old post of mine:


Saturday, 25 December 2004

"...a server at Edison/Mitofsky malfunctioned shortly before 11 p.m. The glitch prevented access to any exit poll results until technicians got a backup system operational at 1:33 a.m. yesterday

"The crash occurred barely minutes before the consortium was to update its exit polling with the results of later interviewing that found Bush with a one-point lead. Instead, journalists were left relying on preliminary exit poll results released at 8:15 p.m., which still showed Kerry ahead by three percentage points."

...during that crash, Bush gained 62 EC votes and the Presidency...

Mitofsky (pollster) refused to appear in front of the House Judiciary Democrats, and refuses to release his data.

Anonymous said...

"Why isn't the Democratically-controlled Congress proposing legislation to amend that wretched thing?"
I find this question troubling coming from someone who claimed that electing McCain with a Democrat controlled congress would be better than having a Democrat President with a Democrat controlled congress.

With the 2 years election cycle and the amount of money they need to get elected, most congressperson are already working on their reelection their first day in office instead of focusing on issues regarding their constituency. So they become for sale to the highest bidder, and sadly, corporations have deeper pocket than the "consumer" lobby.

Keep in mind that Joe Biden is the Senator of the state with the greatest density of corporations by square mile.

Gary McGowan said...

Read Hillary's Lips.

The noise machine started this last week: "anonymous sources" were quoted that Hillary had released her delegates, that the vote was symbolic, blah blah blah. Breaking news, Right? Wrong. Hillary said no such thing. it was a bogus rumor designed to stampede Hillary's delegates.

Now, they're trying it again, with the same "unnamed Democratic official". This morning, Hillary came out and issued a statement flatly contradicting the "unnamed Democratic official". so did her spokesperson, Philippe Reines.

"I will be telling my delegates that I will vote for Barack Obama," she said. "How they vote is a more personal decision. They want to have their chance to vote for me. That is what traditionally happens ... some people are having to make up their minds because there are arguments pulling them both ways."

Anonymous said...

"From No Quarter in January"

Was that before or after the fake Whitey tape or the fake COLB "scandal" ? No Quarter has about as much credibility Foxnews has.

The problem with all PUMA is simple. They have DECIDED that Obama is a crook (because some of his supporters bruised their fragile ego) and they will believe anything that will "prove" they were right in their DECISION, even if there's no real evidence to support it. This is quite similar to the 9/11 truther movement, they cherry pick evidence, they refuse to review contrary evidence. But "they know" they are right, without any fucking evidence.

Paul Shetler said...

democrats in congress won't revisit the loathsome bankruptcy act because there are very few fighters amongst them. they don't want to make waves.

it doesn't help to have proposed biden for the ticket either.

Joseph Cannon said...

Evidence? I've presented enough to convince any reasonable person. You're nuts.

Anonymous said...

Dear "anonymous" What a clever and imaginative user name!) re: 'No Quarter In January'-

That you didn't actually read the article is obvious. It contains 18links, sources, six excerpts.

You have not addressed one single aspect of the subject under discussion here or in the article linked.

Most of us around here actually READ. You should try it.

Your post is equivalent to saying "Yer granny wears army boots." I'm sure that's entertaining to you and your ilk, but most of us advanced beyond it at age 5-1/2.

How about taking another shot at it- go READ the article and links. Knowlege is a wonderful thing. Try it sometime.

Anonymous said...

Because the Congress is Democratic by such a narrow margin that if anyone deflects or, like McCain, just doesn't show up to vote, there is no majority. Obama has a good explanation for why he voted for the banckruptcy bill, though I am still angry with him for it; he could have come up with a different solution, but why do they all refuse to end the occupation? Same reason; not a great enough majority to allow for the cowards to fail to appear and stil have a majority.