Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The race card. AGAIN with the race card...

I am sometimes too quick to delete the hate mail. Alas, Blogger does not have an "un-delete" function. The last message to hit the virtual round file was an example-free discourse on how everyone knows that Hillary Clinton (the most investigated and ultra-vetted woman in American history) is a bigger crook than Al Capone was. Once again, we see that the Obot motto is CUTI: "Create Unity Through Insult." This particular CUTI message ended with a memorable comment, which I will here reconstruct from memory:

"If you see a bunch of young black men driving in a fancy car, do you automatically assume they stole it?"

Over the course of the past four years, this blog has questioned the finances and honesty of any number of politicians. Alas, no-one may ask similar questions of Barack Obama. He stands apart; he is sacrosanct. Why? One reason, and one reason only: His father was black. Thus, I must be a racist if I view the Lightbringer with my usual cynicsim.

Come on, Obots. Think tactically.

Just how far do you think you are going to get, playing the race card at every opportunity? Can't you see that your incessant cries of "Thou'rt bigot!" will only alienate the very public you hope to sway? Can't you see that the Republicans love it when you pull this crap? Can't you see that every time you yell "Racist!" you paint another sector of the electoral map red? Can't you see that this sort of inanity created the PUMA movement -- and transformed at least one former Obama voter into an implacable opponent?

Does the phrase "self-defeating strategy" mean anything to you?

Apparently not, for the simple reason that no Obot will ever admit to making a mistake. History will brand them with the scarlet A -- for ARROGANCE.

Ask yourself: Have you ever seen an Obama supporter even hint at self-criticism? These fools are worse than George Bush when it comes to self-righteousness and the pretense of perfection.

Well, if we must deal with the race card, let's do just that.

I would argue that Obots are the ones guilty of practicing a form of racism. To prove the point, let's stand that black-kids-in-the-fancy-car image on its head.

Suppose a white politician -- ANY white politician, of any party or background or ideology -- announced on national television: "I barely know Tony Rezko. I did maybe five hours of work for him." And let us further suppose that an FBI informant in Rezko's office later revealed that Rezko was in daily contact with the pale-faced pol in question.

What would your reaction be?

Be honest. Ruthlessly honest. If the politician were white, you would conclude that the guy must be a crook. You wouldn't need any further evidence -- the fact of that one lie would suffice.

But if a black politician does the exact same thing, we are expected to rationalize and to make excuses. And anyone who doesn't fire up the engines of rationalization stands open to charges of racial prejudice.

To which I say:



Anonymous said...

"If you see a bunch of young black men driving in a fancy car, do you automatically assume they stole it?"

The redneck bigot assumes that, the grey-flannel racist assumes they're drug dealers.

But when I see a woman driving an expensive SUV I assume she's married.

Is a comparison (without all the similarities) of Obama to Hitler of 1923 worth any thought?


Perry Logan said...

I'll bet the Obamites really miss the misogyny card. That was back when they had two cards to play with.

Mike Ombry said...


Perhaps the only thing that Obama really meant about change was the change he would bring to the Democratic party! Wouldn't it qualify as some sort of triangulation to win the primaries by "any means necessary" and then take over the party, move to the center and hold opponents hostage to charges of racism? Even when folks in my own party were doing things I didn't like I knew they were mostly angling with the Republicans. This is a different kind of angling altogether-blindly alienating those who would most naturally be your supporters.

This new coalition of liberal voters is interesting in that previously our big tent had room for Barney Frank, Sam Nunn and Paul Wellstone, et al. They are making the tent smaller under the deluded belief that we have no where else to go. Talk about being taken for granted in addition to the insults and other abuse.

formerly liberalcommontater

RedDragon said...

Like many of Bloggers, I have been labeled a racist because of my opposition to "His Holiness"!

Never mind that this man has NO record of significant accomplishments.
Never mind his many,( And I do mean many ) troubling relationships with some of the most corrupt elements of political society.
Never mind that this man can not keep his legion of lies straight and that he refuses to answer some of the most troubling accusations against Larry Sinclair and His supposed birth in Hawaii.
Never mind that he has flipped on some of the positions he used to attack Hillary with.
Never mind that there is PROOF that he used the race card and sexism at every opportunity to destroy the legacy of two of the most beloved Democratic Politicians of My era!
No, Never mind all of that. Those "Zombies" refuse to open their eyes to this man and will tar ANYONE that opposes him as a Racist. This appears to be backfiring on him and those that support him.
I say not soon enough!

Anonymous said...

What the Obots really hate is being laughed at.

Cuz you can't be kewl while people are making fun of you.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, they've been practising racism and it is despicable. If they keep it up, and they will, they'll *create* it where it hadn't existed. Idiots.

makana44 said...

"Just how far do you think you are going to get, playing the race card at every opportunity?"

Apparently it's gotten them pretty far. And it seems they don't have much further to go.

It doesn't matter what you say or do as long as you win. The Democrats watched the Republicans for 8 long years and learned their lessons well. Now they're lathering at the mouth as they line up at the trough for their turn at controlling the U.S. Treasury.

But the ultimate lesson taught by the Rs was that as long as the rich get richer you can get away with anything...torture, domestic spying, illegal wars, ignoring natural disasters and letting the poor drown while the infrastructure rots, allowing the economy to disintegrate; maybe even bombing your own country to create political advantage.

there are no more good guys. Can't even fake it fantasize it. Obama is the Democratic version of Bush. And he'll probably be lot better at it because he can actually string together coherent sentences.

makana44 said...

"Just how far do you think you are going to get, playing the race card at every opportunity?"

Apparently it's gotten them pretty far. And it seems they don't have much further to go.

It doesn't matter what you say or do as long as you win. The Democrats watched the Republicans for 8 long years and learned their lessons well. Now they're lathering at the mouth as they line up at the trough for their turn at controlling the U.S. Treasury.

But the ultimate lesson taught by the Rs was that as long as the rich get richer you can get away with anything...torture, domestic spying, illegal wars, ignoring natural disasters and letting the poor drown while the infrastructure rots, allowing the economy to disintegrate; maybe even bombing your own country to create political advantage.

So calling people racists? That's small potatoes. There are no more good guys anymore. Can't even fake it or fantasize it. Obama is the Democratic version of Bush. And he'll probably be lot better at it because he can actually string together coherent sentences.