Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Odds and ends...

Sorry for my absence yesterday. Things happened.

PUMA: What are the movement's objectives? AnnaBelle offers her "first draft" of a formal statement. Much to consider here.

Kos is backing away from Obama! Savor these poorly-written words, and try not to snort liquids out of your nostrils:
Now I know there's a contingent around here that things Obama can do no wrong, and he must never be criticized, and if you do, well fuck you! I respect the sentiment, but will respectfully disagree. We're allowed to do that here. But fair notice -- I will never pull a Rush Limbaugh and carry water for anyone.
This, from a guy who has carried more water than the California aqueduct. If non-Obots were allowed to disagree "respectfully" on progressive forums, then why were so many Hillary supporters "axed" to leave?

Moulitsas has, by this point, made himself so thoroughly hated on both the right and the left that a public "divorce" would serve Obama's purposes. Is the rift staged...?

COB: For those wanting to follow up the discussion of Barack Obama's birth certificate, the discussion here is very geeky and learned and persuasive.

I knew that my previous post would evince some rather annoying reactions. As my readers are continually shocked to learn, I'm somewhat open to various forms of conspiracy theorizing -- until the discussion turns to scientific or technical matters. At that point, a conservative and cautious attitude sets in. Many readers see that stance as contradictory. For example, they can't understand why I praise Daniel Hopsicker's work on 9/11 while expressing contempt for the "bombs-in-da-buildings" wackos.

BO and CD. Speaking of those folks: It turns out that Barack Obama's official campaign blog has become a favorite hang-out joint for the 9/11 twoofers (or, as I call 'em, "trannies"). Does Obama share their views? Probably not. (Does Jeremiah Wright share their views? Interesting question!)

Recent events have demonstrated that it may not be a good idea to allow just anyone to walk into a presidential campaign's website and exercise unfettered free speech. A campaign site is not a personal blog (such as the one you're looking at) or a more generalized public site (such as Democratic Underground).

Consider this: What if a contributor to a candidate's website were to post material praising (say) The Protocols of Zion? Obviously, that would reflect badly on the candidate. Just as obviously, such material would have to be censored.

But once the site's managers take that step in an obvious and extreme case, they face the question of where to stop. If we admit that, in general principle, a candidate bears some responsibility for everything published on an official campaign website bearing his name, we then have a right to ask: "Barack, how do you feel about the pseudo-scientific bilge filling your pages? How do you feel about the offensive graphic that called McCain a war criminal?"

The candidate -- any candidate -- must keep fairly strict control over any site managed by his or her team and funded by his or her resources. Any Obama supporter who wants to spew wacky pseudo-scientific theories about 9/11 may start a brand new blog, free of charge, all praise be unto Google and Wordpress. I disagree with what the CDers have to say, but I will defend to the death their right to say it -- elsewhere.

Keeping the faith: Obama says that he plans to maintain and expand Bush's grand "Faith-base initiatives" ploy.
But Obama's support for letting religious charities that receive federal funding consider religion in employment decisions was likely to invite a storm of protest from those who view such faith requirements as discrimination.

David Kuo, a conservative Christian who was deputy director of Bush's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives until 2003 and later became a critic of Bush's commitment to the cause, said Obama's position has the potential to be a major "Sister Souljah moment" for his campaign.
(Emphasis added.) In other words, Kuo and some other evangelicals feel that Bush's plan was mere window dressing. Obama needs to court evangelicals in order to make up for the deficit in pissed-off Hillary voters. Thus, Obama has pledged to transform Dubya's program into something real, not merely cosmetic.

This turn of events buttresses a theory that I usually express in the context of the Social Security debate: A Democrat who feels compelled to appease conservative forces may end up doing more damage than an actual conservative would do. The Bay of Pigs fiasco taught us this lesson.

Anglachel has a great post up:
The public relations campaign, insofar as there is one, revolves around threats (Roe! Roe! Roe our boat!), shaming (You’re just racists if you won’t vote Obama), but mostly dismissal - “You have nowhere else to go.” The opposition is dismissed as emotional, racist, low information, culturally backward, and republican dupes instead of driven by very concrete material interests.
In the past, I've suggested that the Obamafolk ought to attempt a very different tactic: Humility. Apologize for smearing Hillary. Just quiddit awready with the arrogance. Say you done wrong and that you won't do it again.

But they won't go that route. For many progs, the primary was all about Clinton-hate. They hate the former president and his wife more than they love Mr. O. And progs just don't do humility.


Anonymous said...

OK, we're sorry.

Anna Belle said...

Hey Joseph, thanks for picking the Declaration up and moving it along. I really want community involvement in this. If we can get an agreeable document, we can use it as leverage. Tape it to the doors of Democratic Party offices across America, mail it enmasse to the DNC and the Obama campaign, and really crash the gate of the Convention. Ha!

I couldn't agree more about that Anglachel article too. Fantastic analysis.

Also, thanks for the birth certificate post, which I read yesterday, I think. I like the truth. Thank you for providing it.

Anonymous said...

You know I'd really appreciate it if you knocked it off with calling the truthers "trannies." It's so offensive to the transgender and transvestite people of the world.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

..and we won't do it again.

Anonymous said...

FISA, faith-based initiatives...just waiting for anotehr 'shoe to drop'.

Anonymous said...

"Is the rift staged...?"

Maybe. However, I've long suspected that Kos's support for Obama has been staged. I think he's just been waiting for the right moment to break away.

Twilight said...

I've started glancing at Common Dreams again, after having been boringly shouted down too many times, early in the primaries by Obama fanatics.

I was interested to see that some of the commenters there are actually starting to see the light on Obama now. So it's not only Kos & Co

I recall my last comment on Common Dreams was to the effect "I hope he doesn't let you all down". I'm not going back to say "I told you so" - well, not yet anyway. That light at the end of the tunnel might be something else! :-)

Joseph Cannon said...
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Joseph Cannon said...

Anon 10:04 -- the actual cross dressers (self identified as such) I've heard from seemed amused.

Anonymous said...

For the record, "trannies" isn't my favorite moniker in the world, either. It has a vaguely homophobic ring to it. But I can't come up with anything better, except "controlled demolition freakazoids," which is another thing Joe called them once. GOD, I hate the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Anonymous said...

I am somewhat miffed. Does Kos actually think he can wipe away what he and his bloggers have done these last months?
To be shouted down, ridiculed, harassed, insulted,and banned for supporting Hillary was the "Cool" thing to do over at "That" site.
Now he claims he has "NEVER" been in the tank for Obama nor did he follow lock step with the minions when they trashed Hillary and her Supporters.
There is a long record out there to say different.
Maybe he is starting to feel the financial repercussions of his Blog's actions. Who knows,

Anonymous said...

I thought the criticism was that Obama's supporters were all zombies or robots worshiping in the cult of his personality. Now we learn that when Obama does or says something that his supporters don't like they organize ( even at his own web site) and let him know that they strongly disagree. Sounds progressive to me in the best sense of the word.

Joseph Cannon said...

jen, my instinct is bow to the offended party, if offense is taken and expressed.

For a while there, homosexuals took offense at the phrase "queers." Then along came a group called "Queer Nation."

Similarly, women once acted insulted by anyone who used the word "girl" to describe a female over the age of 13. Now, feminists have embraced "girl" and taken ownership of the word. Many spell it "Grrrl" or some such variant. I like that attitude.

Most gay or transgendered people I've met have had very good senses of humor and were not the sort to take offense where none was intended.

Anonymous said...

Oh snap, suppose I should've left a ;) or something to indicate I wasn't serious *at* all about "trannies" being offensive. Sorry 'bout that.

Anonymous said...

well it certainly wasn't straight men who came up with the term "Trannylicious"

but you can always call them Candela (Cd is short for that right-- and one candela, one lumen as you know is really quite dim. you can also call them Fiends, as in drug fiend (cd, as the psychologists jot down for chem dependencies).... u wanna bug the racist CDers? (not to mention that one has historical hanging reference...) or call 'em Figure Skaters (CD or compulsory dance would be their big opening, with big pouffy hair, frilly shirts and all...) or Chron's if you call them that there's certain smells that someone suffering from Chron's Disease, that are reminiscent of the fecal stench of the CDers... lastly, you can call them CoDi'ers or Condi's or something relating to another psychological disfunction called "Conduct Disorder" according to wikipedia, ConDis show; "a pattern of repetitive behavior where the rights of others or the current social norms are violated. Symptoms include verbal and physical aggression, cruel behavior toward people and pets, destructive behavior, lying, truancy, vandalism, and stealing." i think that describes the ConDi's behavior to a T....

but fuck CDers fuck JR whats really going on in Dallas? who's Hunt? how many died to bring back The Iraq Petroleum Company (i know i wore my codpiece and did my own little 'Mission Accomplised' dance2 weeks ago)? Why is this covered so little in the blogs? Is it all now about BHO?

Isn't there still an evil potus and vpotus who --all condis aside-- did conspire to do many things 911 related (as evident in press 4 truth) at costs to the entire nation? to the world?

Should we ignore these people who are presently in power, and let them continue to stack the cards between now and November? Joe, should I ignore Ray McGovern, because he was on a freakaoiod's radio show (paid for by Kashogi)? Or pay attention to a guy who probably knows a thing or two... do we have to wait until there's another terrist attack on the homeland to then attack the windmills?

Is it possible to get some of this energy redirected? like to say, to the D-Ohio and his 35 articles of impeachment of Privileged Resolution? Even though many say it wouldn't do anything, it could certainly take the steam away from big wedding 2.

Or am i just paranoid?