Monday, July 14, 2008

Here's one for the paranoia fans...

I use Yahoo mail, which is web-based. I keep all the messages on Yahoo's servers rather than downloading them to my system (POP3 having lost its charm). Yahoo offers unlimited storage space.

Nearly all of my email -- coming or going -- between June 31, 2008 and December 31, 2006 has gone missing. I didn't delete that stuff. I don't even know how to delete that much mail, at least not quickly.

If anyone has an explanation, I am all attention. (Naturally, I have just now changed the password.)

Since I can no longer access certain email addresses, I must be public -- yet cryptic -- in relaying a message to a certain overseas professor named Neil or b. Our old friend "Jordan Sage" is at it again, applying his mystifying talents to an entirely new field of endeavor. See here. If you see this message and feel like offering your own theories, feel free to do so either in public or private. Write at length or write briefly, if you are of a mind to write at all. Not long ago, I would have said that the Sage enigma was the strangest thing I had ever personally stumbled into...

...until my emails went missing.

There's no connection between the two mysteries, of course. At least, I don't think so.


Anonymous said...

June 31?

Since Poindexter's insinuations, since Stanford's also, since Able Danger, since RIAA's nastiness, since FISA 2.0 and the Patriot Act, and now, since NY's AG Cuomo giving ISP's an incentive to gut or discontinue offering Usenet, plus Google's court-ordered info turnovers re YouTube - it's no wonder your speck in the grid has tsuris.


Anonymous said...

speaking of dates- cramer wrote about sage the beginning of 2006.

Kathryn Cramer said...

I investigated at the time whether there was any connection between the Jordan Sage you refer to and "Jordan Sage Thomas" in the Haitian situation. While the Haitian situation was deeply strange, there seemed to be no connection to your Jordan Sage person.

Alessandro Machi said...

Yahoo has switched to a newer platform. What you might want to do is see if you have a "classic" version, that version might still have your old emails.

Mac makes a solid email system that comes ready to go if you buy a mac.

Those little mac mini's are useful, especially if you already have a monitor and keyboard available.