Sunday, June 01, 2008

The "Whitey" tape (UPDATE)

(Heh heh. Larry Johnson can't get this video to embed, but I can. Neener!)

Supposedly, a TV network has the tape. Supposedly. Caution remains our best stance. I still suspect that the tape, if it comes to light, may prove to be fake. Even so, and even without the video evidence, the story has reached a level where Michelle must respond -- in fact, I would expect a response before 24 hours have passed. And if she says anything other than "It's a lie" -- game over, man. Game over.

Update: Rumor now holds that ABC has the tape.

Hey, remember when Jeremiah Wright said of Hillary Clinton "She ain't never been called 'nigger'"? I wonder. How many black people can honestly say that they've been called that word? (I don't mean by other blacks in a jesting fashion.)


Xeno said...

Well, I'm Black, born in 1961 like Obama, and I heard "Nigger" nearly every day from the ages of 4 to 12, and regularly for years after that. Never in jest, but always in deadly earnest by whites. I was the target of just about every other racial slur you can imagine (as well as some you probably can't). All of my five siblings and four dozen cousins would tell you the eaxact same thing. A lot of Black Southerners were subjected to racial slurs (and worse) back in the day. That is simply a fact of life that we cannot erase, downplay or forget.

The fact that so many of us have experience real, raw racism makes the race-baiting of the Obama camp all the more hateful and inexcusable. To falsely accuse people of racism for political gain is despicable. It trivialized real racism and did irreparable harm to the Black community. Of course, if Obama gave a damn about Black people he would have spent his career fighting for us instead of using us to advance his own petty aims.

Anonymous said...

To be fair to Larry, i think it was the fox news video not the you tube one that gave him difficulty.

What I find more interesting, although probably not as explosive, is how Obama knocked his competitors off for the state senate race. CNN had some video up, but was not embeddable.

Anonymous said...

Sweet! The blackmailing of Obama by big time racists, war criminals, warmongers, southern strategists, media shills, liars, international pedophiles, fascists, rapists, intelligence agents, FBI goons, CIA moles, propaganda artists, agent provocateurs, mafia thugs, and other assorted dirty dicks is about to shut Obama down and give the white house to Hillary Clinton!!!

Yeehaw! You go girl!

2Truthy said...

Uh-oh. The James Brown look-alike has some splainin' to do.

In the meantime, here's another sign Barry is under a little stress, obviously thinking about Meechelle's boo-boo:

“This is not a decision I come to whitely…” Barack Obama on CBS Evening News explaining his church resignation 5/31/08

Joseph Cannon said...

xeno: Jeez, are you kidding? Where was that? Why didn't the white kids get the crap beat out of them?

I hope you know that I wrote those words not to be smarmy but because I really want to know. I wonder if we have any idea what's really being experienced out there.

In some interviews. Spike Lee seems to give the impression that he thinks white people use the word "nigger" all the time privately. Well, that's not true. Not in my experience.

And yet...I have to admit something.

A month or two ago, in these pages, I said that I had not heard a white person use that word in private conversation in many years. Well -- you guessed it -- within 24 hours of my writing that, I overheard a white guy use the phrase "nigger rich."

So either that was one hell of a coincidence, or the word was used more often than I thought, and I had just filtered it out of consciousness.

Anon: I let that go through because I'm still compiling my page of nutball Obot statements. You're really making your side look bad here.

Joseph Cannon said...
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Anonymous said...

You forgot to end with "...and METHODISTS!!!" (h/t Mel Brooks, and a sad RIP to Harvey Korman)