Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The truth

Make special note of the warning about Social Security. Both McCain and Obama will make a grab for it. Who is more likely to succeed?


Unknown said...

Indeed. Obama's raising Social Security as an issue was a red flag. George Bush couldn't get his hands on it, but Obama with a Democratic Congress? That's a super-good reason not to let him near the White House.

CognitiveDissonance said...

Yes, George Carlin was the "real" Howard Beale.

Regarding Obama and Social Security, I had an ah-ha moment a couple of days ago. I was digging around trying to find info about Howard Dean's past when I encountered this:

Dean cut Vermont's budget and made saving money for the state's Wall Street creditors his only significant objective. He presided over the disappearance of the state's machine-tool plants, and the decline of its dairy farming and lumbering. The destruction of productive industry and its necessarily high-paid union labor pleased Dean's Wall Street friends, so Vermont got a higher bond rating despite the gutted economy.

That Dean openly supported the mid-1990s Newt Gingrich-led Conservative Revolution is now scandalous within the Democratic Party. Dick Gephardt noted in their televised debate Sept. 23, 2003, that in 1995 when Democrats were fighting to keep Newt Gingrich from shutting down the government, Dean had sided with Gingrich, who wanted to cut Medicare $270 billion. Howard Dean actually told reporters back in 1995, that the way to balance the budget would be to ``cut Social Security,” raise the Social Security retirement age to 70, cut defense, Medicare, and veterans' pensions, while the states cut almost everything else. ``It would be tough,” Dean said, ``but we could do it.” As late as June 2003, Dean said he would ``entertain” raising the Social Security eligibility age to 68.

His rivals have increasingly attacked Dean for these brutal prescriptions, and for his recent loud switches back and forth to curry favor from various voting constituencies. Wall Street is worried that it may lose its darling Dean.


I've been wondering what Dean really believed, since Obama seems to be his sock puppet. Now I know where the social security thing comes from.

And, yeah, I know that article comes from the LaRouche site, and LaRouche is considered a nutcake. But that doesn't mean the investigators that write for his site can't dig around on Google and put pieces together.

RedDragon said...

I'm really going to miss this man! He was a treasure and what I loved the most about him was that he spoke truth to power!
Adios Brother Carlin. You will be missed!