Sunday, June 08, 2008

A mere six months ago...

Barack Obama, December, 2007:
Making an argument for his electability, Obama said, "I don't want to go into the next election starting off with half the country already not wanting to vote for Democrats -- we've done that in 2004, 2000," according to a person at the event
Six months later, half the Democrats don't want to vote for the Democrat.

Throughout the primaries, the prog-bloggers kept bleating that they don't need those dreadful "Clintonistas," who should all be kicked out of the party. Well, the proggers don't say that any more. Now they try very hard to disguise their nervousness as they say: "You're not really going to desert the Democrats, are you?"

Yep! You kept telling us how much you hate us. We now have nothing to give you but our spit.
According to the CBS poll, 22 percent of Clinton supporters say they prefer John McCain to Barack Obama. Additionally, 7 percent claim they're undecided, and 8 percent say they won't vote at all.
Somewhere between 30%-37% of Clinton's majority of the Democratic electorate won't support Obi. Don't kid yourself into thinking that the number will go down; it won't. Don't kid yourself into thinking that Obi can make up the deficit by appealing to Republicans and independents; he can't. The love affair is over. He lost six of the last nine primaries -- and the media backlash against him hasn't yet begun.

You smell toast? I do.


Anonymous said...

I smell a lot of things, none of them good.

What confuses me is how the media is going to manage to spin a Republican victory in the fall after pimping Obama this hard for more than a year. Even if the ticket is McCain and a more appealing VP nom like Romney and the actual election results reflect a GOP win, how is the MSM going to sell that after depicting Obama as an unbeatable deity?

Anonymous said...

"No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourself."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Obambi invested 20 years in assuring his failure. The million pound shithammers of doom were never the industry of the MSM but rest instead in the hands of the commonality.


Anonymous said...

What is puffed up can be blown down, at about the speed of the former.

Remember Howard Dean's inevitability? All the money, all the buzz, both covers of Time and Newsweek on the same week, and etc.?

He was toast in about a 10 day period, once the sights were trained on him.
