Hillary survived one "bad bundler" named Norman Hsu, who turned out to be a wanted fugitive. Before gloating, Obots should know that the now-forgotten Hsu scandal tarnished the Savior as well.

Jodie Evans: ”We were attacked because we were in Saudi Arabia, that was the message of Osama, was that because we had our bases in the Middle East, he attacked the United States.”The bases on Saudi soil were created by permission of the royal family, for the protection of their oil fields. Acting in concert with a nation's legitimate government hardly constitutes a violation of rights -- at least not as the U.N. charter defines such things. Yes, the Saudis are a group of rather detestable unelected autocrats, but that doesn't confer legitimacy upon Osama Bin Laden, who was elected by exactly nobody.
Paul A. Ibbetson: “Do you think that’s a valid argument?”
Evans: “Sure. Why do we have bases in the Middle East? We totally violated the rights of that country. Why do we get to have bases in the Middle East?”
Jodie is a creature straight out of central casting: Her entire life seems designed to alienate swing voters. McCain's people would be overjoyed if she became a household name.
She's rich, having earned her money the old-fashioned way: By marrying it and divorcing it. (Her ex- is a billionaire high-tech investor named Max Palevsky.) Her fortune now goes to groups like the Animal Liberation Front, Earth First, and the Rain Forest Action Network. The FBI has described ALF as a terrorist group.
Code Pink has also tried their hand at mass witchcraft spells. I consider such activities harmless, but I can just imagine how the more Jesus-oriented parts of the country might react to that bit of theater.
The right is assembling a propaganda narrative: Obama as dangerous lefty. Affluent dimwits like Jodie play right into that scenario. Ironically, the true danger he poses goes in the other direction.
Ironically, the true danger he poses goes in the other direction.
Thank you and your "inner self", there you go Cannon revealing who you really are again. The "other direction" that you are flirting with fits you perfectly you fucking slime ball neo Nazi.
I can't wait for your return to the Nazi artwork that gives you your occasional tiny hard on.
Go Cannon!
Bin Ladens been pissy about the pork eaters bivouacking in Mecca before Beta got edged by VHS. If every grunt slouched off their dust hole Osama would go jihad over beer drinking hillbilly inbreeder trailer dweller infadels watching porn. I mean how do you make a guy happy who has to shag bushy leg chicks wearing burkhas?
Hand me that nuke. I'll take care of this one.
I let the first anonymous comment go through for a reason. This guy writes me once a day. For some reason, he is obsessed with me. Many of his spewings are even sicker than what you see here.
At what point should I contact blogger about getting an IP address?
Certainly, every time I see this crap (I have about three or four "pen pals" of this sort) I am more determined than ever to oppose Barack Obama. I cannot believe that the Democrats have turned into...THAT.
PEACE AND LOVE: Making New Friends
When you track down this "annonymous" diaper loaden vermin shite, me and a couple UFC punching bags would like to touch up his "do" with a hint of pink mohican, duct tape a sign that screams "VETS ARE NAZI BABY KILLERS" to his chest and drop him off at the biker-vet trailer park on the South Side.
There's nothin more depraved (aleit amusing) than a born again patriot getting in touch with the emotional side of pissed off war hero's.
Now gimme that IP.
Bubba, I worry about you too.
Okay, everyone. Don't make me pull this blog over to the side of the road and put some of you in a time out.
Cranks? Go spew somewhere else.
Joseph? I beg you, please stop poking The Crazy. It can't be good for your blood pressure.
Bubba...revenge fantasies don't become you.
Doesn't anyone want to talk about Iran? Or the fact that the US has no grain reserves? How about Israel?
Jen, I'm not poking the crazy.
(The temptation to make a bad pun about "poking" is almost impossible to resist. But I am famed for my strength of Will.)
I was just acknowledging the existence of one particular crazy person, which may not be the best policy. But there are times when the crazy get so very crazy that one wonders whether to seek the help of the authorities. If someone kept calling my phone number every day with such messages, I'd get a restraining order.
Iran, you say? Okay, let's talk about Iran. Next post.
Jen, a friend to this blog just now directed my attention to a means by which I can track the IP address of a particularly annoying pest. The cranks should consider themselves on notice.
Am I the only one who sees the brilliance in BHO (not Barry but the Baba O'Riley comments) Grade-A satire, imo (even if historically inaccurate, as Bin Laden was lapping up pork eaters money back in the Betamax + Mujahoodini days).
And anyway, Joe, you said if us kooks wanted to have commenting rights, we had to be creative with them. Teenage Wasteland; Après Moi, le deluge! Bubba there is a post modern cut up genius, y'all.
But Jen's right. What about Iran and jerUSAlem? What about those missing food stocks (go biofuels! go PLA plastic!!)? Peak Oil, or the Global-warming-is-a-myth hell-season we're having (get yer flood insurance, Noaa!) And what about the $23Bn gag order? (see to me up here, it looks like while the "He Said/ She said" wool was on everyone's eyes for 18 months, the Dick and the Bush and le petit Erik Prince et al were busy grabbing as much as possible (ok thats no surprise, but a gag order?) that's what I'd call BAMBOOZLED --or an "Oakie Dokie" i think thats the term the Saviour uses, right? Racist diction my ass!
The point of (my) jabbering cranky hate post word salad was (hopefully) lampoon bafoonery. Every time an albino sushi gobbler spews "fucking nazi" a graphic reminder that REAL "fucking nazi's" are out there who take offense to being associated with any of us should be sobering enough to return the "annonymous" posters to invective more suitable to their SAT's.
But that is not to suggest the I would not nuke them for morbid provided there was a suitable site for this purpose that would not alter the long term breeding habits of any endangered species.
The base complex in Saudi Arabia was built at an expense to them of $200 to $300 billion dollars, in '80s dollars.
However, they would never let us MAN those bases with US military personnel, out of concern for having infidels in the country where there are so many holy places to Islam (and out of concern for their precarious relationship with Islamic fundamentalist opponents).
It was a kind of doomsday machine, which would only come into effect if and when the Soviets attacked. No circumstance short of that would cause them to give their permission.
Until the US needed to use those bases to simplify the logistics of the first Gulf War. Using the bases made the logistics a picnic instead of a nightmare. But how to convince the Saudis?
Famously, the US claimed Saddam was amassing columns of armored vehicles at the border to assault Saudi Arabia. An independent news agency bought commercially available satellite views of the region, which showed no such buildup at all. But the lie worked, and we tricked the Saudis into allowing our military personnel into the base. Not only did they use the base, but then they continued to man it, even when the Gulf War was over.
So, Bin Laden had that as a primary complaint, and said so. It was far from unique to him, however, and he was right enough in geopolitical terms that among the first responses in our new war on terror was retreating those US military personnel from their forward basing in Saudi Arabia.
Did this whole process violate the rights of Saudi Arabia? Not exactly. But it's not an entirely inapt claim, either. Because we tricked the Saudis into doing something they were trying hard not to do, something they opposed doing, because of its extreme consequences.
Joe, Rather than link to my posts on NoQuarterUSA where I contribute, you can link to my blog: By The Fault
The NQ USA server went down but you can still my Jodie Evans post here:
Jodie Evans: Osama Had A Valid Reason to Attack the US
I am more determined than ever to oppose Barack Obama. I cannot believe that the Democrats have turned into...THAT.
What are you saying here Cannon.You favor McCaiin? Or do you fancy yourself a Nderite? A spoiler?
I am an anarchist personally (from anarchos meaning "self governing") but I do see a huge gulf between McCain and obama, don't you?
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