Looks like the progressives are finally starting to wake up and smell the disillusionment.
I wonder how the Obots will respond to this cartoon? They'll probably call the caricature "racist." That trick always works.
(Feel free to use this image on your own site, if so inclined.)
Oh, man. I was JUST thinking about the wind-surfing the other day. ...egh.
Here's a query for you about the "birth certificate" controversy. The public relations officer at the Hawaii Bureau of Records--a Ms. Janice Okubo--has assured at least one reporter (Tampa bay) that the Obama certificate is the real thing. Others have asked how this can be without at least a seal and signatures. Any thoughts?
The issue is now felt to be "put to rest" by MSM reporters because of her assurance.s.
Afterwards Ms. Janice Okubo returned to her life as a homeless, bag lady on Waikiki's streets.
Oh, by the way Janice says thanks for the two bits Obmama!
I expect that Obama voted on the FISA bill the way he did because he thinks he'll be president and he wants to make sure he can spy on anyone, anytime. He seems to love manipulation and control. He could actually be much, much worse than Bush.
I'm pretty sure that Obama -- for all his many faults -- would be better than Bush. But he is not running against Bush, is he?
A quote from the comments to a post at the Big Brass Blog entitled Pulse of the Electorate: Dem VP:
"I found almost a dollar in change under my car seat today...
"That's more change than this election is going to give us; and, unlike this election, the change I now have in my pocket makes a nice sound."
Well, some of the progs are becoming disillusioned, perhaps. Others, as Glenn Greewald says, have switched their position on FISA on a dime, making endless excuses for St. BHO, where they had utterly trashed the Democratic leadership for its similar position just minutes before.
However, I remember the last time the FISA situation was in the news. The progs were flogging the leadership in about the same (prior) terms, and some guy named Joseph Cannon was DEFENDING the the leadership, stating all was well because of the obtaining minimization procedures.
Or that's how I remember it, anyway. Is your prior rebuke of the progs still valid in this continuing chapter, or are they now correct, in your view?
No, Obama is not running against Bush. I meant that in the same way people say that Bush made Nixon look good. And he did. Obama may be so terrible that we wish for the days of Bush. I find his lack of record and his association with religious militants to be very troubling.
Excellent point. I think the comparison can be made (as I have stated before) to American Communism. Some woke up when they figured out that Lenin's dictatorship was not going to be a temporary thing. Some snapped out of the trance when Trotsky split. Some got fed up during the show trials. Some became infuriated when Moscow cracked down on artists. Some got pissed off at the pact with Hitler. Some left when Khruschev gave his famous four hour speech. Eventually, there was no-on left in the party but Gus Hall and a whole bunch of FBI infiltrators.
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