Monday, May 19, 2008

Suppose they gave an election and nobody came?

Joseph Farah tells his fellow conservatives not to vote for McCain, who is seen as too moderate. Better, says Farah, to let the Democrats take over and "conduct their diabolical social experiment on America without restraint."

Meanwhile, I argue that Obama is no true liberal, and that his advisors are Friedmanites who cannot possibly cope with the coming economic disaster. Better, say I, to let that disaster occur on a Republican's watch.

Wouldn't it be fun if both Republicans and Democrats sat out this election?


CognitiveDissonance said...

The really scary thought is having it happen on a Democrat's watch. Because in that case, it will never get undone. This is one of my 100 reasons why I can't vote for Obama, no matter if that means a McCain presidency.

Peter of Lone Tree said...

Back in early '06 or so, I ventured the opinion here and there that the Republicans, if not actually trying to lose, didn't much care if they lost control of the House & Senate.
I've been toying with the idea lately that neither side cares too much about winning the presidential election.

Gary McGowan said...


First Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt

Hillary Clinton cares very much about winning the election with her as president. She and the team she puts together might have a bunch of this FDR spirit in her.

It's not that the problems aren't fixable. They are. Aw, hell... this one points to FDR's mistake, as:

"though they threatened several times to nationalize the Fed, this was mostly as a threat to pry loose credit. If [the central banks] refused to 'loosen up,' Roosevelt and his advisers threatened to take more drastic actions, including the issuing of direct government credits; but they backed off, partly under pressure of agents but also because of their own imperfect understanding of the basics of American System economics."

Franklin Delano Roosevelt vs. the Banks: Morgan's Fascist Plot, and How It Was Defeated
by L. Wolfe (easy to find)

There are some reports JFK was planning to do it (my researches suggest they are wrong, but I'm not certain.) and Bill Clinton was gingerly stepping all around the idea with the CFR in his luncheon speech the same day the indep counsel was hauling tons of boxes into Congress toward his impeachment.

It just takes a strong, knowledgeable president.

A lot of people thought we couldn't win the War of Independence too.

I say we can.