Monday, May 19, 2008

Michelle...from Hell... (A love song)

As you know, as part of "Operation Make Nice," Michelle Obama said that she would welcome Hillary on the ticket: "I think the world of Hillary Clinton..."

God, I wish the Obamas would just stop lying!

Not long ago -- as the above video clip demonstrates -- she was saying something quite different. This cog in the Daley machine was saying that Hillary Clinton was unworthy of support.

In honor of Barack Obama's recent declaration that his wife is off limits -- oddly enough, he didn't seem to mind his wife's threat against Bill Clinton -- I've composed the following ditty. Apologies to Paul McCartney:

Michelle, from Hell
You and Daley go together well
Scumbag Michelle

Michelle, from Hell
Vous et Daley êtes très répugnants
très répugnants

I hate you, I hate you, I hate you
And all your whole unclean
Chicago machine
By the way, you have the shoulders of
a big Quarterback

Michelle, from Hell
dans votre manoir acheté par Rezko
Tony Rezko

Your father your father your father
He worked for Daley too
So tell me what you do
To earn three hundred sixteen k
From UCH


I’m onto, I’m onto, I’m onto
All of your evil schemes.
I’ll undermine your dreams
'Cause Tony’s going to the joint
And you’ll join him soon...

Michelle, from Hell
vous m'incitez honteux pour être

And God has damned America
By making us live with Michelle.


Anonymous said...

Joseph, this is beneath you. You are starting to sound like the bloggers you rail against - and I'm on your side!

Joseph Cannon said...

Nonsense. The bloggers I rail against would not have tweaked the meter to get it right.

Anonymous said...


In French, "Vous" is 2nd person plural. One uses vous to address a 2nd person singular (instead of 'tu') when out of respect. Like if you were talking to a magistrate, or you're a waiter and the patron is older than you are. The only other time it can be used (and perhaps this is what you meant) is when you are talking to a peer, but still use V instead of T in a way to be like a smart ass, it's like a reverse insult, using the term of respect when it is obviously not merited. is that what you meant to do Joseph? If so, i am impressed with your grasp of the subtleties of French.

Joseph Cannon said...

You use "tu" only with a single person with whom you are on intimate terms. In old French movies, the lovers might revert to "vous" when they break up.

In "War and Peace," there's an interesting scene in which Pierre is more or less forced into a loveless marriage. When he proposes, he uses the absurd phrase "Je vous aime."

Charles D said...

How low can you go? This is not only offensive, it is stupid.

Joseph Cannon said...

Did I threaten to scratch out the eyes of a former president?

Am I taking a huge payoff from a do-nothing job for a "non profit" hospital that rips off the poor?

Do I pretend to be someone who puts the needs of black people first while living i a mansion provided by a man who made millions from ripping off black tenants?

Your concern is misplaced.

Besides, it wasn't easy to hit all the points I wanted to hit while creating lyrics that were singable. In both languages, no less!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was hilarious. But then, I'm a certifiably Bad Person. (I think Michelle's shoulders look like Bobby Fischer's.)

Now, this is also very funny:

"The Wall Street Journal recently reported that last summer, Illinois Senator Barack Obama told officials in the Teamsters union that he favored ending the Independent Review Board (IRB) that was created in 1989 by the federal government to rid the union of organized crime. Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for Obama, confirmed the story, saying that the candidate believed that the IRB had "run its course" because "organized crime influence in the union has drastically declined." The Teamsters subsequently endorsed Obama for president, in late February. "

Makes you wonder.

Or does it.

gary said...

Karot, apparently there is nothing beneath Joseph at this point, as he spirals downward into outright hatred of Barack Obama.

Hyperman said...

he uses the absurd phrase "Je vous aime."

"Je vous aime" is not absurd ?!?, it's the polite way of saying "I love you". "Je t'aime" being the informal way of saying it.

Lee, don't forget that in Quebec, "Tu" is used more often than "Vous". In France, people working together for 20 years or even old couple would talk to each other with "vous" (more often in the higher class). Not long ago, kids were expected to use "vous" to talk to their parents, but it's changing. When I talk to my grand parents (who are 90), I use "Vous".

Sorry but "vous m'incitez honteux pour être
américain" is not correct at all.

Inciter in French is not exactly "cause me to". It's more used in the sense of "strongly suggesting to willingly". Like "je vous incite à sortir à l'extérieur" or "le mauvais temps nous incita à ne pas sortir".

At least, if you insist on using "Inciter" (with some artistic license) you should instead say:
"vous incitez en moi la honte d'être américain"

But I would instead say:

- Vous me rendez honteux d'être américain
- à cause de vous, j'ai honte d'être américain
- vous provoquez en moi la honte d'être américain
- la honte d'être américain me vient de vous
- vous êtes la source de ma honte d'être américain

Gary McGowan said...

Comment by ChrisXP | 2008-05-20 11:28:56 at The Confluence:

The Obama [campaign] theme…

Nowhere Man - The Beatles

He’s a real Nowhere Man
Sitting in his Nowhere Land
Making all his Nowhere plans for nobody

Doesn’t have a point of view
Knows not where he’s going to
Isn’t he a bit like you and me?

Nowhere Man please listen
You don’t know what you’re missing
Nowhere Man the world is at your command

He’s as blind as he can be
Just sees what he wants to see
Nowhere Man can you see me at all?

Nowhere Man don’t worry
Take your time don’t hurry
Leave it all till somebody else lends you a hand

Doesn’t have a point of view
Knows not where he’s going to
Isn’t he a bit like you and me?

Nowhere Man please listen
You don’t know what you’re missing
Nowhere Man the world is at your command

He’s a real Nowhere Man
Sitting in his Nowhere Land
Making all his Nowhere plans for nobody
Making all his Nowhere plans for nobody
Making all his Nowhere plans for nobody

Joseph Cannon said...

I am glad for the correction of my French. The problem was trying to match the original. Your last suggestion has the right number of syllables:

vous êtes la source de ma honte d'être

But then the stresses fall on "vous" and "la." Not sure I like that.

You know, a good filk -- that's the term, I think, for what we're doing here -- is tougher than coming up with original lyrics. Especially if the song is bilingual.

2Truthy said...

HAHA! This is hilarious!More songs, Joe!

Is it my imagination or does Michelle Obama look like a ringer for James Brown?