Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Is someone keeping this stuff?

Is there a good repository for the quasi-psychotic anti-Clinton commentary found on Kos and DU?

No history of the current campaign would be complete without that material, which I fear may disappear into the cyber-ether. Indeed, I think that these rage-dumps will matter more to historians than will the pronouncements of the candidates. History based on "official" statements always misleads. We need to preserve a ground-level view of the mob in action, carrying pitchforks and torches and screaming for blood. It'd be like having home video of Krystallnacht.

I'm amazed at how the anti-Clinton agit-prop campaign recapitulated all of the GOP's favorite tactics. Best example: Rezko. Remember how the Kossacks tried to tie Fat Tony to Hillary, based on a photo?

Now think back to the Abramoff scandal, which the Republicans, using similar tactics, tried to pass off as "bipartisan."

Same shit, different party. My party. That's what made me angry.


rjarnold said...

What's really ironic about your post is that on the second diary on the rec-list they are actually trying to tie Hillary to Abramoff.

Joseph Cannon said...

I just now read that. As much as I could take.

Un. Be. LIEVable.

You know, tonight I found a ten dollar bill (no kidding) and irresponsibly decided to use it to see "Speed Racer." Inflicting a movie like on a society in which no-one can afford to drive is like forcing an impotent man to watch porn.

At any rate, when I walked out, my first thought was: I've never dropped acid, but it must be like THAT.

And after reading that Kos diary, I think I know what a BAD acid trip must be like.