Thursday, May 15, 2008


The Knot: I suppose I should applaud the recent California State Supreme Court ruling that same-sex couples should have the right to marry. However, long-time readers know my preferred solution: We should achieve equality by making heterosexual marriage illegal. For some reason, this does not seem to be a popular idea.

Who is Steve Corbett?
Apparently, he's a broadcaster in PA.
Scranton, PA is going wild this afternoon. Host Steve Corbett has had it with being called a racist for supporting Hillary Clinton and has stated he will not vote for Obama. The lines are going crazy with calls from people in NE PA who feel the same way.
I'd like to know more about this guy and what he's saying. Right now, all I know is that "Steve Corbett" sounds like the kind of civilian name a comic book superhero might have.

Is there an Obama-killer video? Larry Johnson reports on the rumor -- and I would not use any other word, even though he claims to have multiple sources -- that video exists of Michelle Obama snarling about her problems with "whitey". I have no idea if this claim has a factual basis -- and frankly, I am skeptical. If there is an October Surprise in the wings, Obama would be smart to unleash it on his own terms, well before October.

Richard Viguerie
claims that the entire Republican leadership should step down, because they have betrayed the party's core principles and transformed it into a soul-less mechanism for grabbing power. He's right, of course. But the same thing is happening to the Democratic Party.

Let's clear the board. Let's put Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi (yes, I'm finally done defending her), Harry Reid, Mike Duncan, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner all on the same bus and send them to the duck farm. Let's have a fresh start all around.

Lovely thought, innit?


Anonymous said...

"If there is an October Surprise in the wings, Obama would be smart to unleash it on his own terms, well before October."

That's damn skippy. Like, about now? Right now, while his popularity is high enough that his public image—and that of the Democratic Party—could probably recover from it before he hits the convention?

Anonymous said...

1. I'm skeptical too.

2. As they say, I'll believe it when I see it, but as you proved with the dark-Obama thing, maybe that's not true anymore. (If it ever was.)

3. Power protects power.

Charles D said...

It is a lovely thought indeed. We should rent a very large bus though, so we can include every campaign consultant who has advised a Democrat over the last 10 years.

It is beginning to seem that if McCain loses in the fall, the Republicans may regroup and rethink - like they did after the Goldwater defeat. Unfortunately, the Democrats don't seem to be able to do that since they don't have a single well-defined set of core ideological positions. They have certainly had the wake-up calls (McGovern, Dukakis, etc.).

I still believe the best outcome for this year is to have the convention deadlock on the first ballot and throw the nomination open. By nominating someone who has not been the target of Republican opposition research for a year, they might do better than with either of the 2 current contenders.

OTE admin said...

DL, you hit the nail right on the head. While I support Clinton over Obama, I know this is the scenario I really want.

Obama has succeeded in trashing Clinton in a way the GOP could not. She is hurt badly. Obama is simply toxic and unelectable. The best solution for the Democrats is to have a brokered convention and pick someone else as the standardbearer, whether that be Gore, Edwards, Biden, or somebody else.

That more than anything is why Clinton MUST stay in the race through the convention. She MUST deny Obama the nomination regardless of whether she becomes the nominee or not.

Anonymous said...

"It is a lovely thought indeed."

What? That MO is a hater of white people? Why is that so lovely? Then your definition of lovely is bizarro.

Another thing: If Johnson turns out to be wrong about this, there SHOULD be hell to pay. Because if he is spreading a rumor, that's wrong. It's as wrong as the Obama camp's exploitation of the race card. Isn't it, Joe? I thought your whole opposition to Obama was based on a principled opposition to race-baiting and fascist strong-arming. If this turns out to be a baseless rumor, then Johnson is no better than those whom you rightly condemn in the Obama-camp.

Joseph Cannon said...

The "lovely thought" referred to the bus bound for the duck farm.

J, you are right about the MO video rumor. I am very skeptical.

On the other hand, during this campaign many rumors turned out to have a factual basis, and problems for Obama which I initially dismissed turned out to be genuine issues. Among these problems were Rezko and Wright.

As you will recall, I initially minimized the talk of a Rezko/Obama linkage. We now know that the two men were in daily contact.

Before the Wright videos came out, I ignored the preliminary blogland mutterings that he would turn out to be a topic of controversy.

So...right now, I'm not sure how to respond to a claim like the one Johnson is making. It just doesn't seem possible that the wife of an ambitious state senator would ever use a racial insult in public with cameras running.

I simply cannot believe it.

But I also can't believe what has happened to Kos and DU...

Anonymous said...

I'm curious why you'd call for Howard Dean to be removed, along with the rest. Just to do a 'clean slate' sort of housecleaning? Or something Dean has done or not done?

I like Dean, and his naysayers have been proven wrong, generally. I don't blame him for the FL/MI situations occurring, although to date there hasn't been the fix for this that ought to take place, I'll admit.


Anonymous said...

1. Thanks for clarification.

2. Re: Rumors. Dude! I said "IF" this turns out to be untrue.

If true, it should be hung around Obama's neck. It's a perfectly legit issue.

If (if, if!) untrue, Johnson should be made to eat crow in public.

Joseph Cannon said...

sof, I used to admire Dean until recently. But then something changed -- and every time I saw his mug, I saw the face of Markos Moulitsas superimposed over it.