Sunday, April 27, 2008

While we were squabbling (more numbers)

Jen here...(don't ban me, I know I participate in a fair share of the squabbling)...

I just noticed a Gallup puts Bush's approval rating at 28%.

There's no point to this post other than to mention that a mad man and mass murderer with an approval rating beneath that of your average bag of celery is still the recognized leader of this country.

Oh, and to ask if anyone here wants to post predictions about how low he'll be allowed to go. A Nixonesque 16%? Lower?

I doubt they'll let him get lower than Nixon with any of the name polling groups. So I'll post 16%, which might go back up to 20 or 25% by January of 2009, depending on how spiteful the Southern and Midwestern voters are feeling about President Obama. 


Joseph Cannon said...

Jen, my dear, you will never be banned. My guess: No presidential approval rating will ever dip below 20 percent. I don't think Nixon scored a 16...or did he?

Joseph Cannon said...

Egads! I just proved us both wrong. GWB once scored a 19, according to Wikipedia...

Nixon's lowest was 24. Truman once got a 22. And those are the bottom three.

JFK remains the only president whose approval rating never dropped below 50 percent.

Anonymous said...

I protest your slander against celery, a healthful and beneficial vegetable.

George Bush is a disease-producing and harmful vegetable.

AitchD said...

Based on, say, two-thirds of the US population (is that high, low, or fair?), you're saying that Gallop figures some 56 million Americans approve of the job Bush is doing. Migod, that's a huge number! It's like all of England, or France, or Italy!

AitchD said...

A surveyor asked me today how I rate Bush's job as POTUS.

Today (4/28) I got a call at 6:15 p.m. EDT, I picked up, said "Yes, hello" and from the pause I understood it was roboticized. A woman's voice said Hello, blah blah conducting a survey blah blah, results will blah blah on radio stations, television stations, newspapers, and magazines. Her voice sounded similar to the woman who tells you she is sorry but your call cannot go through, please hang up and try again, but slightly older and like a bank teller's. Because I'm 18 or older, I pressed "one" (1). My dog could also do that if I told him to.

"How do you rate the performance of President Bush?" or words to that effect. If excellent, press 4, blah blah, if poor press 1, if no opinion press 5, blah blah want blah repeated press 6. I pressed nothing, wanted to speak, and asked for a voice. Apparently the robot got no response and puckered. A man's voice said "We're sorry. We did not recognize your response blah blah press blah blah again". I asked again for a voice, the robot guy repeated the blahs, and I hung up.

Check 'them' out if you want:
Caller ID: Wireless Callin