Saturday, April 26, 2008


Amazing things are coming out in the Rezko trial, which is really about a much more widespread network of Chicago corruption. Key words: Rove, Bush, Carlyle Group, Blagojevich, Daley, kickbacks, bribes. Yes, Obama is in it up to his hips.
The political mafia of Illinois now plans to move the Chicago brand of corruption to Washington in a U-Haul hooked up to their second choice candidate. Americans will never allow it to happen. They will either vote for McCain or not at all.

If Obama becomes the nominee, the Republicans will unleash a non-stop expose of Obama in the mainstream media that will make the swift boat attacks against John Kerry seem trivial. Only this time, they won't have to make lies because the truth will be on their side.


Anonymous said...

McCain's ass is so smeared with shit that he has to carry a can of air freshener at all times!
And Hillary has admitted to having baggage criss-crossed with duct Tape!
So Obama only has to fall short of having to carry a can air freshener and a roll of duct tape to win over those two!

Gary McGowan said...

Bill Clinton was asked to comment on the fact that Hillary's clear victory in Pennsylvania hadn't stopped the incessant calls from the likes of Pelosi, Dean, and Reid for Hillary to withdraw:

He chuckled and said, "Okay, I'm about to commit candor. If somebody tells you you oughta quit, it's because they're afraid you won't. And if somebody tells you, you can't win, it's because they're scared you can."

Just before the PA primary, the pounding of the drums of a group of "Democrats," demanding Clinton be gracious and drop out of the race; the loud idiot beat of the same drumming school as the '98 Labor Day weekend plot designed to force Bill Clinton's resignation over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Because of the Party rule mandating proportional representation, Clinton can't catch up to Obama's 164-delegate lead from the primaries and caucuses. But the popular vote--contrary to the Obama camp's expectations--may be a different matter. Counting MI and FL, Hillary has a 120K vote lead. She will build on that lead in Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, and N.Y. related Puerto Rico.

The fact is that Obama, cannot come close to reaching the majority needed for nomination without a significant boost from the 795 superdelegate group EITHER.

Pelosi not long ago was insisting Democrats had to avoid a brokered convention; the superdelegates should be bound by the popular vote in their states; if so now, Hillary would have the nomination in the bag. However, that simple reality has not stopped Reid, Pelosi and Dean from declaring they would wait 'til the last primary... but that once that takes place, they intend to press the superdels to select the nominee--still months before the elected delegates arrive in Denver!

Obama's message is "change!" Hillary's is about representing the party that created Social Security and Medicare, and defended them against Republican attacks; the party that can bring assured health care, housing and education to all Americans.

The game wasn't supposed to go this way. Scum wanted to take out Clinton and what she's standing for earlier; then disintegrate the Obama campaign with scandal, to pave the way for an independent party run over Obama's "dead political body" to install someone to control the population ever so slowly awakening to the economic reality of the failed globalist free trade, monetarist, let's use the casino ploy to loot the world and kill off all the blackies and brownies system.

They are increasingly desperate. It would seem their fallback plan now is violence at the convention, assassinate Hillary if that doesn't work, and run Bloomberg behind McCain, who is not a very healthy man.

I was old enough to be in the military when President John F. Kennedy was murdered, not to mention Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy, I have seen the United States of America brought to the brink of destruction. The youngsters can't see it and the well-off oldsters are in denial (or increasing shock).

Hang on for the ride of your lives in the coming months.

AitchD said...

Good job, Gary M, superb analysis and synthesis.

A bunch of bipartisan geezers held their Last Hurrah Retreat at U of Oklahoma January 7, as you'll recall. Attending (partial list): Bloomberg, Hagel, Nunn, Hart, William Cohen, Charles S. Robb, David L. Boren, John Danforth, Christine Todd Whitman.To a person/personess they admired Barry for his promise, and obviously convened because Hillary looked like the shoe-in.

Patrick Fitzgerald is the DOJ water boy for the 'Rezko' case. Fitz is a scary Jesuit-zero-tolerance guy (with bad Flatbush grammar) whose expertise appears to lie in the subtle art of containment. If you ask me, I think he went after Ryan because of Ryan's moratorium on capital punishment in Illinois. (I think Barry would try to eliminate capital punishment, starting with an Emancipation Proclamation for Federal jurisdictions like DC and the territories; the military, etc.) Every elected politician is either dirty or soiled - who would deny that? Even Barry said so, and he may be the first POTUS major candidate to tell that truth.

Surely Hillary has lock boxes with stuff to insure her safety?

Barry is relatively clean. The tabloidal article Hobo Joe cites (the neutral reporter calls a witness a "dope fiend") is blunt reportage but stupid. Far worse could have been reported about all of Joe's political idols. It's stupid because if it gets legs, instead of destroying Barry it will strengthen his resolve.

There's some deep shit we don't quite grasp: Krugman and Wilentz are Princeton; Clinton is Yale; Barry is Columbia and Harvard. Princeton hacked Harvard's admissions office database back in the early 2000s. Harvard's president resigned because he said personesses aren't mathy enough. Cornel West jumped to Princeton. Columbia had to defend itself against Jews who screamed about pro-Palestinian/anti-Israeli policy faculty (so its president mocked Iran's president). All this stuff matters, not to me in the least, but to some important Movers. Maybe snootier blogs cover that kind of stuff.

I'll wait to hear from Charles Ogletree about Barry and his Rezkp problem, although I never thought Barry was electable because of what LBJ did to destroy the Democratic Party, cutting off the South (Carter barely won a few Southern states, and had Ford said half a word to encourage African-American voters, he would have won the election instead of Carter; Clinton/Gore won their Favorite Son states, not much else.)

The other day I watched (a YouTube of) Tavis Smiley interviewing Joni Mitchell. She was cracking him up throughout - I've never seen him so happy!

Joe, do you think Wesley Snipes will get a stimulus check?

Anonymous said...

I will second the "good job, Gary" sentiment. Stick around, man. Ride of our lives, indeed. I almost feel bad for those who worship Obama because this house of cards will fall. Unfortunately, I think it's going to break a lot of hearts and take some good people down with it. Like I've posted before, it is not going to be pretty.

gary said...

Corruption in Chicago? Who would have thought. I don't doubt that the Republicans will try to use this against Obama. As the article notes though, Rezko has ties to the Republicans, the White House and Karl Rove as well. But not to McCain, who has a few ties of his own, including to the Bonanno crime family.

But as the author of this piece notes, all the news articles generally mention that Obama hasn't been accused of anything. The Obama campaign can fight back with these clips.

McCain vs.Obama may turn out to be the most epic battle since Godzilla vs. King Kong.

Anonymous said...

Although I am not an Obama acolyte, I find this article a little thin as to any significant, let alone major, liability for the man.

This article starts off with a barnburning lead, which it then DROPS for half the article, and then supports poorly with weak beer kinds of 'facts.'

Because campaign contributions alone do not make for a convincing corruption case. Even arch-corrupt figures are legally entitled to make donations, and candidates are legally entitled to take them, regardless of the donors' circumstances. They might already be convicted of felonies and in jail, but if they control funds in their name, they can donate to the maximum amount allowed by law in primaries and in the general election. The only issue with receiving such funds is the public perception angle.

Obviously, the key (and imo, missing in this story) ingredient is the quid pro quo. and it has to be more than throwing your support to an INCUMBENT office-holder (sheesh!).

And if these kinds of sins are granted absolution when the candidate returns all funds, or donates them to charity, BHO is uniquely able to return the full $250,000, should he decide to, because he is swimming in cash.


Anonymous said...

"Patrick Fitzgerald is the DOJ water boy for the 'Rezko' case. Fitz is a scary Jesuit-zero-tolerance guy (with bad Flatbush grammar) whose expertise appears to lie in the subtle art of containment."


Reading you is like re-experiencing every dorm room argument I had in the early 70s.

If all you have in your quiver against reality is insults like "geezers" then you really have nothing.

About Fitzgerald, I'll just bet that a couple of years ago, you were reading Firedoglake 20 times a day, and anticipating Fitzmas. When he didn't deliver by indicting the entire Bush administration, you were so shattered you couldn't think straight. Hence the Obama-phoria.

Joseph Cannon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joseph Cannon said...


This being the weekend, a time when I prefer to escape from politics, the only comment I wish to address at this moment is your reference to "King Kong versus Godzilla."

Did you know that the Japanese made TWO previous King Kong movies in the 1930s -- using men in ape suits, pioneering man-in-suit techniques later used in the Godzilla movies? The first was an unauthorized short called "Japanese King Kong," released in 1933, same year as the original. A full-length movie called "King Kong Goes to Edo" was released in 1938.

Neither film was authorized. And all copies of both movies have vanished.

Anonymous said...

And all copies of both movies have vanished.

Darn that Senator Clinton and her racist time machine!

(/irony tag)


AitchD said...

J, I'm older than you, but you can't know how grateful it makes me, especially since my hearing is still intact. Plus, I had my swing speed tested today - 90 mph with a driver, I'm probably losing 1-2 mph per year now; in college I was a crack archer w/ 40 lb. bow (apropos your 'quiver' crack), notwithstanding or because of a useless left eye. I first learned of Fitz when he indicted Ryan, but I loathed his kind and style while you were in junior high school, and I might as well add here that I know Dr. Cyril Wecht personally. I've been reading only Cannonfire and Wonkette regularly, plus Covert History, and never heard of Firedoglake. I get 2 weekly mags, The Nation and The New Yorker (which get read and passed around at my local post office first); I haven't even looked at Time/Newsweek/USN/ or USA Today since you started college, unless there was a special feature about The Beatles. I usually read my local paper, but I canceled The Observer 4 years ago when they stopped listing movies for the week in their Sunday TV Guide and simultaneously reported for weeks about a local dentist who was syringing his sperm into his female patient's mouths. 'k?

Your attributing to me what you call "Obama-phoria" is a sign that you suffer from some serious brain damage, and I'm sure I'm not the first to point it out to you. No offense intended. Love & kisses.