Saturday, April 19, 2008

The new mafia -- or: No Republican ever called me racist

Forgive a rambling personal message, but it is the weekend.

I just received a "fuck off" letter from a former friend. A sad business -- but what made it infuriating was being told that I have not done anything in my life "that did not benefit you."

This, from a reporter who is paid for her efforts, as I am not.

Over the years, similar accusations have flavored quite a lot of the hate mail coming here. "I don't like you" isn't enough. People feel obligated to presume bad intentions, hidden motives and greased palms.

Nobody's intentions are entirely pure. One can scry selfish motivations into the most altruistic thing ever done by you, by me, by Mother Theresa, by anyone.

Still, this blog is not monetized; even the few Adsense dollars now head into someone else's pocket. I've turned down many requests to speak on the radio or to give lectures. I've refused offers of paid writing gigs (although I once was tempted, when hungry). I actively discourage all permanent links to this site. The one time I asked my readers for money, it went to someone else.

For four years, I've written about causes I believed in, writing for the sake of writing -- operating in the Gita-approved fashion, doing a perceived duty without thought of result. Does that stance count as altruism? Perhaps not. Obsession or habit may be considered ignoble motives. Nevertheless, the fact remains: I would be affluent if I had put my energies toward the fetching of lucre instead of insisting on fighting my miserably flawed idea of the good fight.

Yet I am routinely accused of taking pay-offs, and of being a shameless publicity seeker. If I had appeared on the radio, do you have any idea how much sheer shit would be thrown at me? "So now Cannon is spreading his disinformation in other media..." God only knows what kind of backlash would occur if I received even the smallest check for my keyboard-clobberings.

So why do these accusations hit me and not my former friend? She is paid; I am not. She seeks publicity (for good reason and good cause); I do not.

The answer finally hit me. Nobody accuses her of taking a pay-off precisely because she gets paid for her work.

The progressive movement has become a mafia. If you make a living from your writing, you have to operate within certain strictures -- you cannot piss off Da Mob.

The conservative movement is an even worse mafia, of course, and all writers on that side of the aisle must follow their own version of The Party Line. Of course, the pay is better over there.

I can name two prominent leftish writers who refuse to take a public stand on the current Obama/Clinton mess. If pressed, these writers will insist that they must remain focused on matters more important than a mere election. The real reason for their epic disinterest is, I suspect, money.

Left-wing political writers who eke out a living from their work dare not piss off the progressive mafia. If they do, they soon will be reduced to slurping down 39-cent mac-n-cheese while praying that the knock on the door is someone other than the landlord.

Savor the paradox, grasshopper: Those who write for free may write freely. That is why they stand accused of being purchased. Those who take money are never accused of doing it for the money.

I make this point not to criticize writers who get paid. Of course they deserve recompense for their labor; I know that my former friend deserves better payment than she receives. But writers who desperately need that undersized check understand that they had best not alienate the audience.

Hence, unconscious self-censorship. Hence, jealousy of those unfettered few who speak their minds.

I am uncensored, and thus I receive daily insult from progressive mobsters. This behavior has gone on for years -- long before the Obama/Clinton brouhaha. The prog-mob has taught me to hate the people I once sided with.

Remember when Muhammed Ali said "No Vietcong ever called me 'nigger'"? Well, no Republican ever called me 'racist.'

To be frank, I simply cannot hate Republicans any more, at least not on so visceral a level. Yes, I know that powerful conservatives do all sorts of evil under the sun. On the other hand, they don't insult me as the progs daily do.

Would the progressive mafia do less evil if granted power?

As you mull over that point, consider Arianna Huffington. If you don't know her history, look it up, or wait for my upcoming piece. When she was a Republican, she once had a bizarre plan for a power-grab -- ruling from behind the throne, due to her foreign birth. She also pretended to be an Orthodox Christian even though she was baptized into a particularly hideous cult.

Yet she has now become a queen within the Democratic Party. Lifelong Dems such as myself no longer are considered welcome, thanks to the "tiny tent" strategy favored by progs. Arianna lives in luxury but is never accused of being in it for the money. She adores publicity but is never accused of being a publicity hound. Those who know her true history understand that she once had her eye on the presidency itself, and that her ultimate intent was the total destruction of all social welfare programs -- in short, ultra-Libertarianism. Yet no-one now questions the purity of her motives.

The only thing that keeps me writing is hatred. Hatred of the mafia. Da Mob destroyed the left. I know I cannot destroy Da Mob, but I will nevertheless do what little I can. It's a Gita thing.


Anonymous said...

I think the Mob is destroyable, although I prefer saying something like "putting them back in their box," where they can't do so much harm; they'll probably "always be around," so to speak. I even know how to do it, not that I figured it out all by myself (far from it).

If FDR had lived another 4-10 years, we'd be living in a far far more human world. Or maybe even JFK and his brother, along with MLK.

One thing for sure, Obama and the Bamabots ain't the Mob. That will become clear quickly enough. They are just laughingly pathetic. Trick will be to turn them into a useful force when the shit hits the fan.

The next nine months or so are sure going to be interesting. Not that I'm planning to go anywhere, but the expression, "See you on the other side." has an especially poignant ring to it in that regard.

Anonymous said...

And I come back here voluntarily. . and --almost always--feel more than well compensated for the effort. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

"The only thing that keeps me writing is hatred."

Then dear Joseph I think you have a problem.
You need to talk to someone outside of the blog world and get your emotions, your mind and being in balance. Hate can eat one up. Writing can be an art but not if it is only motivated by hate.
Best of luck to you.

Anonymous said...

Joseph, sometimes I worry you are feeling a bit... alone. In hope of improving your spirits I offer this:

Please enjoy.

Gary McGowan

Anonymous said...

I've been a regular reader of your blog since I discovered it a couple of months ago.

I greatly appreciate the work you do on this blog, both in terms of the substantial research that many of your posts indicate, as well as the heartfelt but ever-colorful way you express yourself.

As someone who long frequented the Daily Kos but gradually felt that there were too many True Believers there for me to feel comfortable any longer, your postings on that Progressive Purists, and on the Church of the Prophet Obama, have really hit home with me. I think you're right on the money, and that a few months from now, a lot of people will be wondering what it was that they were smoking through the candidate-nominating process.

I read a number of blogs, both from the left and the right, and find plenty to agree with, and a fair amount that infuriates me, on almost all of them. But one thing that strikes me about your writing is that I always have the feel you're writing straight from the heart, but with a great deal of really serious thinking put into the mix.

So I hope you'll keep it up, and not be discouraged by communications like the one referenced above. You have a genuine voice that should be heard, and the fact that you do it neither for pay nor to prove your loyalty to any particular group or ideology makes it all the more noble.

AitchD said...

I'm very grateful for this Super Highway and your particular Drive-In, but I don't think of you as a person, meaning I don't feel one way or another about you or your personal actions and distractions. That said, whoever you are and I share many of the same wishes about our common future.

Anyway, according to Louis Menand, Muhammad Ali never said that.

Has anyone ever called you an Idealist? You sound like one. Either you've forgotten all your Ibsen or you slept through the best of him (A Doll House, Ghosts, The Wild Duck - especially The Wild Duck. No, especially A Doll House. Maybe Enemy of the People. The Wild Duck is closer to Mahler but with humor; Enemy of the People is kinda Wagnerian. My Norsk friends tell me his language is divine, so I'm bereft. "Life's not fair" - JFK).

Joseph Cannon said...

Hey, thanks for the link to that fun New Yorker article. I'm going tohave to stand corrected on the Ali quote.

The piece does get one point wrong. It attributes "Live long and prosper" to Gene Roddenberry. Those words were written by Ted Sturgeon.

I am scandalously NOT up on Ibsen. Something to do before death.

You made me laugh, calling me an "idealist" so soon after I was called selfish. But this only illustrates the Principle of Ironically Reciprocal Mischaracterization, or PIRM.

You've probably experienced this principle in your own life. If someone who doesn't really knows you calls you gregarious, within a week someone else will call you introverted. If someone calls you bright, within a week you'll be called dull. If someone calls you sentimental, within a week you'll be called captious.

PIRM happens frequently, and usually within a day's time, not a week's. Pay attention and you'll see how often PIRM occurs in real life.

By the way, it was Jimmy Carter who said "Life isn't fair."

Anonymous said...

luv ur stuf mr. cannonfire. ya know I guess if you consider mccain another 4 years of bush, then I would take 4 more years of bush over obama.

i am a progressive who voted for carter mondale dukacas clinton clinton kerry but cannot stomach mr obama - he makes me see a kind of a bush and even mccain would be better than that

Anonymous said...

Danny my love,
Shades of pink I see!
Pink will only cover pale grey!
What Am I To Do with Magenta?

Anonymous said...

You have the right of calling Obama and his supporters of being the "real racists", you have the right of affirming that Obama supporters are sexists and accuse them of not wanting to vote for a candidate without a penis. But how can someone dare to call you a racist !!! Since you're not paid, you're the only one who has the right to insult people in your house where you host an open house party. So you invite people to your house to insult them and kick them out if they dare to reply to your insults. What a wonderful mentality you have, no wonder you're so depraved and unable to get things moving economically and have to beg for money even if you have talent. It might be related to the fact that you can be a fucking jerk of the worse kind, the jerk who can't realize he's a jerk or even worse, the brand who thinks he has the right of being one (because he's in his house ??? sounds like a 5 years old at his birthday party, jeez...)

Too bad that by wanting to repair a prejudice against Hillary you have become a bigot who will attack Obama with the same tactics you freak about when they are used against Hillary. Instead of defending the attacks against Hillary and debunking them, you decided, in a weird twist of logic, that you would repeat the same against Obama. But I'm sorry, it's not by presenting a poorly researched, simplistic, Manichean view of "Hillary the poor victim" of "Obama the evil sorcerer" that you will balance anything, you're just making things worse.

So if it's to keep repeating the same bigoted anti-Obama crap you have been writing since your little war with KOS started, why don't you think about taking a break till your head cools down and your mind clears up a little ? We can get the same anti-Obama material on foxnews or in Ann Coulter articles, so why bother becoming a Republican talking point relay with an eagerness to sink lower than them ?

ps: Concerning your title, it's idiotic, sounds like: "why the KKK never called me a racist".

Joseph Cannon said...

Well, anon -- although I let your rant go through, I could have rejected it on the basis of your being anonymous. I thought that I would display the (non-)thinking of a typical Obamaphile.

This site is indeed an open house and those who want to enter may do so. That doesn't mean you may act however you please while on the premises. You know where the exit is.

I honestly do not understand why, if you find my company loathesome, you do not simply leave.

You remind me of a certain investigative reporter who was a friend of mine until recently. She talked about how much she hated what my site had become -- and then she acted affronted because I had removed my permanent link to her own work. Well, why would she WANT any association with the Man Everyone Loves to Hate?

My problem with the progressive community goes back well before the current Obama/Clinton showdown. For a long time, I've been disgusted by the way progressives have degenerated into a mirror image of the right. They've become vengeful, hate-filled, vituperative, intolerant, mob-like enforcers of the Party Line.

My great fear is that one day all right-wing activists will start acting like Nazis, the left activists will start acting like Stalinists, and everyone will spit at the center. God help this nation if that situation comes to pass.

In the four years of this blog, I've had a few verbal run-ins with right-wingers. Frankly, most of them were relatively pleasant. Some weren't. Meanwhile, every single day I grit my teeth at some prog like you who comes in here and calls me a "bigot" or worse.

I mean...Christ, I recall a time when I criticized the way Obama talks. I called him "Slowbama." Guess what? I was called a racist!

Or to illustrate a story in which I accused him of lying, I created an image of Obama wearing pants on fire. Guess what? I was called a racist!

Is that reasonable?

Don't you think that these bizarre accusations are going to have a cumulative and alienating effect?

How many years of this shit do you think guys like me will put up with before we decide switch sides politically?

Progs like you are so lacking in self awareness that you never can admit or understand your own role in alienating people from liberalism. Again, I would ask you to re-read the opening chapters of David Brock's "Blinded By the Right," which recounts how he became disgusted with the "progressive" campus mafia operating on the UC Berkeley campus in the early 1980s. I went to UCLA at roughly the same time, and I know full well what he is talking about.

Progressives have done more than Rush Limbaugh ever did to create the modern conservative movement.

By the way -- your equation of the entire Republican party with the KKK is moronic and indefensible. This is precisely the sort of inane, hyperbolic statement which causes folks in the middle to turn conservative.

AitchD said...

I stand corrected, JFK said "Life is unfair".

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for someone to call out that phony piece of dreck Arianna Stassinopoulos. (Why should we continue to refer to her by the name of her former marriage, which was a sham anyway?)

Let's not forget that Stassy wrote this piece of garbage, using a quote from Nixon, to support Bill Clinton's resignation:

National nightmare!

Clinton crisis!

She is friends with Marilyn Ferguson, and this, I think, is the key to her nutty psychology and politics.

"Ferguson's 1980 The Aquarian Conspiracy (JP Tarcher, 1980; 1987) chronicled the activities of an enthusiastic network of eminent and powerful movers and shakers from diverse fields working to bring about radical change and create a more cooperative society through “a benign conspiracy for a new human agenda”. The New York Times described this movement as “an alternative thought ... working its way increasingly into the nation’s cultural, religious, social, economic, and political life.” Ferguson's manifesto is widely credited as pulling into focus and giving impetus to “the great irrevocable shift” she so vividly described and helped to foment. The Aquarian Conspiracy, which USA Today hailed as “the handbook of the New Age”, was translated into dozens of languages and sold millions of copies world-wide. The book has remained in print for nearly three decades."

This is the dead heart of Obama-botulism.

Anonymous said...


As you all know, the stereotype of "grinning" blacks is established:

Shamefully, John Dickerson of Slate employed this racist imagery:

"Barack Obama was grinning like a kid when he stepped onto the platform of the antique train car he's riding in today in his four-city tour through central Pennsylvania."

Actually, that's a two-fer.

"Grinning" and "kid."

Shame on John Dickerson!!

Joseph Cannon said...

It's a three-fer, J. The image connects Barack Obama with the formerly-traditional occupation of black men as railway porters. When, oh when will our media be rid of the scourge of racism?

Anonymous said...

Really. "grinning like a kid" is racist?? really?? um, kids grin.

I don't think he said; 'grinning like a darkie in a minstrel show' he didn't say big toothy grin, nor biglipped grin, nor write that Barak was sweating coffee.. nor that he had a gangsta shuffle... just that he grinned like a kid. Sheesh!

Don't you think if a guy is on a whistle stop you can say the word "TRAIN" without conjuring up images of Scatman Crothers FFS????? you know what they say-- when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a watermelon.

I don't think you are at all a bigot (although FWIW the pants-on-fire grafic was not your best) but in the same light i really find it sad to see John Dickerson now being called that.

Reminds me of when i was in colege and couldn't say the word "girl." Even got in trouble once for saying "those girls really rocked" about the Indigo Girls. The stern Women's Studies major said: "oh. are they 12 years old?" I mean it's in their

So the Barackatoos will defend his holiness the Dalai Lobama to the point that even you Joe, will agree that Slate was being racist.

Like my natty dreadlocked grandma used to say: "A peer rumors ah gwan, Beenie Don, heart no leap, see and blind." See & Blind in deed....

Joseph Cannon said...

lee, I hope you understand that it was a gag.

Dont' get me started on the "girl" thing! Gad, feminism in the 1970s and 80s was appalling at times.

Sorry you didn't like that graphic. The nose thing was the tough part, since I didn't have a graphics tablet.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I don't understand. The republicans have a really bad hand going into this election: an exceptionally inept president, a recession, an unpopular war, massive corruption, etc. AND they're running a dinosaur the neocons don't trust. It IS ours to lose and here we're falling for the oldest trick in the book: divide and conquer. I winced when we decided THIS was the time to elect our first woman or black. I thought there was plenty of time for that once we'd got the nation back on track, without surrendering the votes of the sexist/racist holdouts, of whom I am mightily afraid there are more than we are willing to acknowledge. But this Hillary-Obama war and the "prog" wars must be a deep source of joy and satisfaction for the Rovians who are able to do so much with so little. Can any reasonable person REALLY claim it is better to throw the election to the war party/corporatists than to elect a democrat this fall, even if the democrat has flaws? Have you checked out McCain's flaws recently???

Anonymous said...

Oh Phew! I thought you guys were serious about that one. And Yes, the nose was the problem. Looked way too wispy... Not nearly enough like Pinoccio. But that was the only so-so illustration i have ever seen here (not exactly the reason why i read you every day, but a nice perk)...

Becki Jayne said...

I'm sorry for your loss, Joseph, of a friend who exited your life disrespectfully and with hurtful words.

I've only recently discovered your site and I'm glad I did. Perhaps the exit of one or more opens the space for kindred spirits more in tune with each other to gather together.

Labors of love are the greatest gifts we can offer for they are untainted by the need of others to control the "product." I hope you relish your freedom and maybe that thought can give you some comfort. And know you are not alone.

Many of us, I can vouch for myself, are struggling with the disappointment of what the progressive movement and blogosphere could have been in serving truth, justice and compassion. Now we see betrayers among us calling us betrayers, a defense mechanism they use to deny their guilt. Oh, the silly games people play for power.

Stumbling block? Or stepping stone? I"m confident you will choose wisely. Your words are reminding me to do the same and that's a tender mercy I appreciate.

Perhaps those of us on the road less traveled can help each other, organize together, support each other and keep on keeping on. It's legit to take a moment and mourn... and then begin anew.

Let me say again, Joseph, you are not alone. Wishing you the best.


Anonymous said...

Expect it to keep happening, Joe. As I've said repeatedly, I really enjoyed your blog before it became your personal outlet to disrespect your own readers because you don't like what happens at other blogs. And, I do think you're a racist. It's that white guilt thing going on which has caused you to make some absurd and disrespectful statements here, where you hang the actions of other people on candidates and readers as if they were doing it themselves. You've completely lost the ability to discuss politics rationally and, as a result, have just become another smear spot on the net.

Here's something for you to understand. When the election is over, if you do have some humanity in you, you're going to realise that you crossed the line repeatedly in your treatment of others here. Perhaps you'll apologise. But, it's going to fall on deaf ears for the most part since a lot of people will be gone.

I really did like your blog a lot at one point. But, honestly, it's just full of your hate now. I could try and figure out where it's coming from, but I simply don't care. I've hung around hoping this was just some tantrum or phase you're going through, but it's pointless to do so anymore. So, this marks my last comment to you, and my last visit here. Hopefully, one day you'll realise the foolishness of abusing your own reader base. But, you've already lost a lot of us I imagine.

I hope one day you are well again,

Anonymous said...

As long as we are all analyzing Joe...Joseph, you are a classic gadfly; the world needs gadflys even when they are really annoying, which they always are. True gadflys are rare and, in their own way, beautiful (are you blushing?) but you can never feel warm and fuzzy about them because they always manage to piss you off at some point - totally uncuddle-able, thank God!

I enjoy your blog; when you piss me off I do what any self-respecting person who has no stomach for an argument with you would do - I stick my fingers in my ears and go blah, blah, blah until you change the subject!

All honest gadflys are persecuted - look what happened to Socrates.

Anonymous said...

I just ran across something I posted on the web Nov. 6, 2002 after learning the republicans had won the Congress. It carries more meaning today with Nancy Pelosi being what she is and all.

George W. Bush was driving from Texas to New York and stopped in a bar on a quiet street and began drinking. After he was well past the legal limit, he stood up and shouted, "All Democrats are pigs!"

Immediately, the barroom crowd set upon him and threw him out of the bar.

After a few days, Mr. Bush stopped in the same bar on his way back to Texas and began drinking again. He stood up, but remembering what had happened last time, he shouted, "All Republicans are pigs," whereupon the crowd descended upon him and threw him out again.

Lying on ground, he asked a passer by "Who the hell do these people vote for around here?"

"You don't understand," the man replied. "They are all pig farmers."