Tuesday, March 25, 2008


My antipathy for progressives may morph into a dislike of the Democratic party (though it will never cause me to join the Republicans). Why? Look at today's Daily Kos.

That site is enough to make me vomit. Can you honestly tell me that the left has not copied the right's playbook? Moulitsas and his cronies give me the same ill feeling I used to get whenever I peeked into Lucianne Goldberg's web site circa 1998. It's the same feeling one might experience while watching a scorpion crawl across the cheek of a sleeping infant.

Compare Kos and DU to My DD. Now there's a refreshing reminder of what a Democratic public forum used to be like. At the moment, My DD has one pro-Obama story up toward the top and no pro-Clinton material. That's fine. My point here does not concern the candidates. What I want you to concentrate on is the style, the methodology, the decency, the lack of mob mentality, the eschewing of mindless hate-mongering, the refusal to ape the barbarisms of Scaife and Limbaugh.

Daily Kos is bigger than Fox News. If you didn't like the right-wing smear tactics described in the books of David Brock, how can you justify Moulitsas' embrace of the same practices? If the Democratic party will not explicitly denounce that obscene man -- by name -- then the party deserves to lose. Filthy politics, if rewarded, will be repeated.


  1. Hitch and Cannon sittin' in a tree...


    Are folks going to wake up in time? November worries me.

  2. I clinked on the link for DailyKos. What is it you are objecting to?

  3. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Well quit reading Dkos. Pull yourself together, we've got a country to save. Keep your eye on the prize which is a democratic President.

    Don't forget those are many of the Nader raiders, they're idiots, leave em alone.

  4. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Kos is CIA, he's admitted he was in the training program mere months before he started Dkos. Something that makes me go hmmmm, at any rate.

    Hey Joe, where's that post on Harrelson you promised us?


  5. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Sure hate to tell you, fella, but I've been feeling the same way about this site for the past couple weeks.

    Why bother to go over there? I stopped years ago. Why do you keep expecting Markos to clean up his act?

    Come to think of it, why do I keep expecting you to?

  6. Anonymous9:55 PM

    In other news, Buffy was really upset when she showed up to the prom and Karen was wearing the same dress as her. Thus, she called her a slut. More commentary as this develops.

  7. Kos doesn't care about anything but Kos. Joe, I emailed you over a year and mentioned my disgust with the endless self-promotion over at DK. I think that it is disgusting the way that some democrats have forgotten all that the Clintons have done both for the party and for poor people. It sickens me to hear Keith Olbermann nightly talk about Hillary the way that he typically talks about Karl Rove. I have become disillusioned of the same people who I once very much respected. Really, this race says very little about the democratic candidates, and a lot about the people who "support" them.

  8. Well, dermott, seems to me that if people can (correctly) udge the Republican party by the ways that Coulter, Rush and Savage have acted, then we may be able to judge the Dems by the ways that Kos and his confreres are acting.

    Of course, progs are into the double-standard thang: "I may do it; YOU may not."

    As for Hitchens -- fuck Hitchens. He switched sides; he supported the war. I never did and never will. One can lose faith in the forces of good (or what used to be until recently the forces of good) without joining the forces of evil.

    Olbermann -- what the hell HAPPENED?

  9. Anonymous2:28 AM

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  10. Anonymous11:59 AM

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  11. Hitchens, Olbermann, & Cannon all have that over-developed sixth sense, which is moral rectitude. Given their (awfully common) doctrinal perches of Eurocentrism, patriarchy, and Original Sin, you have a Perfect Storm.
