Thursday, March 13, 2008

Special treatment

dr. elsewhere will no longer write for this blog. Neither will she be allowed to comment. She crossed a line when, in a now-deleted comment, she accused Hillary Clinton of somehow being the true author of Ferraro's unfortunate statement. As though any candidate would want a public-relations nightmare!

I never liked Ferraro or her shady husband. Even so, let's take a look at her actual words:
I think what America feels about a woman becoming president takes a very secondary place to Obama's campaign - to a kind of campaign that it would be hard for anyone to run against. For one thing, you have the press, which has been uniquely hard on her. It's been a very sexist media. Some just don't like her. The others have gotten caught up in the Obama campaign.

If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.
Well, the first paragraph sure makes a lot of sense. As for the second -- it is absurd to argue that being black makes running for office any easier. (Also, Ferraro should have used the subjunctive.)

That said, the data indicate that women do have a greater disadvantage:
By contrast, 13 percent of voters said they would be less likely to support a woman and 6 percent said they would be less likely to support a black candidate
The Washington Post/ABC News pollsters could measure only the bigotries that respondents would admit. What about unspoken biases? Do they do more political violence to women than to black men?

History provides an obvious answer. How many black males have held congressional seats? How many females? How many cities have had black mayors? How many have had female mayors?

To repeat a point made previously, here and elsewhere: You can buy a doll of Hillary dressed as a Dominatrix, yet no-one would dare to sell a figurine of Barack dressed as a minstrel.

("But you can't compare..." Yes I can.)

How much of the primal, brutish hatred directed at Clinton on Kos and other liberal sites stems from gender-based antipathy? The progs routinely blast her for her allegedly "conservative" voting record, even though that record is actually very liberal. Kos knows damned well that he flat-out lied about that "darkened video" nonsense, yet he refuses to admit wrongdoing; apparently, women are unworthy of even the most deserved apology.

Each and every day, progs tell the unforgivable falsehood that Clinton wants to continue the war in Iraq, even though she has clearly stated -- and voted -- otherwise.

Progs damn Clinton for her vote on the resolution in 2002. Yet they excuse Obama for his pro-war statements at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, on which occasion he made the obscene suggestion that Bush should have sent in more troops, instead of zero troops.

If a female candidate had aligned herself with a free-trade fundamentalist like Goolsbee, the Kossacks and the DUmmies would have screamed like Banshees at a soccer match. Then there's Obama adviser Jeff Liebman, who spreads Cato Institute/Bush fabrications about Social Security:
He has supported partial privatization of the government-run retirement system, an idea that's anathema to many Democrats and bears a similarity to a proposal for personal investment accounts that Bush promoted, then dropped in 2005.
Imagine the prog uproar if Hillary Clinton had put a guy like that on her team.

Clinton was unfairly accused of "endorsing" John McCain after she made what I consider a valid point: The general electorate will probably conclude that McCain has more experience on national security issues than does Obama -- who remains terribly green, in the bad old sense of the term "green."

Progs stupidly accused Clinton of endorsing the right-wing "Obama-the-Muslim" smear, even though she called it a smear.

And that's what we've heard from the left. Few would argue that the right's antipathy toward Clinton derives in large part from her sex.

In short and in sum: I think Ferraro gave voice to the frustrations felt by many within the Clinton campaign. Once she found herself in political quicksand, her struggles to free herself only mired her further.

I agree that Obama has received special treatment, and that Hillary Clinton has been on the reserving end of a smear campaign. Ferraro went wrong when she stated that Obama's favorable treatment stems from his African-American heritage. In my opinion, Obama receives favorable treatment because he owns a penis. He is the only male standing between Hillary Clinton and the nomination.

Ferraro was certainly right in her most recent statement:
They [the Obama team] have played the race card time after time after time.
Indeed they have, as I have demonstrated in previous posts. Obama's flacks accused Bill Clinton of making a "racist" reference to Jesse Jackson Sr. after the South Carolina primary, even though Jackson himself saw no racism in those words. Moreover, Obama aide Jesse Jackson Jr. (whom I like much less than I like his father) first injected race into the campaign with that disingenuous dust-up involving an innocent and accurate statement about King, LBJ and civil rights legislation.

Even Josh Marshall has now bought into the lie that Clinton's team has "injected race" into the race. Bullshit. What could Clinton hope to gain by doing so? Not so long ago (as most now forget), a near-majority of black voters favored her over Obama. Why on earth would she want to alienate that voting block?

To what degree is Obama cognizant of -- or directing -- the anti-Clinton smear campaign? That's the haunting question. If he is the mastermind, if he has stayed aloof while surrogates worked their dirty numbers, then he has out-Roved Rove and has proven himself the most Machiavellian Democrat to run for national office since Johnson. If he is not the mastermind, then his refusal to castigate the Kossacks and all the other filthy, lying prog hate-mongers is tantamount to endorsement of their scurrilous tactics.

All of which forces me to ask a very personal, and very troubling question.

I voted for Obama, despite misgivings. Did race affect that decision?

Social Security remains the "third rail" issue in this household, since my brother and I grew up on survivor's benefits after the death of our father. I would scream bloody murder at any other candidate who allied himself with Jeff Liebman's position, as Obama has explicitly done.

Would I ever allow a white candidate to touch that third rail? Why has an endorsement of Clinton never seemed like an option?

Hm. Got some thinking to do.


Hyperman said...

And what if it was only that a majority of people prefers the personality and style of Obama over Hillary ? Anyway, since when a majority of people vote for a program, past vote, policies or other wonkish issues ? Most people make an irrational decision based on multiple conscious and / or unconscious factors like partisanship and identity. Only after that, they pretend to justify it with rational arguments like policy preferences. But it's not a rational process at all...

Obama "style" is generating more results because he understand the "empty canvas" message concept. Don't go into specific, don't go wonkish with a 200 points reform program, but present a nice empty low cal container where people can stuff their own ideals. Evoke ideas like hope, change, etc and let people fill it with their specific ideas or dreams. People want to dream, want hope, but they will always find a way to disagree with you on the specific issues, so avoid them. On the other side, what is Hillary offering ? Fear (the 3 am ad) ? More experience because of her years as a first lady ? Or telling people that McCain would be a better President than Obama while she offers him the vice presidency while he's ahead of her ? I mean, wow, you need a lot of "balls" to do this.

From what I can observe, Obama campaign doesn't generate or suggest the attacks against Hillary, he only responds to the numerous attacks that originates directly from her campaign, not her followers. What sexist attack against Hillary can you trace back to the "official" Obama camp (not his followers) ? From my humble point of view, Hillary's campaign has been engaged in a more subtle / indirect racial / religious smearing than Obama attacking her on the "inferiority" of her sex.

And so what if you can't stand the attitude of some Obama followers ? Does it discredit Jesus message of love and peace that some stupid morons will kill in his name ? So where does the responsibility of a candidate ends toward his followers ? What can Obama do against the false Daily Kos allegations ? It's not like he repeated them or used them to play the poor victim.

I just compare how Obama handled the Samantha Power "monster" episode and how Hillary reacted to the Geraldine racial blunder and I notice a major difference. Hillary could have taken the opportunity to completely separate herself from this kind of comments. Another good example I mentioned before, is Hillary's non-answer about "Obama-is-a-secret-Muslim" viral email campaign. I mean, you're asked if someone is a Muslim when it is well known he's christian and your answer is: "I don't have information that would let me think otherwise" ? If she was asked if McCain is Muslim, would "I don't have information that would let me think otherwise" be an acceptable answer ? Like if the "jury was still out" on that issue. Come on, that's the kind of cheap, under the belt shot that a lot of people are tired of and that's not because Hillary lacks a penis between her leg. Maybe the problem is that her penis is a bit too big.

Keith Olbermann: Special Comment on Hillary Clinton

ps: sorry if I'm repeating stuff already said, I didn't had much time to keep up with your blog recently...

Joseph Cannon said...

"Does it discredit Jesus message of love and peace that some stupid morons will kill in his name ?"

Jesus himself pointed out that you judge a tree by its fruits. He thus indicted himself.

And screw Olberman.

Clinton said that the voters int he genreal election will think that McCain has more national security experience than Obama does. She was right to make the point. We can agree that Clinton for offering Obama the vice presidency.

Unless Obama denounces the things that have been done by his followers, I will not support the Democratic ticket if he is one it -- as president or vice president.

"Obama "style" is generating more results because he understand the "empty canvas" message concept. Don't go into specific, don't go wonkish with a 200 points reform program, but present a nice empty low cal container where people can stuff their own ideals. Evoke ideas like hope, change, etc and let people fill it with their specific ideas or dreams."

Precisely. The guy's a proverbial empty suit. And I voted for that suit. Why? A form of racism. I was hesitant to think ill of him because he is black, and I like the idea of the Democratic party being the first to nominate a black man. But I just don't LIKE the guy. Anf if he were white, I would have been quicker to admit -- to myself and to others -- the depth of my antipathy toward his hollow rhetoric and Machiavillian maneuvering.

And by the way -- you are totally FULL OF SHIT with your characterization of Hillary's response to the Obama-the-Muslim smear. That's not what she said. Read the whole statement: She went on to compare the smear against Obama to the smears she and Bill have had to endure.

Quotation can be slander if you gerrymander, as Oscar Wilde once said. I will never allow you or anyone else to repeat that slander on these pages again.

It has been a right-wing ploy to pretned that Hillary has something to do with the Obama-the-Muslim smear. See the Media Matters expose here:

So why are you marching in line with Limbaugh and company?

Anonymous said...

How utterly hypocritical of you to accuse anyone else of being hypocritical!!

You accuse Hyperman of being like Limbaugh when you've announced your intention to do what you have mocked over and over again in recent weeks as the lowest of the low, you're going to vote Republican??

You've lost it, Mr. Cannon.

And, you've lost me. Never even commented before, but will never even visit again.

Joseph Cannon said...

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Anonymous said...

"Much to think about."

Yes, Joseph, there is. I wonder how it is that you can separate what Hillary's surrogates say ["she is not to blame for the actions of others"] from what Obama's surrogates say ["Machievillian?" Really?] I'm positive both candidates have repeatedly slapped themselves in the forehead for what has been said by others, purportedly in their names. As well they should.

Both blacks and women have decades [centuries, even] of oppression by "the [white] man" coursing in their veins right now, and I think that's understandable. It is a true shame that the party is now gorging upon itself as a result. I don't despise either candidate, nor McCain for that matter, but I think's it's imperative for a Democrat to win in November. I don't see your recent posts helping in that regard.

I understand your frustration, because this really IS all becoming too stupid for words. Yet your blog has always been worthwhile precisely because you HAVE tried very hard, in the face of overwhelming opposition, to put forth reasonable arguments in reasonable terms. It would be such a shame for you to lose that moral high ground because you can no longer bear the burden of speaking for the thinking people who either don't have the time or talent or venue to make the case for themselves. From my point of view, we need you now more than ever.

Take a walk with a friend and bitch [can I use that word without being banned?] to him/her to your heart's delight about your present frustrations. Breathe the air. Watch a sunset. Give yourself some comfort, then come back into the fray and speak your piece, freely and fearlessly.

But the last thing that'll help an already too-noisy and combative situation is for you to raise your own decibel level, get petulant and - for the first time ever - work to make a Republican the steward of this mess.

We expect better of you, because you've proved yourself capable of better. Now's not the time to decide that you'd rather hive off to the corner, eat worms and die in protest. It reflects poorly on you and ill-serves your own cause.

You are capable of FAR greater nuance than I've seen from your posts of the last week or two. At this present rate, you may as well be HinesSight [All-Hillary-All-The-Time] and, believe me, that's no compliment.

AitchD said...

I agree - screw Olbermann. I feel the same way about him as you feel about Obama. But it would have been cooler if you took a page off his Countdown and made dr elsewhere the worst person in the world for today. It's like banishing Olivia de Havilland!

Hyperman said...

Btw, I may be full of shit about what Hillary answered, but that was the only part I heard. I'm guilty of not having read the whole transcript. And I never implied or accused the Hillary's campaign of being behind that smear campaign, I just found her initial response weird. I'm sure that the muslim smear originates from the right, there's no doubt about it. And even if it originated from Hillary's supporters, it wouldn't change my position on her as in she's not responsible.

Obama never claimed that these attack came from her either. And what Kos writes or what Johnny says on DU about Hillary IS NOT OBAMA RESPONSABILITY ! Please tell me how can he control his followers ?

If I get you right, Jesus was a bad person because 1200 years after his death some dude decided it was ok to kill others in his name. If a psychopatic moron reads your blog and decide to go kill his whole class and shout "I'm a cannonfire fan!" while he's doing it, are you responsible ? Even if you never said anything about shooting people or acting violently.

I know this is extreme, but you get the point. I don't understand your double standards about how Obama must be responsible for what ALL his followers, his pastors, his wifes and everyone that comment on blog about his campaign says, but Hillary can't control what Geraldine in her financial comity says.

Could you please name me ONE below the belt attack Obama directly made against Clinton ? Not by his followers, but attacks directly by him or his official surrogates. And see how he reacted when a bellow the belt attack came from his camp, he fired her immediatly.

Compare this to the list of attacks on Obama directly by Hillary (he only has a speech and no experience, who will answer at 3am, he's only there because he's black, etc.). And if I heard a Hillary supporter say that America would never vote for a black man, does it make Hillary a racist ?

Joseph Cannon said...

"And what Kos writes or what Johnny says on DU about Hillary IS NOT OBAMA RESPONSABILITY ! Please tell me how can he control his followers ?"

Simple. Here's how I would do it:

"On the internet, some misguided people have said some things about my opponent that go far beyond the realm of acceptable discourse. These people do no favors for me, and the do no favors for the cause of democracy."

Words to that effect. That should work.

Hillary never said that Obama is "there" only because he's black. Ferraro did not say that either.

"Could you please name me ONE below the belt attack Obama directly made against Clinton ? Not by his followers, but attacks directly by him or his official surrogates."

Could you please name ONE below the belt attack personally made by George Bush against John McCain or Al Gore in 2000 or against John Kerry in 2004?

Hyperman said...

"On the internet, some misguided people have said some things about my opponent that go far beyond the realm of acceptable discourse. These people do no favors for me, and the do no favors for the cause of democracy."

And the same doesn't apply to Hillary ? I read something really outrageous from someone who voted for her. So she should also make that statement and apoligize for all the bad things her supporters said about Obama on the Internet.

Btw, can they make a blanket "declaration" that would also cover bad comments in kitchen discussions by people who voted for them ?

Is Obama responsible for all the actions of people who voted for him or just their non acceptable discourse ? Like if I get drunk and drive, can you say "he's an Obama supporter, so Obama is responsible for his actions".

Come on, what is that Joseph?

Joseph Cannon said...

Look, H-man, Markos has more readers than FOX News has viewers. And yet he refuses to apologize for the "skin darkening" smear.

I'm sorry, but -- while there may be some fanatical HIllary supporters who have crossed the bounds of decency (I will take your word for it that such things happen), NONE of them have occupied a position comparable to that held by Kos or the other big bloggers.

Look, the election is over. Obama cannot win. Look at the ABC video above -- his own spokesman, while trying to explain away Wright, insulted Catholics! YOU may think that the insult is justified, but millions of Catholic voters will think otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Here's a "fanatical Hillary supporter" for ya:

"How DARE you accuse Clinton of fearmongering? She has done nothing wrong."

Dude, get a grip already. Or maybe a mirror?

Joseph Cannon said...

I have read all the lies about Hillary's "fearmongering" on the prog blogs. The progs are the ones who have resorted to appeals to base instincts. Kos and DU are the new Free Republic sites, and they are resorting to the same tactics.

Hillary has done nothing wrong. Nothing. SHe never injected race into the campaign -- OBAMA SUPPORTERS DID. I have proven the point many times; no-one could come up with a counter-argument.

Spit out the damned Kool-Aid, stop reading those liars on Kos, and see reality as it is.

Unknown said...

I've always enjoyed the posts of dr. elsewhere, and I'm deeply saddened that you have chosen to ban her.

I hope you will at least let us know where her new blog is, should she decide to write elsewhere.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Joseph Cannon said...

Not one further word out of you, liar.

Anonymous said...

Now that the comment has been deleted it's impossible to tell through context what dr. e actually said.

"Quotation can be slander if you gerrymander", right?

I can only go by what you said.

"she accused Hillary Clinton of somehow being the true author of Ferraro's unfortunate statement"

How is that a LIE? Ferraro for whatever reason clearly chose that as her talking point and repeated it several times. It wasn't a "monster" comment that slipped out, it was a deliberate sound-byte that was repeated.

Ferraro was PART of Hillarys campaign. Hillary had every opportunity to see how that talking point would be negatively construed and tell her to stop.

This isn't a matter of saying that an Obama supporter said something stupid so Obama should take responsibility for that. This is a matter of someone IN Hillary's campaign pushing a talking point that blew up in their faces.

To say Hillary has done nothing wrong is just wrong.

My favorite quote from her this season is her saying that "she takes this campaign one day at a time".
That much is clear because her, her advisers, and her campaign staff don't take any time to think about how the things they say today will be used against them tomorrow.

Saying McCain is more qualified than Obama? dumb.

A day later it is thrown back in her face.

Saying that Obama cribs pieces of other peoples speeches?

A day later it is thrown back in her face.

Celestial Choirs? Slamming a message of Hope and Change?

A day later it is thrown back in her face by words her husband spoke in the last presidential election.

It doesn't seem completely out of left field that Ferraro would make those comments without being asked or told or reprimanded for saying those things because the Hillary camp has a modus operandi of lashing out in some idiotic way without taking an extra day to think about how it might bite them in the ass.

That leaves the door open for speculation on where that talking point came from or who it was approved by.

I'm sorry you can't see that door.

I enjoy reading your blog and I enjoyed that you were scrutinizing Obama in the way that you were.

I thought the motive for that was because it was plain to see how the Hillary campaign was floundering, and the Obama campaign seemed a little TOO clean. Now it comes out that you've got blinders on to how the Hillary campaign is burning itself to the ground and you're convinced she has done NO wrong. *NO* wrong? come on.

Joseph Cannon said...

Look, anon... (And I'll allow you to be anonymous this ONCE...)

Nothing you have said changes the fact that Ferraro is responsible for her own words. Doc e spoke as though Eeeevil Hillary held a meeting and told her aides: "We are now going to engage in Operation Niggerbait. Each and every one of you are going to let slip a calculatedly racist comment. There are hordes of bigots out there who will respond to our code words."

Obviously, this whole scenario is nuts. Hard core racists would never vote for anyone named Clinton, and the great electoral strength of the Clintons was with the black community. And no candidate in his or her right mind would WANT to risk something like the Ferraro flap.

Yet Progs -- who are every bit as gullible and hate-filled as any 2002-era conserative -- genuinely believe in the "Operation Niggerbait" theory.

I will not allow doc e to use MY blog to spread that damnable lie.

Read the link above -- the one you reach after you click n the "Obama Plays the Race Card" graphic. The Obama forces have deliberately created a myth. Kos and the DU trolls (who are not secret Republicans but Obamabots) have fostered that myth.

And yes, I really do believe that Obama and his lieutenants held a strategy meeting where they planned out the whole operation. They had to win the African American vote, too much of which they were losing to Hillary. If they had not fostered the mythos, Obama would now be losing.

As for the rest of it -- come on. Look at it. It's all so pitifully small.

In the meantime, Obama has associated himself with Wright, and Hillary has refused to mention it.

Mark my words. Many of those who now love Obama will one day come to understand that he was the worst thing to hit the Dems in ages.

DrewL said...

Geez, Joseph. It's been a while since I've visited your blog, which I used to enjoy reading on a frequent basis, but this whole Clinton-Obama thing seems to have pushed you off into the deep end. To coin a phrase, methinks you doth protest too much. Come back from the ledge and provide us with some rational thinking. You seem to be completely irrational with much of this.

Joseph Cannon said...

drew, brush up your Shakespeare. When Gertrude says "The lady doth protest too much," she betrays her own sense of guilt.

I've made my prediction, and I'll stand by it. In the end, we shall see who spoke from the standpoint of "impassioned reason," and who got suckered in by the lying prog-bloggers.

Anonymous said...

Know what, dude?

You're sounding exactly like O'Reilly.

I mean it. Take out the topic specific content, leave the rude, hate-filled, self-important, my way or the hiway, SHUTUP, screed, and you've nailed him. Right down to cutting dr. elsewhere's mike.

Wish it were a parody, but you've made it too 'real'.


Anonymous said...

Hm. I've looked all over your blog for what you describe as Doc e speaking "as if Eeevil Hillary held a meeting...."

I can't find anything anywhere here that even comes close to that characterization of what the doc has said.

Yet you yourself here say she spoke "as if," then turn around and call these "lies." What about speaking "as if" makes it a "lie"?

And then you accuse Obama, with complete conviction, of holding just such a meeting.

Are you bothering to edit anything you're writing here?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Joseph Cannon said...

"Right down to cutting dr. elsewhere's mike."

It's my site. If she starts one (I don't think she will), she can control the mic however she pleases. I will not allow her or anyone else to spread the Myth here.

"I can't find anything anywhere here that even comes close to that characterization of what the doc has said."

I already told you: I deleted it.

"Yet you yourself here say she spoke "as if," then turn around and call these "lies." What about speaking "as if" makes it a "lie"?"

Read my post on "the Myth." If that does not prove the fraudulent nature of the claim, then you are so wedded to Hillary-hate that you are beyond rational argument.

"And then you accuse Obama, with complete conviction, of holding just such a meeting."

Yep. There's even an internal memo which slipped out. I link to it. You refuse to read it.

You're out of ammo and firing blanks, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

I'll never know the full context of dr. elsewhere's post, and that's unfair.

Joseph, emotions always surround a presidential campaign. What I want to hear is why you think Clinton is worthly of your passionate defense?

What is she offering that the others aren't?

Too many cooks and the stew's too hot. You're too focused on the progs, and Obama and CLinton aren't focusing on offering a ticket out of Bush World II. WHY? WenG