Saturday, March 22, 2008

Surrealism (Added note)

I had promised myself not to make another political post today, but the latest has my mind reeling. Bill Clinton offered these words of inoffensive boilerplate, vis-a-vs a potential Hillary-McCain matchup:
I think it would be a great thing if we had an election year where you had two people who loved this country and were devoted to the interest of this country. And people could actually ask themselves who is right on these issues, instead of all this other stuff that always seems to intrude itself on our politics.
Liberals have been saying the same thing for ages. They've written entire books decrying Republican use of wedge issues.

Alas, progs and Obama supporters will twist any words by Bill Clinton into weird knots.
Many Obama supporters have interpreted Bill's comments as a subtle slam on their candidate's patriotism. "I grew up, I was going to college when Joe McCarthy was accusing good Americans of being traitors, so I've had enough of it," McPeak said, as he stood on the stage with Obama.
I've seen David Lynch movies that were less surreal than that reaction.

Added note: With the aid of a now-deleted comment, I finally figured out the (highly irrational) rationale behind what McPeak said.

When Bill said (vis-a-vis a McCain/Hillary match) "I think it would be a great thing if we had an election year where you had two people who loved this country...", the Obamabots took these words (or pretended to take these words) as an implication that if the contest comes down to McCain-v-Obama, only McCain would love his country.

What an absurd misinterpretation!

The full context of BC's remark makes clear that he was saying something that many liberals have been saying for ages -- that it would be nice to have a general election race based on issues, not on snide aspersions cast on the Democrat's patriotism.

This reminds me of an old 70's sitcom exchange. Cloris Leachman tells a friend: "I know I shouldn't be concerned about this, but -- my daughter wants to marry a boy whose parents are midgets."

And the friend answers: "Has she found one yet?"

My point being: If you are sufficiently motivated, you can willfully misinterpret any statement, whatever the wording. As dear old Uncle Aleister once put: "Never forget how easy it is to make a maniac's hell's-broth out of any proposition, however plain to common sense."

And that is why I have forevermore turned against Obama and his robot army. I've had quite enough of the "hell's broth" they have been spooning up, thank you very much. No, the Clintonites have not been feeding me any such broth. The willful misinterpretations of innocent commentary is all all all ALL coming from the Obamabots.

Yes, it really is that simple. No, I don't care if you call me biased. History will prove me right.

Read the informative ad to your right. Read the piece that it links to. What part of that don't you fanatics get?


Anonymous said...

I don't think you should stop your political postings. I do not comment often because I rarely think I have anything interesting to add - and I do not by any means agree with every last point you make - but I do find your blog a refreshing relief from the universal Hilary bashing vs. Obama Orgasm on the web.

Anonymous said...
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Joseph Cannon said...

Rule 1 violation.

Also, the comment was really, really stupid.

Anonymous said...

Nicely put. There is no convincing anyone who support Obama that they are misinterpreting, once they are down that path of shallowness in thought. They are like a broken record with the race card and it is all really designed to distract from the awful truths about Obama. They are really panciked now and instead of changing their mind and picking a different candidate to vote for, they just stay stuck in their distortions and lies. Panic is their game. They better panic now. The stories about Obama are not going away even if they wish they would. How anyone can support such lack of integrity in a candidate is strange.
DNC and Senator Clinton signed for a revote and Obama wouldn't sign it, so he is stopping voters from having their votes count. He's not much the uniter he claims to be. These are the things we should be talking about instead of all these distractions. Bill is right. Let's talk about the issues. Like integrity, vote suppression, readiness to lead, etc.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! It is so refreshing to see that there are still a few people left who have some common sense. I really tire of the pretzel Obamabots have to twist themselves into about every single thing anyone in the Clinton campaign says. No matter what they say, it has to always be all about Obama. What narcissism! They seem to forget that there is a Republican out there waiting in the wings.