Thursday, March 13, 2008

False Quotation Syndrome

Did you hear the undercover audiotape of Roger Clinton's arrest for cocaine? He says "Gotta get some for my brother. He has a nose like a vacuum cleaner." haven't heard this tape? Me neither -- even though "journalist" Ambrose Evans-Pritchard announced its existence in a mainstream newspaper back in 1996. He said that the tape was obtained by a freelance writer named Scott Wheeler. A dozen years have passed, yet neither Evans-Pritchard nor Wheeler has allowed anyone else to listen to the thing.

Obviously, if such a sensational tape existed, we'd all have heard it about a zillion times by now. The story is a fabrication.

Yet its fraudulent nature hasn't stopped rightists from retelling the yarn. Needless to say, whenever challenged to prove the quote, conservatives would always do the old subject-switcheroo.

Same shit, different party. The Free Republic types have pretty much stopped trafficking in this fake quote, while the prog-blogs have fastened onto it. See, for example, the DU page here. Also see the, here. And Huffington Post, here.

When it comes to spewing crap, the average prog has a mouth like my dog's butt.


Perry Logan said...

What an insult to your dog's butt.

Anonymous said...

You claim you support Hillary because she must be doing something right since she is smeared? By your own logic then you should support Obama (and not smear him).

Joseph Cannon said...

Obama's been smeared?

Well, it's true. At the moment, the undeniable smears on offer from the National Enquirer and similar "esteemed" journals are matched by blinkered worship available via the prog-blogs.

Pretty soon, though, the reactionary forces won't have to make any reference to the inane stories offered up by Larry Sinclair.