Friday, March 28, 2008

Conason misses the point

Joe Conason -- who used to be one of the few sane observers of things Clintonian -- has this to say in his latest:
Of course "Obama and company" have said much that is unkind and untrue about the Clintons before and since, but it is all too easy to imagine the outrage of the Clinton spokespersons if the Illinois senator had started mailing around old clips from the American Spectator.
Conason was bothered by the Clinton campaign's citation of stories concerning Obama spokesperson General McPeak, about whom I have written previously. McPeak has a history. The man is a butcher, and Clinton supporters have been far too kind to him.

Joe Conason, have you lost all sense of perspective? Obama is relying on the Daily Fucking Kos, which has a much higher readership than the American Spectator ever did. Compare the Kos diaries published on any given day to the '90s-era right-wing smear machine described in David Brock's Blinded By the Right. By any rational standard, Moulitsas and his compatriots have less conscience and more power than Scaife did or does.

And you say that Clinton has crossed a line? Are you also going to argue that Poland invaded Nazi Germany?
If she beats the odds and wins, this kind of behavior will taint her victory.
What about Obama's behavior? I'm scarcely the only former Obama supporter so repulsed by the Obama/Kos smear machine that I will refuse to vote Democratic in November, should he be the candidate.

If Obama's tactics have proven so divisive in the primaries, then how can he hope to unite the entire country?


  1. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Thank you Joseph.

    I have been a Joe Conason reader since the 90's. Today's article I read on Salon has been the most disappointing article I have read in this entire campaign.

    I,too was a Obama fan in the beginning. I couln't figure out why I got a sick feeling in my solar plexis when I saw news segments of him. I learned about halfway through the second debate what was wrong. I didn't trust him! He is too much like me. I am awesome at PR, love to meet and greet, hate sitting in meetings, conferences, and I pump up my own importance because I really don't feel all that important. I don't use people to the degree he does, but I'm not running for office.

    How Joe Conason can fault the Clinton campaign for calling attention to the press the facts about their darling "savior from Illinois".

    Joe, have you been sampling the kool-aid?

  2. Anonymous12:46 AM

    lWow, Joe. I've been wondering how many of us there are out there who will refuse to vote for Obama if he is the Democratic nominee?

    What it their plan when Howard Dean @ Co. start to understand just how angry some of us really are? When they start to relly get it that shoving this Manchurian
    A-Hole down our throats is not going work?
    More importantly, what is our plan?

    I'm not sure we know yet what all the options will be, but here are a few I plan to consider:
    Voting for McCain - at least we all know who he really is, and would probably last ony 4 years in office as a presidential placeholder. A Democratic Congress would keep this lunatic in check, something they would never do to their precious Savior, Obama.

    Or, support Clinton an Independent candidate. I have no doubt that this will be possible if she is robbed of the nomination. This will surely send the Kossack lemmings even further over the cliff because they live in mortal fear that she (and her delegates) will wash her hands of the Party and the schills who now inhabit it.

    I will consider all available options worth considering. However, HObama will NEVER get my vote. Never.

    Kim in Pittsburgh

  3. You decry the politics of vitriol and then call General McPeak a "butcher?" Do you think he's an anti-semite as well? Did you read the interview he gave to the The Oregonian:

    Do you agree with the distorted smears of WorldNetDaily and others on the Right against him, quoting him as speaking about the "jewish problem?"

  4. g:

    Not being a regular reader of World Net, I was unaware of the details of the anti-Jewish smear. I was referring to the bombing of civilian targets in the first Gulf war.

  5. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Somehow, although I wasn't and am not a BHO supporter, his remarks concerning the Likudniks and Gen. McPeaks' concerning Israel give me second thoughts about supporting him. Rarely are such things spoken beyond the 2nd/3rd tier candidates who have no chance, and I consider it a good thing to have them brought up for mainstream discussion and consideration.

