Monday, February 25, 2008

Siegelman update

As you know, WHNT in Alabama blacked out the segment of the 60 Minutes broadcast which delved into the persecution and jailing of Alabama Democrat Don Siegelman. The Alabama Democratic party is now calling for a special prosecutor.

Did this stunt break FCC regs? The document here indicates that each station must keep a precise log of events.

Another interesting question: Will this stunt actually increase sympathy for Siegelman in Alabama? Even southerners should be intelligent enough to realize that there would be no need for a cover-up if the Siegelman prosecution were above-board.

The 60 Minutes piece (reproduced below) makes clear why Rove considered the removal of Don Siegelman a top priority: The former Alabama governor had hopes of attaining national office, and stood a good chance of doing so. The last non-southern Democrat to win the presidency was JFK.


Anonymous said...
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Joseph Cannon said...

Sorry I had to nix that comment, Vlad, but I can't afford to publish anything that might be construed as a threat. Even though I know you did not mean it to be taken as one.