Thursday, February 28, 2008

"Re-create '68!"

We now have proof that "progressives" are Republicans in disguise. The only questions are "Who is getting paid off?" and "How much?"

Republican wolves in prog clothing are organizing a "Re-create ’68" protest movement for the Democratic National Committee. One need not be the Oracle of Delphi to guess what will happen: Lots of screaming, lots of disunity, lots of "arranged" violence, lots of television coverage of events that will sicken swing voters.
“What’s the political calculation that speaks to them of the wisdom of civil disobedience — which means a massive media spectacle — on the brink of a Democratic campaign that could plausibly put a Democrat in the White House who’s committed to withdrawal from Iraq?” asked Todd Gitlin, an anti-Vietnam War activist who was at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. “If the objective is to put a belligerent Republican in the White House, they should keep up the good work.”
Newsflash, prog dupes: If Todd freaking Gitlin thinks your plans are idiotic and counterproductive, then you may presume with great confidence that your plans are idiotic and counterproductive.

Instead of engaging in useless debate over who did what in '68 ("It was a police riot!"), we would do better to think in terms of concrete accomplishments. Did the protesters do anything worthwhile? No, they did not.

They did not shorten the war. In fact, they lengthened it by electing Nixon. (I am convinced that Humphrey's heart was not in the conflict.) They alienated the voters and blackened the image of the anti-Vietnam protest movement. They ended the liberal consensus. The Weatherman wanna-bes shouting "Sirhan Power!" in the streets of Chicago provided the sociological "shock" that Friedmanism always needs. The Jesus movement took hold after the "revolutionary" wackos convinced a large segment of the country that the culture had fallen into anarchy.

But then again, why should I attempt to talk to progs? Arrogance (or the jingle of GOP coin) makes them impenetrable to argument.
Organizers say that they’ll protest at the Republican convention, too, but that their focus will be on the Democrats in Denver.
Naturally. The progs will allow the Republicans to convey an image of smooth professionalism, while making the Dems look like the lords of chaos.

Do we need any further evidence that prog "organizers" are on the GOP payroll?
Rep. Diana DeGette, a Democrat who represents Denver, was only 11 in 1968, but she said that she’s flummoxed by the notion that anyone would want to re-create the dark days of that year. “I can’t figure out why, for the life of me, that somebody would want to re-create ’68,” she said. “Is it the riots or tear gas — or perhaps the assassinations? Or maybe the election of a Republican president? I’m not sure the name was completely thought out.”
"Re-create '68." Brilliant idea, jackasses. What's your next slogan -- "Free Manson"?


Anonymous said...

no, their next slogan will be:

Anonymous said...

a little perspective please..

In 1963, Harry Truman said of the CIA, "For some time I have been disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government. This has led to trouble and may have compounded our difficulties in several
explosive areas.

"I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations. Some of the complications and embarrassment I think we have experienced are in part attributable to the fact that this quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so removed
from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue—and a subject for cold war enemy propaganda."
President Truman also said of the CIA and its creation, "I think that it was a mistake. And if I'd known what was going to happen, I never would have done it.... But it got out of hand.... Now as nearly as I can make out, those fellows in the CIA don't just report on wars and the like, they go out and
make their own and there is nobody to keep track of what they are up to.
They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble so they will have something to report on. They've become . . . it's become a government of all its own and all secret. They just don't have to report to anybody. . . . The
people have got a right to know what those birds are up to. . . . You've got to keep an eye on the military at all times, and it doesn't matter whether it's the birds in the Pentagon or the birds in the CIA."

All analysis of our government and its function or dysfunction has to incorporate the activities of the secret government that the CIA represents to us. Until we have a President that can deconstruct that Fascist/Mafia/ mentality that its forefathers intended..we will be witlessly wrangling against each other in a never ending fairy tale of Shakespearean dimensions and biblical proportions.

Joseph Cannon said...

anon, your comment is just...silly. My post was not about the CIA.

And -- sorry to stun you with the news -- but believe it or not, I have read that Truman quote before. Many times.

Anonymous said...


This is a different anonymous, but I think the other person was implying that some of the conflict we saw in 1968 was stirred up by government provacateurs. Is it just possible that Rubin and Hoffman were planted to discredit the legitimate antiwar movement? Is it just possible that similar agents are involved in the current calls for wild protest?

Joseph Cannon said...

There were plants a-plenty, I am sure. I do not think that Rubin and Hoffman were among them.

In the present context, I don't think the CIA is an issue. The pro-war neocons view the Agency as The Enemy -- as a liberal institution.

It's hard for old dogs like me to get our heads around that turn of events!

Anonymous said...

I have also been bewildered by the way the CIA has been painted as liberal, but we are really dealing with two CIAs. The neocons are fighting with the analysts, who are the relative "good guys" that Truman supported. The covert ops types are a whole different matter. Maybe they have been less active than in the past, but they haven't gone away.

AitchD said...

Free Manson, that's funny. Get a Haircut. America, Love It Or Leave It. Don't Trust Anyone Over 30. Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out. The Medium Is The Message.

In late 1968 HUAC "heard from Robert Pierson, a Chicago police officer who was undercover during the Convention and served as Jerry Rubin's bodyguard."

Will someone (other than E. Louis Tackwood) please come forward and acknowledge that Manson was a Manchurian Candidate and the Woodstock Festival in 1969 was the trigger? Cannonfire can use the scoop. The other stuff too. Wasn't Abbie Hoffman working on the October Surprise story when he suddenly stopped living? If Oliver Stone lives to be 1000, he won't get past the 1990s.

Anonymous said...

Usually Joe, I disagree with you when you jump all over Progressives. This time I have to say you appear to be right. But I think that probably what is happening is that you have a situation where Agent Provocatuers are behind organizing this. You would think they would spend more time at McCain conventions.


Anonymous said...

Joseph, Joseph. I really do believe you're determined to concoct a boogeyman called "progressives" that you think is set on sabotaging the Democratic Party and then swallow uncritically everything that right-wing provocateurs put out there to discredit genuine progressives.

I looked into the "Re-create '68" people a year ago, and it quickly became transparently obvious that it was entirely a Gladio-style false front operation.

For one thing, they were using spoofed domain names:

Political activists hoping to rain on the Democrats’ parade when the party holds its national convention in Denver have launched a website encouraging others to make the next convention look like the one in 1968.

The group, Recreate-68 Alliance, bought up several Internet domain names that are similar to the Denver host committee’s official site,

But instead of raving about the city’s assets like the official site does, these sites redirect viewers to - a site professing to be “your virtual activists’ Convergence Center.” Among other information, the site encourages protests like those that marred the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

For another, when I googled on Recreate-68 in April 2007, nobody on the left seemed to have heard of it, but somehow the right-wing blogs were all over it -- usually a sure sign that someone has been stirring the pot!

The organizer, Glenn Spagnuolo, has a reputation as a hothead and a troublemaker -- he brought a defamation lawsuit on himself in 2005 for his intemperance -- and a vocal supporter of Ward Churchill.

Moreover, the Recreate-68 website seemed designed to appeal not to progressives but to some nightmare right-wing memory of 1968. Lurid shades of orange and black, a sunset view of Denver that could be taken on first glance as a city in flames, and stereotypically inflammatory rhetoric: "Join us in the streets of Denver as we resist a two-party system that allows imperialism and racism to continue unrestrained. We will demand change by making the Democratic Convention of 1968 look like a small get together in 2008!"

In looking further, I found that two national groups had plans to demonstrate at the GOP convention in Minneapolis -- an anti-war group and an anarchist group -- whereas in Denver there was just this one isolated band of local activists with no national backing. And even the anarchist site was impressively restrained in its design and language when compared with the Denver bunch: "We hope that our work transcends the convention by contributing to the development of anti-authoritarian movements and mutual aid networks both locally and globally."

So Joseph, please understand that the situation we're in is one where Gladio R Us and try not to take anything at face value.

Anonymous said...

Joseph- listen to starroute.

This site is a modern day example of a COINTELPRO style operation. If you take time to read some of the things on this site you see that starroute is spot on when he/she says that the site reflects a "nightmare right-wing memory of 1968".

This site does not pass the smell test as an activist site. They have just silly non-authentic rhetoric throughout. They talk of the ending the "illegal imperialist occupations in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan...Hawaii, North America, and others". Hawaii and North America? WTF?

They talk about marching to the Denver Mint and using their "collective power to raise the mint building in the air and shake the money out of it for the people" in an obvious reference to Hoffman et al levitating the Pentagon.

They have a page listing organizations that support R-68 (Code Pink, Cindy For Speaker, Deadheads United, etc.) with no links to these supporting organizations to verify their support. Deadheads United? What a freaking joke.

I would write off this site as a creation by some fascist thug or humorless con engaged in a warped attempt at irony similar to what "The Onion" does- but what happened to the Dems in 1968 cannot happen this election. We are on the precipice. This site combined with Rush Limbaugh recently saying that a great result for his "Operation Chaos" would be to "Recreate 1968" in Denver. Rush stated on the air that he is calling for riots, cars burning, etc. This indicates to me that some organized group wants McCain in the WH and no investigations of Premier Bush and his regime.