Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I loathe topping the must-read report by Anti-fascist below, so let's keep this brief -- and if you don't go on to read his piece, I'll come over to your house and slap you around.

Fidel Castro will soon relinquish power. As you mull over the ramifications, give a thought to Wally Hilliard, the guy who ran that spooky "flight school" frequented by Mohammed Atta. Why Hilliard? Because around the time of the 9/11 tragedy, he started spending a lot of time in Cuba. A photograph even shows...
...a smiling Hilliard strapping a Rolex with the must-have diamond beveled-face onto the presumably grateful wrist of one of Fidel Castro’s top aides, Guillermo Garcia Frias, known in Cuba as "the Commandante of the Revolution."
Hilliard was looking to cut a deal with Castro, said Rob Tiller, who provided the photograph, to buy a 10,000 acre cattle ranch on the island for the Mormon Church in Utah, reportedly in anticipation of the resumption of normal diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States.
The Mormon Church?

Interesting. If (as many aver) Hilliard is an American operative, why would he be representing the Mormons? And what does the LDS want in Cuba?

As for Cuba's post-Castro future -- well, that's an easy forecast for anyone who has read The Shock Doctrine. Chile, the USSR, Iraq: Cuba. The past is the future. Castro may indeed be a dictatorial bastard -- but once the Friedmanites, the pyramid schemers and the mobsters get hold of his island, he'll be remembered with wistful fondness.


Anonymous said...

his is baffling


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That godtube video was stupid.

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what's stupid: Posting as "Anonymous". (I can't comment on the video since I won't waste time chasing pictures "recommended" by people who won't even attach a "Web Handle" to their suggestion.

Oh, and Joe, I agree with your assessment of pre- and post- Castro Cuban realities and future perspectives completely. And it saddens me greatly.

That reality also leads me to this general suggestion for newer readers: Look carefully at how the power in this country treats people in other countries they purport to be "saving". Don't for a moment think that this has nothing to do with you. It's "them" and we are "Americans". We are no more concerned for our welfare than they are for the welfare of any citizens in the countries they mutilate and suck dry. We are propped up only so long as doing so serves their interests.

Once the parasite has consumed all that the other victim countries have to offer, you (and I) are next.

(Not sure why I felt the need to say that, but what the heck, it seemed like a good time to do it.)