Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy Darwin Day!

Jen here...

Sanity is in short supply in the post-Bush era; we have to take our fleeting reminders of rationality where we can.

My offering for today is my recent discovery that February 12th is Darwin Day. A whole day to honor Charles Darwin! To honor scientific advancement, cultural enrichment and good, old-fashioned smartitude! I can't even remember the last time I actually met anyone who wanted to honor smartitude.

I found this discovery deeply refreshing. So please, don't tell me if there's a competing movement to get people to recognize "Intelligent Design Day."


Clayton said...

every sunday is intelligent design day.

Anonymous said...

every day is intelligent design day..
Every moment..every breath you take.

AitchD said...

OMG, a Beagle won best in show for the first time last night at the Westminster Kennel Club:


The Beagle's name is Uno. The site has a photo of Uno reading the first-place blue ribbon's inscription, and at the bottom of the ribbon it looks like 'intelligent design' spelled backwards.

Anonymous said...

Intelligent Design Day comes up in two months on 04/01/08.

Anonymous said...

jen, at least there's nobel. every year. several smart folks are honored in a huge way.

take heart.

Anonymous said...

In honor of Darwin Day (and Lincoln's birthday, for those of us old enough to remember), take a listen to "Mr. Darwin, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Matthew" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sjgM6N23Dk ) from the American premier of "Lifetime: Songs of Life and Evolution" by David Haines as performed at the first Cambridge Science Festival last spring. The rest of it's pretty good, too.