Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Regarding Hillary

I can't blame Hillary for bringing up Tony Rezko in the debate, since I brought up that very name in these pages. Like it or not, Obama will have to deal with this aspect of his history, and if he can't take it when Hillary dishes it out, he'll wither under Republican fire.

Clinton's debate performance has caused the left-wing Hillary-haters to go into meltdown mode. (If I see the words "triangulate" and "DLC" on a progressive blog one more time...!) What I find bewildering is this: The same progressives who decried Obama's remembrances of the Reagan years are now bashing Clinton for attacking Obama on those very grounds.

Jeff Huber, writing on Larisa's site, summarizes my own views:
I for one am fatigued of hearing earnest discussion by the professional and sandlot punditry alike about whether or not Hillary forgave Bill for Monica because it was a good career move, or if she faked crying like a girl on camera, or if she can take it like a man, and of hearing her blamed for every societal ill from inflation to illegal immigrationIllegal-Immigration-Ruling Dec-07 to fluoridation (Ice cream, Mandrake. Children's ice cream!) and just about everything else. I'd really like the discussion about Hillary to focus on whether or not she'd make a good president.

I happen to think she wouldn't make a good president at all, but not because I'm afraid she might show a little too much cleavage at her inauguration....
Right (as we used to say back in the early '70s) on. I hate having to defend Hillary from the inane attacks proferred by progressives, because she is not my preferred candidate. (Fortunately, John Edwards -- who is my candidate -- just may have acquired a new lease on life after his courtly debate performance.) But you don't need to be Jewish to dispute the claim that Jews poison wells, you don't need to be Muslim to attack the idea that every Muslim is a suicide bomber, you don't need to be Italian to sneer at the notion that all dem Eye-talians are mobsters, and you don't need to be a Hillary supporter to assail the sheer effing nonsense currently to be found in the Kos, DU and TPM universes.


Anonymous said...

This is only a surface argument, one that is blessed to be allowed to happen. That which is NOT protected by the “Political Mafia” is what Hillary is using. Maybe, just maybe and hopefully there are mountains more expected to surface? The Rezko issue is most interesting for a number of obvious reasons and for me a personal one since there is possibly a link between him and my ex-wife’s family that may include my second son! I’ll leave that alone for now.

However, Hillary’s comments to Obama are allowed because the criminal element(s) are guarding all those other extremely juicy issues. If they were allowed to surface under the blessing of Federal Probes and Indictments like the Rezko issue, our insane Election system might be a lot different. Maybe I’d go so far to say even honest for a change?

Marty Didier
Northbrook, Il

AitchD said...

Three first-rate lawyers climbing to the Ziggurat's peak. The audience might have reacted differently had CNN hosted from, say, Walterboro, instead of Myrtle Beach. It was great theater, but how great? I'd put it at more or less 100 million times better than the Kennedy-Nixon Debates (adjusting for black and white). I dug Barack the most, mainly because it was the first time I've seen him under fire; I loved his saying, Let's face it, all three of us are a little dirty. All three made elegant use of our most current English, honed for the pop media, but void of pundit slangisms and pompous analogies (like umpire dust as in Fitzball). I loved how they fought fair, like pure golfers fight, according to the rules of debating instead of the rules of campaigning (a la "There you go again"). Hillary played dirty pool (perfectly ethical), which is why I love her, and she even nagged Barack during a momentary lapse. I think more of her nature showed than that of the other two. When she was hit hard and dirty by Barack, I think I saw her right eye cross in, and I think I saw it again under similar circumstances. People who know her probably recognize that ray. Yikes. The great rhetorical arts triumphed. Too bad Dennis got the bum's exclusion again. It would be cool to have all four debate as doubles matches, 3 team debates in one session pairing all four with each other, and give actual debating issues that start: "Resolved that...".

Anonymous said...

Obama has some issue with this Rezko thing and the Clinton's likely have issues with their dealings in Arkansas. Probably related to that CIA protected drug dealing stuff remember? Iran Contra, Barry Seal? Not to say they were directly involved but maybe they covered up black operations going on there. I find it interesting that Huckabee is also from Arkansas. Personally I don't want any more Presidents in office being blackmailed by Iran/Contra rightwing whackjobs.

Joseph Cannon said...

At the height of the controversy over Mena, I spoke to prosecutor Charles Black, who headed the probe into Barry Seal. He told me he knew of no links between the Seal and Clinton.

Maybe you know something he doesn't?

Black WAS angry at Clinton for not mounting a state prosecution. (It would have been the most expensive prosecution and Arkansas history.) But Black was even angrier at the Bush administration, which mounted a federal prosecution without using the evidence Black had compiled.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is any connection between the Clinton's and the Mena controversy other than that the right-wing created that monster and do what they always do and try to dig up dirt on some scapegoat they can blackmail and that will play along and when the need comes they can blame everything on the scapegoat to deflect attention away from themselves. There's a lot of high weirdness going on in Arkansas. You've got the Mena thing, the Tim McVeigh gun robbery thing and Elohim City on Arkansas' border. What am I trying to say? I really don't trust anything coming out of Arkansas right now.

Anonymous said...

I would appreciate all the candidates staying on point and debating the issues. Yes personal issues apply to choosing a Presidential candidate. We used to be a nation of forgiveness for mistakes too, but those days are gone forever. Been to jail... you're always a criminal. Been to war, a soldier. But the past was yesterday and America wants to move forward.
The issues are the most important thing.

Anonymous said...

Er, apparently, the Israelis did use water resource poisoning with biological agents, in the siege of Acre c. '48, and elsewhere, according to an Israeli historian of the IDF, contemporaneous reports from the Egyptian army chief of staff to HQ about apprehending such alleged perpetrators with b/w agents, and cited statements of family members of those so accused.

Likely, Jews were falsely accused of doing this by Christendom during the Plague, and tortured into confessing before being burned alive. So the old history of this claim is probably a blood libel. But the c. '48 claims appear solid, per the above documentation. Remember, it's an undisputed historical fact that Great Britain under Churchill's military command was guilty of using poison gas or other chemical warfare against the locals when they tried to control Iraq. Many nations are ruthless and use criminal means for their aims. What we now condemn as war crimes, such as ethnic cleansing, were commonplace occurences in the creation of Israel.


Anonymous said...

Discussing this could get convoluted and messy so I’ll stay away from details and just mention (again) that for more than 26 years I was in a family who joined what they bragged “The World’s Largest Criminal System”. They often said that by joining they would be allowed to build their business into a large business, otherwise the organization would stop them. There is another mountain of detail behind this part too….

By the way, they joined after committing their first murder with the criminal system! The murder was covered up and made to look like a car accident. There have been others too….

Their job within the criminal system is to launder Drug and Gun Running Money straight into Property using large banks with Mortgage fraud techniques to cover up the ownership. This started sometime in the late 70’s and continues to this day that I’m aware of. It’s important to know that the Gun Running part has already been in the news with Drummond and Chiquita but what many don’t know is both of these companies are part of a World Wide Drug distribution system and they aren’t the only ones either.

Back then when I was told the drugs were coming in on ships and trucked up to the boarder of Texas. There they went over without ever being stopped. The Drugs were moved to a “Pepper Truck” carrying produce up to Chicago where it was again split with Florida and New York. The weekly shipments were $100 Million each and ever week. If you wanted the job of driving the Pepper Truck all you had to do was attend Willow Creek Church in South Barrington and ask around for a job. Eventually you would be directed to talk to one of the head Ministers who would again direct you to one of the Drug people. I witnessed this happen in the early 2000’s while attending an early morning Men’s meeting at the church. A new guy coming in from out of the area was looking for work and without knowing what he was really transporting, he took the job. A few months later, he came back and was terribly upset. I think he soon quit.

It’s this shipment of drugs that the family was laundering money for those involved. And their business grew into a huge business as they wanted. But there is a lot more as in the early 90’s I met Clyde O’Connor who came over to my house along with his family. We were supposed to have just my family but it changed and the O’Connor’s came over I think to celebrate Clyde’s arrival in the area. While standing with Clyde in my living room, my brother-in-law joined us and started to talk to Clyde about if he was interested in joining the criminal organization. He had an idea of starting something in Florida and it went on…..

Later my brother-in-law announced to the family that with Clyde, they were starting a farm in Florida and he was going to invest a large sum of money. It wasn’t long before my wife told me that the real business was flying in huge shipments of cocaine and working along with what they referred to as “The Guys”. The Guys are another word for those linked with the Willow Creek Church and above who also includes Clinton Family, Bush Family and many others. Keep in mind the latest reports suggesting 50 jet planes are involved. Believe me when I say there are a lot of people involved in this….

There are many things about this church but here is a small one. The founding Minister is well known and was Clinton’s personal Spiritual Advisor. Sure, I believe everything! The Church also has thousands of other churches associated with them. Each week while I attended this church, people from the church were flown to visit other churches. The planes used should be looked into as I believe they are the drug planes! And remember, these planes already are suspected to be used for Rendition Flights and there is also a CIA, FBI and DEA link as well. And while someone is at it, try looking into WHO was sending the church money to keep them going! You’ll be very surprised with this one too!

Please accept that there is more than a mountain more about this as I seem to be constantly apologizing for long posts lately.

Just to answer some comments above, no matter what Charles Black said, he either knows but won’t say or doesn’t full know. The family were laundering drug and gun running money during the late 70’s throughout into when I left which was in 1997. The “Iran/Contra” affair never ended. They just changed the name and grew a lot larger. They are experts in hushing problems up which is why Clinton can say anything she wants to Obama. Please remember my other posts as there are reasons why this huge drug system exists….. Also a few recent articles explain of many companies being involved in other questionable situations (one here today!). Gee why does that surprise anyone??? This is all part of a Coup that will end when a day called “The Change” happens. In order for this to occur, they have to have a lot of things in order. Expect before this day happens that there will be many trials to prove workability.

That Mena thing is small potatoes compared to what they have now!

Again, sorry for the long post…..

Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 1:15...

You're a liar. Simple as that. You're trotting out the Cockburn/Right-wing shit that has been DEBUNKED time and time again.

Seriously, have you ever read THE HUNTING OF THE PRESIDENT by Joe Conason and Gene Lyons? Have you?

This is the one book that sets the record straight about the whole Clinton imbroglio in the 1990's (aided and abbetted by the mainstream media).

Good God...we are fighting to take this country back from the most corrupt bastards ever...and you STILL need to bring up stuff that has been shot down already?

Can anyone tell me, seriously, despite the facts that Joe has put up here regarding Hillary (who is NOT his first choice, or mine, but if she gets the nod she will get my full support) that has shot down so many falsehoods about her--why are we still dragging up these lies? What happened? Are we trying to pass of the last eight years on her, when, in all honesty, we should all be looking in the mirror?

I need a drink...

Anonymous said...

Marc McKenzie, perhaps you've been drinking way too much already?

You may be interested in knowing that for the years I've been talking about this, it's normally those who are part of the Drug/Criminal System that seem to NEED to behave the way you did in your post.

Marty Didier
Northbrook, Il

Anonymous said...


Hmm...let's see, you A)never answered my questions; B)you did not refute anything that I said; and finally C) you accuse me of being either a recovering junkie or alcoholic.

Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I have never been part of the Drug/Criminal system. Put it simply, when I asked a couple of honest questions and made some factual observations, you strike back with personal insults. Nice.

As for Clinton "saying whatever she wants about Obama"...uh, are you actually paying close attention or not? It is, unfortunately, Obama (and pretty much the mainstream media) that is saying whatever they want about Clinton because they know that they will never be called on it. Want more proof? Go to the sites The Daily Howler or The Left Coaster. As I said before, Joe has placed more than enough links to sites where the truth--not some BS pile--can be found. Simple as that.

Or continue to hurl your insults.