Thursday, January 03, 2008

Iowa predictions

My predictions for Iowa: Edwards in first, with a surprisingly strong showing by Joe Biden.

On the Republican side: Huckabee in first.

The basis for my predictions? Wishful thinking, in part. Normally, I'm not a big fan of wishful thinking. But when the race is this close, why not indulge?

Why would I wish for a Huckabee win? Because I think he would be the weakest nominee on the Republican side.

Before the day is out, you will be in a position either to laugh in my crimson-cheeked visage or to gasp in awe at my powers of prophecy.


Anonymous said...

joe, check this out:

this is a reallocation poll, very scientific, that has been used before with great success in predicting the outcome of the iowa caucuses. not everyone grasps the impact of the second choice in these things (such an antique, really undemocratic, but whatever), but this reallocation poll factors that in.

looks very good for johnny boy. and may i just say, as i have been slowly nursing my sorry self back to some semblance of health here in the deep south, i am less and less impressed with obama, and more and more with hillary. but, when all is said and done, my fave remains edwards.

we'll see, won't we?

AitchD said...

Ralph Nader (WAIT UNTIL I FINISH AND FASTEN MY SEAT BELT BEFORE DELETING!) said he's supporting John Edwards. (OKAY, NOW YOU CAN DELETE) I hope your Rove-inspired, Democratic Faithful hatred of Nader doesn't spoil Edwards's chances. If Nader campaigns for Edwards and Edwards wins in November, and you get the health care you want, and maybe a modeling agency, will you be satisfied, or would you rather have it your way, with Vice-president Joe Lieberman being the Democratic candidate in 2008?

Joseph Cannon said...

You do raise an awful thought. If Gore had won, Joe would be the candidate today.

Well, I can only hope that, in that alternate universe, he would have been a different Joe Lieberman.

Rove is a tactician and thus would inspire support for the splitter.

As for Nader, he can run for the President of Hell as far as I am concerned.

Anonymous said...

John Edwards is the only viable candidate in the field, in my opinion. While I'd begrudgingly support several of the other candidates currently seeking the Democratic nomination (as I did Kerry), I am wholeheartedly behind Mr. Edwards.

It's time to fire a couple of return salvos in the class war we've been subjected to lo these many decades, and John Edwards is the only candidate talking about sticking it to the big guys for a change.

Jamie in Boston

Anonymous said...

here is a blog that is ruder than this one

Anonymous said...

Hillary will be your next President, due in strong part to the "two-for-the-price-of-one" bargain of electing Hillary and getting Bill as a bonus.

Expect the typical tit-for-tat for the next four years and very likely eight, as Hillary, win or lose, will steal the election, if necessary. What's good for the gander....

You can detest, loathe, and despise Hillary, but the Clintons' have a score to settle against the "right wing conspiracy" that tried unsuccessfully to bring down the Clinton I presidency. The U.S. constituency will be the benefactor of an uphill battle to pay down or eliminate the debt incurred by the "conservatives", but there will be a heavy price for many.

If you own a lawn chair or a recliner, pull it up close to the t.v. from '09 thru '12 and enjoy the show.

Anonymous said...


You have my apologies. The previous post declaring that the next POTUS will be Hillary was my take.

-sig Mentor