Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Democratic primary: Is it already over?

Die-hard Edwards supporters have pinned their hopes on a win, or a strong second-place showing, in Nevada. That's possible. And it's possible that such an outcome could give Edwards momentum in the races to follow.

But will it matter?

California is the big prize, and -- thanks to the absentee ballot factor -- Californians are already voting at this moment. More than 40 percent of California voters will mail in their ballots.

Edwards has no discernible presence in this state. Clinton has 47% of the vote; Obama has 31%, and Edwards has 10%. Women and independents are turning toward Hillary. Only 38% of my state's Democrats indicate that they have no firm choice at this time.

These numbers do not make me happy. But California represents a massive number of delegates -- 370. Y'know, it's like, we're the 370-pound gorilla, dudes. Perhaps the time has come for rational-minded Democrats to combat the nutty Hillary's-a-fascist meme which currently infests the left side of the web.


Anonymous said...

I think the Edwards camp may be holding out for a possible steep economic downturn in the coming months. If it happens, Edwards may look like a better alternative. Just a guess.

Anonymous said...

Worried about Michigan though. I think the dems made a big mistake not primarying there, it gives the repubs a foothold.
