Thursday, December 20, 2007

Edwards and the Enquirer

National Enquirer Editor-in-Chief David Perel stands by his tabloid's accusation that Edwards has fathered an illegitimate child. Perel won't say whether his sources have been paid, which they almost certainly have been.


Anonymous said...

"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."
Thomas Jefferson (1743 -1826)

Anonymous said...

*Yawn* Democratic sex scandals are so much more boring than Republican sex scandals. The best they could come up with on Edwards is that a staffer fathered a child outside of marriage?

Republicans know how to have a sex scandal with style! On those rare occasions when they are heterosexual relationships, they at least have the good sense to keep things under wraps by silently paying off the family of the love child (at least until they are attempting to impeach a Democrat, when it all comes out).

That's how the old school Republican sex scandals work, but the modern Republicans really know how to work it, with Diapers and Prostitutes, Underage Male Pages, and anonymous Mens room sex.

The Republicans have really raised the bar for what constitutes a quality Sex Scandal. The Edwards scandal really can't compete with that!

Anonymous said...

What a pile the National Enquirer has become, not to mention boring. I remember when they used to have quality non-sensical crap in there. Like the stories about the Bush breakdowns and the collapse of his marriage. What happened to that? That at least had some entertaining irony to it. Not only is this one boring, (I mean, please, another sex scandal) its objective —to attack Edwards' devotion to his marriage because his image as a strong family man is one of his likeable qualities—is obvious. Is Rove sending his tips to another outfit now? 'Cause this one's a dud.

Anonymous said...

I always buy all tabloids at the supermarket checkout line that have any mention of Bush's marriage problems, his return to drinking, etc.

Iirc, those were mainly in the GLOBE, and not in the NE at all.
