Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Word of the day: Epistemology

Hie the hither to read about how T. Boone Pickens intends to dodge John Kerry, who took him up on his million-buck challenge. I'm reminded of an old saying: Allow me to define the standards of proof, and you allow me to define reality. If I don't want to believe Assertion A, then no amount of documentation will suffice. If I do want to believe it, then the word of Petey Pothead will suffice.

As Truth2Power points out, Pickens has lied about a number of points, including whether Kerry has released his Naval records. How can one ever hope to "prove" anything to people who live in a dreamland?

This post relates to the one immediately below. Don't bother me with links: I still say that John Kerry never released his records. Don't bother me with Amnesty International reports: I still say that Israel does not torture. And don't bother pointing out that the Norwegian Blue has been nailed to its perch: I still say that it's just pining for the fjords.

And of course: Get your Kerry-hate here! The geniuses at "Democratic" Underground never stop doing the work of the Republican party.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

T.Boone reminds me of a story by my bible teacher: A man in Los Angeles offered $5000 to anyone who could prove to him that there was anything in the bible that was untrue. (This was in 1950 dollars) The key to the challenge was the phrase: "prove to him." Which of course was impossible since he was a true believer no matter what.