Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Republican Underground

Finally, someone at "Democratic" Underground says it:
Everybody here claims to hate Fox news so much, but they're more than happy to use their tactics....I see more attacks on Democrats here than I would on FauxNews.
The problem isn't just at "D"U, of course. Most "progressive" sites have become (objectively speaking) pro-Republican forums -- the worst offender being, of course, Think ProgressivePurist.

I scoff at the idea of a debate between Moulitsas and Rove. The latter supplies Republican propaganda, while the former markets it to an audience which the Rush-n-Rupert show could never hope to reach.

1 comment:

Perry Logan said...

My theory is that progressives are scared sh*tless of Republicans. Too afraid to face the real enemy, they divert their anger to their fellow Democrats. This, of course, makes them less than useless politically. If you want to destroy a candidate or a movement, just get the progressives behind it.