Thursday, November 15, 2007

A note or two on the debate...

Even Hillary Clinton has said that NAFTA was a mistake...!

I must confess, Kucinich is in better form tonight than I have ever seen him before.

Am I the only one who had a Futurama flash when Hillary announced "They're not attacking me because I'm a woman, they're attacking me because I'm a head?"

Actually, that frivolous diamonds-or-pearls question at the very end wasn't so frivolous, if you know anything about the current diamond trade.

At the risk of making myself unpopular, I like these guys. All of 'em. I know bloggers are supposed to affect a cynical, dismissive attitude toward Democratic presidential candidates, but I won't fake that.


Anonymous said...

You're supposed to have the Howard Dean attitude, "I will support the Democratic nominee." That is my stance.

AitchD said...

It was fun and dignified or vice-versa. Did I hear John Edwards say that there's no difference between the parties in power? He said the government's broken, it's under corporate control (applause!) and it won't be fixed if you "replace corporate Republicans with corporate Democrats".

I watched on my 20" 'analog' Sony Trinitron, and I noticed that when Hillary gave her "a Latino, an African American, and a woman" glass-ceiling response, she was flushed below the neck (where the paste make-up hadn't been applied). She genuinely loves this country and what the "movement of progress" has meant for her.

But didn't you want to ask the guys who talked tough about China's toxic junk how they would really deal with China since China has our $$ by the short hairs?

Joseph Cannon said...

HD, you're absolutely goddamned right on that last point. It was infuriating. No, saddening. No, it was -- it was some nameless emotion situated between fury and sadness.

Vis a vis China, these guys were all talking as though we were still in charge. And we're not.

My favorite bit of dialog in "Lawrence of Arabia" is this:

Anthony Quinn: "Does Auda serve?"

Peter O'Toole: "The servant is the one who takes the money."

US. China. Which one takes the money?