Wednesday, November 07, 2007


DEBKA, widely viewed as a Mossad front, claims that Al Qaeda will launch a "cyber attack" against American interests, starting on November 11. SC, a magazine for security professionals, takes the warning seriously.
Henry said Wednesday that the release of the Electronic Jihad Version 2.0 application means cyberterrorists could easily launch DDoS attacks against unprotected websites.

“There are people claiming that the software was has been written by a Saudi national and we don't know how many people have downloaded it,” said Henry, who provided a screenshot of the application. “Today an attack using the tool is limited to only a DDoS attack. It is not difficult to repel a basic DDoS attack, but if enough users participate, it will fill your pipe.”

Secure Computing representatives said they were notified of the threat by a U.S. Secret Service agent.
Johannes Ullrich, chief research officer of the SANS Institute, said the threat - which called for attacks to run through December in retaliation for the United States holding terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay naval base in Cuba - was posted on a Jihad forum largely populated by "kiddie hackers."

"I read over that forum where it was posted and the message basically asks everyone to attack the U.S. but it doesn't provide any specifics on how to do it," Ullrich said. "It's just basically one kid making a suggestion, an inspiration, and doesn't tell people how to do it. I wouldn't put much stake in that."

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