Sunday, September 09, 2007


Here's a book I gotta find: Dead Certain: The Presidency of George W. Bush, by Robert Draper. Bush, apparently under the impression that he was talking to a sympatico author, made some startling admissions in an interview for this book.

Dubya admits that he "cries a lot." (As have many parents of children who died in this needless war.) He also claims that he has seen "ghosts" (plural!) emerge from the bedroom bearing the name of the 16th president. If Lincoln did not extend a middle finger to his successor, he missed the opportunity of a death-time.

We also learn that Bush still thinks that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, and that the disbanding of the Iraqi army came as a surprise to him.

Here's Bush on the "vision thing":
That's what I mean by strategic thought. I don't know how you learn that. I don't think there's a moment where that happened to me. I really don't. I know you're searching for it. I know it's difficult. I do know—y'know, how do you decide, how do you learn to decide things? When you make up your mind, and you stick by it—I don't know that there's a moment, Robert. I really—You either know how to do it or you don't.
Let's hand the oval office over to the shade of Lincoln's wife. Even she would provide saner government.


Anonymous said...


To quote a good friend: "Mother of God".

This man is truly, utterly delusional. There it is, right there. Bush is beyond any notion of sanity or well, I just do not know anymore.

The sad thing about this is that in 1999-2000 this man could have been stopped. If only the mainstream media (and idiots like Alexander Cockburn) had put the screws to him instead of writing lies about Al Gore. If only Ralph Nader had been honest about Bush instead of spewing the SIBPATS rant.

If only, if only...

Well, we are locked into this nightmare of our own making. This lunatic is in the White House because we failed miserably. For that, we and the entire world are paying the price.

I don't care who the Democratic nominee is. They will get my support. I do not want 2008 to end up like 2000, but with the PPs out there, you never know...

Anonymous said...

Canonfire :
"startling" ; "admissions" .
Dear Joseph ...

Joseph Cannon said...

Hey, even I am startled -- well, a bit -- to hear that Bush thinks there really were WMDs in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

".. to hear that Bush thinks there really were WMDs in Iraq."

- so You BELIEVE what You hear- or :
are You startled about the CHUZPE these guys show and the cynisism in respect of what they guess people will take as "truth".
When Bush -in that same book- talks about what he'll do AFTER his residency, than that may be taken as a SURE hint of some event in the pipeline, that will excuse him to stay there..
What startles ME is, how much even observers like Cannonfire are taking at face value- -
(hope, I'm wrong)

Anonymous said...

In contrast to Bush's perhaps self-serving characterization of his (still enduring?) belief in the existence of Saddam's WMD, Sidney Blumenthal has recently published the contradictory claim that Bush certainly knew they did not exist, through the briefings the CIA held with Tariq Aziz, Saddam's son-in-law Kamal who had been in charge of the WMD program until they were ordered ended by Saddam after the first Guld War, other double agents in Saddam's regime, etc.

How to reconcile this difference? Is it possible that Bush simply disbelieved the insiders in favor of his preconceived notions, to which he continues to hold fast despite any and all evidence to the contrary? Sounds like our boy W all right.


Anonymous said...

"How to reconcile this difference?"
- The porpose of ALL of those un-reconcilable differences is to TIE UP peoples minds, in endless speculations. So we dont't ACT in any way.
It's a very basic mechanism of FASCI-nation.
The LACK OF consistency is what boggles (?) people's minds - not a conclusion.
Conclusion FREES peoples minds.
And that is the MOST dangerous thing for un-democratic rulers.
Think of buffer-overrun, not on Your computer, but on the -thus- never-forming collective mind.
This is how religions NATURALLY work.
This is why they hate science.
But what can they DO ?
"Staussianism begs more questions than answers."